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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Doesn't anybody dress babies in nice pastel colours any more?
Seemingly not 
I'm starting to feel like a dinosaur.
Well so I am I but I don't care - babies are not babies for long and they need to look comfortable, feel comfortable and not be an extension of their parents need to be different..

IMO of course
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Nooooooo! I might not have been able to find much in the way of gothy or black clothes when Growly Jnr was little, but I never dressed her is pastel girly colours. 
Why not, Growly?
My mum dressed me in pale blue when I was young because it suited my colouring, so I don't mean for little girls to be dressed in Barbie pink, but what's wrong with pastel shades?
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Doesn't anybody dress babies in nice pastel colours any more?
Seemingly not 
I'm starting to feel like a dinosaur.
Well so I am I but I don't care - babies are not babies for long and they need to look comfortable, feel comfortable and not be an extension of their parents need to be different..

IMO of course
Well so I am I but I don't care - babies are not babies for long and they need to look comfortable, feel comfortable and not be an extension of their parents need to be different..

IMO of course
 WELL SAID ISSY! 100% agree!    I just don't know what people are trying to prove by dressing their little baby is goth or punk or slash metal or goth or clothes.  IMO it just looks tacky ... and a bit chavvy. 
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I prefer babies to look like 'babies' not mini adults, particularly newborns.....don't mind some of the stuff on here for slightly older ones, but hate the stuff with the 'adult' slogans
Yay Cali

How are you?I haven't seen you for a while but on the other hand I have not been around much
I never dressed mine in pastel colours..   that didn't mean they weren't comfortable.   Its not so much that they are extension of their parents...  its down to personal taste.    

My ex bought our son a West Ham babygro...    I tolerated it!  

That was the only concession though, they were my babies, it was my prerogative to chose the style & colour of the clothes I dressed them in.
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
I agree that babies should feel comfortable.  I wouldnt agree thta Growly Jnr was an extension of me - I'm not at all gothy, and as Olly intimated earlier, I'm quite partial to a nice floral ensemble  But I just think babies look really cute in unusual gothy-type clothes.

No Growly you have ruined the whole thing now. I have a picture of you in a nice flowery ensemble with a goth baby in a pram...
Originally Posted by Issy:
Well so I am I but I don't care - babies are not babies for long and they need to look comfortable, feel comfortable and not be an extension of their parents need to be different..

IMO of course
You could also switch that around to say they shouldn;t be an extension of their parents need to conform.

Whilst i didn't do the black thing when mine were little i did try to avoid all the pastel washed out stuff....mine got dressed in as bright as I could find....all (boys and girl) wore lots of red..
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Just so we all know - it is the skull teeshirts I have the real problem with and the alluding to hell
Assuming you believe in hell
Thats a good point Ditty cos I was having a little self analytical session to myself about all this when I logged on.. ( as you do) and I thought maybe that is the problem . 

It is complicated....I don't believe in hell now but I was brought up believing in it. Therefore old habits die hard,

It just doesn't seem right to me
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
I like babies to look like babies, love hand knitted cardies and hats etc. Saw a newborn the other day with jeans and tiny trainers on, i thought...oh groan
oh teeny tiny baby converse are just the cutest thing ever Followed by little Uggs... I saw a toddler girl in uggs once, very cute

The first shoes K had on his feet at 5 days old were baby Nikes (from AMERICA MAY I ADD). I've still got 'em
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
I like babies to look like babies, love hand knitted cardies and hats etc. Saw a newborn the other day with jeans and tiny trainers on, i thought...oh groan
oh teeny tiny baby converse are just the cutest thing ever Followed by little Uggs... I saw a toddler girl in uggs once, very cute

The first shoes K had on his feet at 5 days old were baby Nikes (from AMERICA MAY I ADD). I've still got 'em
No knitted bootees for K then?
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
  I'm not at all gothy, and as Olly intimated earlier, I'm quite partial to a nice floral ensemble
Where's the pics?
Never mind the florals....just don't ask her about shoes!!!
What about the shoes?
She is very lucky I lost the photographic evidence in an old phone!

Think plastic!

Whatever you put babies in, they have no say in it, so it might be better to be a bit mainstream. I realised early on that my daughter was a tomboy (she didn't suit pink ), so she got dressed in litle jeans, corderoy jackets and checkered shirts. Thing is, when she turned 3, I had a bit of a try to put her into a dress, but she'd been manipulated too much by then. She's a tomboy to this day.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
  I'm not at all gothy, and as Olly intimated earlier, I'm quite partial to a nice floral ensemble
Where's the pics?
Never mind the florals....just don't ask her about shoes!!!
What about the shoes?
She is very lucky I lost the photographic evidence in an old phone!

Think plastic!
No, scented rubber
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
  I'm not at all gothy, and as Olly intimated earlier, I'm quite partial to a nice floral ensemble
Where's the pics?
Never mind the florals....just don't ask her about shoes!!!
What about the shoes?
She is very lucky I lost the photographic evidence in an old phone!

Think plastic!
No, scented rubber
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
  I'm not at all gothy, and as Olly intimated earlier, I'm quite partial to a nice floral ensemble
Where's the pics?
Never mind the florals....just don't ask her about shoes!!!
What about the shoes?
She is very lucky I lost the photographic evidence in an old phone!

Think plastic!
No, scented rubber
She says scented...i took her word for it...there was no way i was going to sniff her feet in the pub!
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
My children never had any shoes on their feet until they made some noise about wanting to walk. I was always weary about messing up their feet. When they were walking, I'd take their little shoes off immediatly they were fed up and sat down.
I was like that Cologne - it was drummed into me to not buy shoes till they were walking and  then take tjem off as soon as they stopped.
I also got their feet remeasured every 3 months and only brought clarks and start rite.
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
My children never had any shoes on their feet until they made some noise about wanting to walk. I was always weary about messing up their feet. When they were walking, I'd take their little shoes off immediatly they were fed up and sat down.
I was like that Cologne - it was drummed into me to not buy shoes till they were walking and  then take tjem off as soon as they stopped.
I also got their feet remeasured every 3 months and only brought clarks and start rite.
That's what I did, too.
Originally Posted by Croc:
You could also switch that around to say they shouldn;t be an extension of their parents need to conform.

Whoa Croc.....I was just about to post the exact same thing! Good job I had a quick read of the rest of the thread first.

I believe in free choice.....and that neither pastels nor black have any moral high ground over the other. My boy was "forced" to wear pretty pastel blue, cos that's what I liked..... he had no say it...... I can't see much difference in the situation if they are "forced" to wear black.

I've read this thread from the beginning and I find it mildly interesting that those with a tendancy towards the gothic are revelling in the enjoyment of sharing their tastes in a very jolly and uplifting way, and have turned a slightly depressing thread into something much more fun.

You goths really should try harder to be grumpy old have a reputation to uphold you know.
The Nike trainers were good for their feet though..   arch support & everything.

And..  I bought them in a shoe shop, where they were sold alongside Clarks, & Startrite etc..   and I did get her feet measured by the shop assistant.

I didn't get a certificate though, which is probably just as well, daughter was showing me her folder full of certificates the other day, GCSE's, Army Cadet Awards, other various stuff...   I took it from her to have a proper look, and at the front were her Pool Frog 1 & 2 ertificates and a certificate for good playground behaviour which she got in primary school!

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