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Is there some Scottish objection to the word cowbag? I only ask as it looks like most of the fms who are askance at it are Scottish.
I'm asking seriously btw not having a dig before anyone thinks I am. In London the word is the sort of word you would say to a mate almost as a - well not term of endearment exactly - but you would use it with mates without them taking offence.
You wouldn't use it as an insult if you were having an argument with someone - not in London anyway
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
What about bitch?

Where is your line with your DIL?
Unless cowbag has a meaning that I'm not aware of, I think the two names are different. Whilst I wouldn't have called Growly Jnr a bitch, if she chose to call her own unborn baby a name like that, it would be none of my business.  I think there's also a very big difference between giving your bump a name, w hich others may or may not think is wrong, and calling a baby or child by anything that is not it's name, or an accepted term of endearment.
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I'm curious as to why you would see it as being worse to call a baby a cowbag than an adult? 

Babies are innocents and cannot answer back I would say is a good enough reason.
Sorry Growly, I had to go and pick up my son from the station. I agree with Issy's reply.
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Ah ok thanks Yogi. See I would raise my eyebrows if this woman was describing someone elses baby or bump in that way - but then it would be none of my business if the parents of the child saw nothing wrong in it.
No probs, Veggie.
I've asked my English hubby how he would use the word cowbag and he said it wouldn't be in a jokey way, it would be used to describe someone he didn't like - but he's a northener.
Somebody where I work is heavily pregnant and calls her bump 'Alien' .. as in John Hurt's touch of indigestion in the Film... but it is not said with any hint of malice. Strikes me that carrying the thing around for nine months is effort enough if you can't make a joke about it .. OP might be reading too much into this 

Do I have to say .. IMO?

Originally Posted by Scotty:
What a load of puff!  

If it really was your DIL - you`d be having bloody kittens!  
If that's aimed at me, I don't have a DIL and there is no chance that I will ever have one.  But if it was my daughter, then it really wouldn't bother me.  If she was pregnant, once I'd got over the shock and horror, I would be out scouring Camden Market for gothy little baby clothes, and really wouldn't care what she chose to call her foetus.
I am an old fashioned sort of person and think that babies and children should have comfortable clothes that are easy to wash and feel soft to the skin, They should also be made to the highest safety standards.

So whether it is goth, or metallica teeshirts or haute couture, my child's comfort would come first, not what they looked like.
Originally Posted by Issy:
I am an old fashioned sort of person and think that babies and children should have comfortable clothes that are easy to wash and feel soft to the skin, They should also be made to the highest safety standards.

So whether it is goth, or metallica teeshirts or haute couture, my child's comfort would come first, not what they looked like.
Yes, I have to agree with you that this is really importnat, Issy.  I would just spend that bit longer looking for black and gothy clothes that would meet those criteria
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Issy:
I am an old fashioned sort of person and think that babies and children should have comfortable clothes that are easy to wash and feel soft to the skin, They should also be made to the highest safety standards.

So whether it is goth, or metallica teeshirts or haute couture, my child's comfort would come first, not what they looked like.
Yes, I have to agree with you that this is really importnat, Issy.  I would just spend that bit longer looking for black and gothy clothes that would meet those criteria
I have to know.... if you find any can you somehow get a photo cos I would love to see baby goth clothes 
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
What a load of puff!  

If it really was your DIL - you`d be having bloody kittens!  
If that's aimed at me, I don't have a DIL and there is no chance that I will ever have one.  But if it was my daughter, then it really wouldn't bother me.  If she was pregnant, once I'd got over the shock and horror, I would be out scouring Camden Market for gothy little baby clothes, and really wouldn't care what she chose to call her foetus.
Not aimed at you Growly - general to the discussion. 

I don`t have a daughter or dil either. If I did I wouldn`t tell her how to dress her baby. I might have my thoughts ( ) but I wouldn`t say a thing but if she called her unborn child names like that in front of me, I`d say my piece and she`d know it.
Last edited by Scotty
omg  i really didn't mean to open such a big can of worms ( i'm scared to come in here now ) i'm not good with words  and don't express myself well , but it is just my thinking that my grandaughter would be my princess or ma wee angel etc etc , it just shocks me the way she casually calls her cowbag   which in answer to some maybe scot's do take an offence to , thanks to velvet donkey , scotty , yogi and cupcake who i assume know where i'm coming from , when the baby is here her real name will be violet ,  anyway thank you all for your replies 
Originally Posted by auntie fester:
omg  i really didn't mean to open such a big can of worms ( i'm scared to come in here now ) i'm not good with words  and don't express myself well , but it is just my thinking that my grandaughter would be my princess or ma wee angel etc etc , it just shocks me the way she casually calls her cowbag   which in answer to some maybe scot's do take an offence to , thanks to velvet donkey , scotty , yogi and cupcake who i assume know where i'm coming from , when the baby is here her real name will be violet ,  anyway thank you all for your replies 
Aww, I have a Violet, good luck with it all Granny Fester 

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