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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
The Nike trainers were good for their feet though..   arch support & everything.

And..  I bought them in a shoe shop, where they were sold alongside Clarks, & Startrite etc..   and I did get her feet measured by the shop assistant.

I didn't get a certificate though, which is probably just as well, daughter was showing me her folder full of certificates the other day, GCSE's, Army Cadet Awards, other various stuff...   I took it from her to have a proper look, and at the front were her Pool Frog 1 & 2 ertificates and a certificate for good playground behaviour which she got in primary school!
Oh blimey Ditty that was no way a criticism..

I know Nike are good cos my younger one had to have some for her gym class and yes they do measure.

I was just reminiscing about the patent leather really..
Originally Posted by Ducky:

You goths really should try harder to be grumpy old have a reputation to uphold you know.
Thing is...  I don't think any of us are actually goth!

Its just us loving seeing clothes for babies that are more to our tastes.  

I had a bit of an ear thing going on when the boy was a baby..   anything with ears on it..   hats, hoodies..   cats ears, teddy bear ears..  

poor boy!
Originally Posted by Ducky:
I've read this thread from the beginning and I find it mildly interesting that those with a tendancy towards the gothic are revelling in the enjoyment of sharing their tastes in a very jolly and uplifting way, and have turned a slightly depressing thread into something much more fun.  

You goths really should try harder to be grumpy old have a reputation to uphold you know.
My contribution was baby cons, uggs and tattoo-artist designed clothing. I'm not sure where I fit in
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I had a bit of an ear thing going on when the boy was a baby..   anything with ears on it..   hats, hoodies..   cats ears, teddy bear ears..  

poor boy!
Now I'm the total opposite...i HATE any baby/childrens clothes with ears....I made it well known though so I only got bought one 'ear' thing...which went straight to my sister for her baby.
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Ditty, sorry, I didn't mean to attack anything, just going by my mother who told me so many things which were right, that I couldn't ignore anything.
Oh, I didn't think you were attacking anything.    I just wanted to say that the little baby Nikes were good healthy footwear for babies.  My Mum was all "OMG...  trainers..  you will ruin her feet!"    But it just wasn't true.    

Looking back now I have to wonder why I bothered though..    as I see her cramming her feet into 6 inch heels!

I keep telling her..    "you'll get a bunion... & then it will be hush puppies and nothing else for you"
Originally Posted by Karma_:
The newborn Nikes had no kind of arch support, they were as soft and as wide as baby bootees, his feet were not squashed in any way. I like fashion and designer stuff but not to the point where I'd squash my child's feet into shoes that would damage them
Ah... Ickles must have been bigger than those then.    Hers were proper trainers.   

Prior to that I did try the bootee thing (but not knitted), but gave up cos one would always go missing.

I bought her some Daisy Roots soft leather bootees things
Originally Posted by Karma_:
The newborn Nikes had no kind of arch support, they were as soft and as wide as baby bootees, his feet were not squashed in any way. I like fashion and designer stuff but not to the point where I'd squash my child's feet into shoes that would damage them
like the baby cons, all soft and bootie like

ahhhhh, almost worth having a kid for
Originally Posted by Issy:
My girls had Clarks cos you had to get their feet measured properly and I got a certificate and everything
They still do that Issy.All my kids wore Clarks and my grandsons are the same,Clarks and Start-Rite are the only options when it comes to correctly fitting width shoes,my kids wore a GG which has now been replaced with a H which my grandsons wear.They all had little cute Pram shoes but once they were weight bearing or walking feet measured for correctly fitting shoes.
Auntie Fester I have to say I don't know what to make of your DiL tbh,perhaps bite your lip for the time being but if it continues have a word with your son,it is his baby as well ,see if he's a problem with what she's been saying.
I think its all a difference of an opinion.

My opinion being its fine to dress your baby as you see fit, as long as its safe and comfortable.
Stuff what anyone else thinks.

If my daughter was calling her unborn baby names such as cowbag, i would not be offended, but inquisitive and ask her how she came about it.
 Its more important the mother to be feels she can confide in people, for whatever outlet she may need. And if she has a mother/in law/ whatever adult she can feel comfortable with to talk too, where she does not feel disapproval, it can only benefit everyone concerned.

The last thing you would want is to alienate the pregnant young mum to be, by harbouring disapproval, voicing controlling attitudes.  This will result in rejection or rebellion.
Ev (Peachy)
Excellent post Eve!

Re the shoes part of the discussion. My two only ever had Clarks or StartRite and didn't have a pair of shoes until they had been walking for at least 6 weeks which is what all the experts advise. My younger son had foot problems and never had a pair of shoes until he was 18 months as we had to wait that long for him to see a specialist, then he had to have inserts in his shoes to correct his problem (Billy Bendy Toe we used to call it)

My son and DIL are exactly the same with my grandson who is 2 and will be like that with the new one.They either wear socks or booties until then, nothing rigid - I hand knit a lot for both my grandsons so my DIL can choose what styles and colours she wants for them.  The booties are quite modern - no ribbons just fold back cuffs or a strap with poppers. They have spots, stripes, stars etc so look modern
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
The newborn Nikes had no kind of arch support, they were as soft and as wide as baby bootees, his feet were not squashed in any way. I like fashion and designer stuff but not to the point where I'd squash my child's feet into shoes that would damage them
Ah... Ickles must have been bigger than those then.    Hers were proper trainers.   

Prior to that I did try the bootee thing (but not knitted), but gave up cos one would always go missing.

I bought her some Daisy Roots soft leather bootees things

When K started walking he had Clarks shoes (he had mahooosive feet and still does - he's an adult size 12) and has always had good trainers. If the trainers are leather and well made with air holes then they're just as healthy as well made shoes.
mother n babe are fine  , its  me that maybe taking it the wrong way  , Scottish Flag but lurrvin these  tee hee  i suppose i need to put up and shut up lol , but coz av got a grandson i was sooo looking forward to getting girlie things   i'm gonny see my son in june (yeeeha)  and ma wee baba  ........ canny wait , but wish she was called talullah lol thats what my maw called me 
sandra, madamski, auntie fester, I hope you can see that most people were trying to stop you worrying. 

I said on page 1 that it sounded like one of my friends (not the goth clothing, but the language) and it does.
But there was nothing sinister in how she spoke about her kids, just very ripe language, but in an affectionate way. She's a Grandmother now and would probably be the same as you in her reactions! 

None of us know your daughter in law and it sounds like you haven't really got to know her yet, but, as others have said, wait until the baby is born and try not to judge her too harshly. If she loves the baby, it will be obvious and reassure you.

You really can't control what she dresses the baby in and neither should you. Whatever us parents dress our kids in, they'll rebel, as soon as they can, and choose their own style. Personally, I hated 'girlie' clothing and would never have chosen pink stuff for my kids. However, I also hate shopping and dressed them in whatever presents they were given, and having a MIL who'd only had boys and was desperate to buy stuff for granddaughters, there were loads of 'girly' babygrows given to them. I realised that it didn't matter what I liked and that they would choose what they wanted to wear soon enough. I did put my baby sons in the hand-me-down pink babygrows, though, just to balance things out!  

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