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Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Whatever us parents dress our kids in, they'll rebel, as soon as they can, and choose their own style.
Ain't that the troof.  My son is currently demanding an afro. I am demanding not. He says I adore Hendrix so what's the problem. I say I adore Hendrix for his music not his barnet, that's the problem. He leaves the room. I frown.

Someone PLEASE tell me he'll grow out of this
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Whatever us parents dress our kids in, they'll rebel, as soon as they can, and choose their own style.
Ain't that the troof.  My son is currently demanding an afro. I am demanding not. He says I adore Hendrix so what's the problem. I say I adore Hendrix for his music not his barnet, that's the problem. He leaves the room. I frown.

Someone PLEASE tell me he'll grow out of this
TBH Karma I'd let him go for it,you'll probably find he'll get bored/impatient while waiting for it to grow,I actually like a fro,much nicer than those shaved  domes a lot of younguns have.
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Ain't that the troof.  My son is currently demanding an afro. I am demanding not. He says I adore Hendrix so what's the problem. I say I adore Hendrix for his music not his barnet, that's the problem. He leaves the room. I frown.

Someone PLEASE tell me he'll grow out of this
 Tell him you actually love it and would love him to look like...

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Whatever us parents dress our kids in, they'll rebel, as soon as they can, and choose their own style.
Ain't that the troof.  My son is currently demanding an afro. I am demanding not. He says I adore Hendrix so what's the problem. I say I adore Hendrix for his music not his barnet, that's the problem. He leaves the room. I frown.

Someone PLEASE tell me he'll grow out of this
That was a really confusing crossing of posts there I reckon Karms!  

But he will grow out of it, or it will grow him out of it!  Let him be... he's found a way to rebel and a reason to argue it. He'll soon find how bloody difficult it is to deal with every day to maintain the level of grooming he thinks will cut it with his friends. Sleeping will take over from the time he might think he needs to spend on his haircut! 
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
I actually like a fro,much nicer than those shaved head domes a lot of younguns have.
Oh dear, he has a no.1 fade

He hasn't got the right hair for a fro cos he's such a mix, it would look more like Leo Sayer circa 1978 but he doesn't seem to understand this.

Xochi x
The fade is fine,I mean the all over shaved bare business,for that imo they need to have a *nice* shaped head if that makes sense.Any road he wants to go from one extreme to another obviously,say nothing,you push one way he'll push the other,it'll be down to him to try and manage the hair and if it doesn't quite suit him you know youngun's he'll get flack which will result in a quick run to the barbers.My hair is really curly which my sons all inherited,my youngest has the darkest hair,almost black,and rolls his eyes at the childhood pics when he was around 1 1/2 or 2 when according to him he was sporting a fro.
Karma - my Mum used to say with regard to kids "choose your battles". It was the best advice on parenting I ever had.
My elder son at 14 wanted blue hair and his nose pierced. I checked with the school that they didn't mind and as they didn't I told him ok. Even went with him when he got the nose pierced.
Within 6-8 weeks he'd taken out the nose stud and shaved his hair off to get rid of the blue parts. If I'd have refused to let him have it done we would have had drama for months
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Karma - my Mum used to say with regard to kids "choose your battles". It was the best advice on parenting I ever had.
My elder son at 14 wanted blue hair and his nose pierced. I checked with the school that they didn't mind and as they didn't I told him ok. Even went with him when he got the nose pierced.
Within 6-8 weeks he'd taken out the nose stud and shaved his hair off to get rid of the blue parts. If I'd have refused to let him have it done we would have had drama for months
*nods*  Morning Veggie

When my youngest was 16 she was dead set on having her lip pierced. So I did not do ( as her father did) shout, and threaten to disinherit her.
Instead I used the subtle approach - asked her if she had considered the risks - pain, infection etc 
Also pointed out the lips had many nerve endings and that they are very sensitive and it may be quite uncomfortable.

At no time did I give my personal view which is UGHHHHH ugly!!! Neither did I say "why do you want to disfigure such a beautiful mouth?

So she had a think and had her tragus done instead.

Had I had said NO then I think she would have done it anyway cos she is her mothers daughter...
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

My elder son at 14 wanted blue hair and his nose pierced. I checked with the school that they didn't mind and as they didn't I told him ok.
Lucky sod!!!

I got sent home from school for having blue (ish - it was bleached, blue, and greeny black - nice!) hair!   And not allowed back until it was a more natural (hahaha) colour.

LIkewise daughter got told to tone down her hair colour both in secondary school & now in sixth form.   Hers was not that outrageous... it was the Schwarzkopf Live Extreme Red Passion colour...
Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL Red Passion R43

I've always thought it would be better to let them get all that out of their system whilst still at school, rather than waiting til in will then inhibit them getting a job.
Hi Issy, yep the worst thing you can do with a teenager is a flat out "I'm telling you No and you will obey as I'm your mother" it's like a red rag to a bull. Course there are times when you have to lay down the law but it's better to give reasons and let them think they have an input into the decision

Ditty - it wasn't quite as straightforward as them just saying yes. They weren't keen but I pointed out that most of the Asian girls had pierced noses and plenty of the girls had hair that was died in some way so for them to refuse to allow Davon the same privilege would be both racist and sexist!!
They did concede that blue was ok as it was one of the school colours
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

They did concede that blue was ok as it was one of the school colours


I wish I'd thought of that..   our school colours were black, white and purple.  No one wore purple... most of us wore all black.   But I could have lived with having purple hair!

I did use the reasoning that Asian girls & women routinely wore a nose stud on my bosses at work when I got my nose pierced...
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
sandra, madamski, auntie fester, I hope you can see that most people were trying to stop you worrying. 

I said on page 1 that it sounded like one of my friends (not the goth clothing, but the language) and it does.
But there was nothing sinister in how she spoke about her kids, just very ripe language, but in an affectionate way. She's a Grandmother now and would probably be the same as you in her reactions! 

None of us know your daughter in law and it sounds like you haven't really got to know her yet, but, as others have said, wait until the baby is born and try not to judge her too harshly. If she loves the baby, it will be obvious and reassure you.

You really can't control what she dresses the baby in and neither should you. Whatever us parents dress our kids in, they'll rebel, as soon as they can, and choose their own style. Personally, I hated 'girlie' clothing and would never have chosen pink stuff for my kids. However, I also hate shopping and dressed them in whatever presents they were given, and having a MIL who'd only had boys and was desperate to buy stuff for granddaughters, there were loads of 'girly' babygrows given to them. I realised that it didn't matter what I liked and that they would choose what they wanted to wear soon enough. I did put my baby sons in the hand-me-down pink babygrows, though, just to balance things out!  
fankoo ........ but that sums it up for me , i'll need to give her time  ............   i have found out tho it is very hard to leave here 
Originally Posted by sandra:
i tried my best to  de-install  myself here   there was not an option . i find myself being very  paranoid and instead of letting off steam i feel terrible  speaking bout ma sons wife , i feel bad , BTW  how do you delete ??       i tried every known way to me
I ain't telling you! 

Even if I did know. 


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