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Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Peter, what reason did they give you for the non run on of HB? You qualified I'm sure


Sorry Aimee but don't know anything about the way they deal with tax credits and so on now. Hope you get it sorted

Reading all the info through it looks like i will have some of my tax credits cut  Aimee has done over 24 hrs this week so i'll have too tell the tax credit people, it makes me so mad, they have stopped EMA and she has gone out and got a job (on a very low wage) and i'll get money stopped for it and they say kid's don't try, she has and i get punished for it 

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Peter, what reason did they give you for the non run on of HB? You qualified I'm sure


It's because I had to sign off JSA to go to Japan, Veggie. Even though they count it as me being at the same stage of signing when I signed back on, I don't get run-on because I didn't have 26 weeks' continuous claim for JSA. If I'd known this was going to happen, I'd have signed up for Tax Credits before I went on holiday


For crying out loud Peter. bloody jobsworths. I thought you had been on JSA continuously. Is there any chance in you appealing it? I would just say that you had to go to Japan then as your partners father's health was precarious and he was having an operation,


Aimee, it really makes me angry. My kids (like mini Aims) came from a home where they were raised right and did what kids are supposed to do and they also got penalised at every turn.


I have finally been awarded a small amount of DLA five years later and 3 failed applications after I should have been awarded it. The only reason I got it now was a lady in the CAB came to see me and filled in the form with me. I would suggest to both of you (Peter and Aimee) that you speak to someone in the CAB. Ask if they have a specialist benefit advisor. There is usually one for a group of CAB's. You need someone who knows the system to guide you through.

Good luck both of you xx


Aimee you will not lose any money due to your daughter working more than 24 hours a couple of weeks....because its based on how many hours are usually if she does 30 for two weeks but then does ten for six weeks then the amount usually worked is 13 and a bit hours (the average) the odd week at over 24 hours hours is neither here nor there cos she will usually work much less and don't even bother telling them cos it'll confuse matters.


She is in full time education and that is all that counts. Her earnings don't even come into it.

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Aimee you will not lose any money due to your daughter working more than 24 hours a couple of weeks....because its based on how many hours are usually if she does 30 for two weeks but then does ten for six weeks then the amount usually worked is 13 and a bit hours (the average) the odd week at over 24 hours hours is neither here nor there cos she will usually work much less and don't even bother telling them cos it'll confuse matters.


She is in full time education and that is all that counts. Her earnings don't even come into it.

I was wondering if that was the case, thanks croc  i didn't know wether to tell them and then it get all confusing as she won't work as much when college starts or say nothing and get into trouble with them


No what is sayd about kids 16 and over is...


If your child is aged 16 to 19 and in full-time education

If your child is aged 16 but under the age of 20, you can still get Child Tax Credit as long as they're in certain types of full-time education.

Usually this will be in a school or college, studying for qualifications like:

  • A levels
  • Scottish Highers
  • NVQ at Level 3

You won't be able to get Child Tax Credit if your child's education is:

  • provided by their employer
  • provided through any office they hold - for example if your child has an official role such as cout leader or councillor, and the education is provided as part of that role
  • an advanced course at higher education level, such as a degree

Full-time' means they're taught or supervised for more than an average of 12 hours a week.


Re Work....


If your child starts work or goes on benefits

Your Child Tax Credit payments will stop straightaway if one of the following applies:

  • your child leaves full-time education or approved training, works 24 hours or more a week and gets paid
  • your child starts getting benefits or tax credits

But your payments can continue if your child works and stays in full-time education or approved training. For this to happen, the education or training needs to meet the conditions explained in the first two sections above.



So all the time she is in education, up to the age of 20 whatever part time work she does doesn't come into it...if you phone the tax credit poeple to renew it for her as she is still in education all they'll ask id the name of where she is going, if its more than 12 hours. They won;t even ask about any work she might do cos its not relevant.



Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

So what is your daughter off to college to do? (You've probably said at some point, but I've forgotten.)

Btec extended sports diploma too hopefully go on too uni too be a sports teacher 

That sounds great. I hope she succeeds with that. I can see it being very fulfilling.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Not good but I don't thinkanyone is entitled to paid breaks, just breaks

Over a certain amount of hours worked - I thought it was compulsory to pay workers on a break. Our workers over more than five hours get a paid break and food provided. Actually even if they've only worked three or four hours they get food ...............what's more their parents get discount anytime.

I'm sure that the Employer has to give workers a break for every 4 hours worked...and, as she is so young and not earning much...I'm not sure she should be paying tax at all....very odd......


When I worked for Morrisons there were rules that we had to take lunch breaks and breaks and weren't allowed to work through without them....

The Devil In Diamante
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

For crying out loud Peter. bloody jobsworths. I thought you had been on JSA continuously. Is there any chance in you appealing it? I would just say that you had to go to Japan then as your partners father's health was precarious and he was having an operation,

Well there's a chance that the council may decide to continue my Housing Benefit, especially since I should still be entitled to it on Tax Credits. I'll see what happens, but I will consider appealing if it doesn't go my way.


Well the Tax Credits have come through - a little less than I was expecting but I can't complain. What's still worrying me is the Housing Benefit, expecially since this is the largest part of my benefit. So far they've continued paying it, but I have to let them know how much Tax Credit i'm getting, and apparently that could reduce my HB. Fingers crossed it's not by a lot!


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