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Originally Posted by auntie fester:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Folk post a load of crap on facebook etc.Most of it is not literal,just for "effect"  I doubt your daugher in law will take a knife to herself..etc.
och a no wizny literal  .........  was way it wz said lol   i'm feelin aw maternal 
|Aww hen...then dinny worry!
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Babys should not wear skulls 

I am rebelling... this is better
No, I would much prefer the skulls to bunnies
Ah but would baby if you`re holding them up to the mirror?  
I doubt that a baby would know any different  At 3 months, I don'tt hink my daughter could have expressed a preference or distinguished between an image of a skull or a bunny.
I'd love to see peoples faces if you took your bairn out in a Motorhead t shirt    Don't see much wrong with dressing them in rock t shirts or Beatles babygros now and again, but dressing them in things with bunnies and disney  on sometimes is good too, they are babies after all.  Whats more, I have seen goths with babies, (and punks/rockers) and they almost always have them dressed in regular baby clothes...  not 'goth' clothes.  Its like if you're a veggie, you should never force your child to not have meat.  Don't impose your views and styles on your young; let them make up their own minds.. 

re the calling your baby cowbag or shitbag or whatever, that seems a bit rude towards the baby, but maybe she is sick of being pregnant and I am sure she doesn't mean anything nasty. Only you know what she is like deep down auntie fester.  But you have every right to not be happy about it.  But it is her child and unfortunately it won't be up to you what the woman dresses her in, or what 'pet names' she calls her.  All you can do, if it carries on and the names get worse, is have a word with your son and say it's making you feel uneasy. 

The wanting to cut the baby out with a knife is pretty weird though.  And a tad worrying.  Obv she didnt mean it literally (I hope!) but its an strange thing to say.  Hope all goes well.  It must be really hard wheh you have grandchildren and you have issues with your child's partner.  Should you say anything: should you not? 
not being a mum and therefore never gonna be a grandma I dunno if I am qualified to comment. .but I will anyway..

I think I'd only start worrying if the name cowbag was the chosen name for the birth certificate.  other than that I'd say  tis her bump [not officially a grandchild til born] so I reckon she's entitled to call it whatever she wants.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Oh a knitted butternut squash would be wonderful!      I wouldn't mind a nice knitted fruit salad as well?

i don't mind kitty sitting for Jnr when she is older, but not baby sitting.  Not for all the floral ensembles in Bluewater

send me the knitting patterns and I'll get started on the Squash.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
surely it doesn't matter if a baby is dressed in a skull t shirt as long as he or she is loved and cared for?.....
Its  not how much they are loved - that is not the issue Spongey.

I just personally cannot see why you would want to put an innocent little baby into an item of clothing that symbolises death. That has got nothing to do with how much you love them - it just seems such an odd thing to do.

But that is only my ( minority) opinion.
I just think it looks rank quite frankly.
If the child wants to dress like a goth when they are old enough then that is their choice.
Originally Posted by Croc:
Originally Posted by Issy:

If the child wants to dress like a goth when they are old enough then that is their choice.
I would find dressing a kid like that far less offensive than baptising them into a religion that they have no choice in, or imposing vegetariansism or something like that on them.
And I agree with you there as well.

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