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I like Bea... Yes i can see that she's a bit of a busybody and sticks her nose in places where maybe she shouldn't BUT she has the cahoonies to stand up and speak her mind where many others choose to sulk, ignore, or bitch about it in the DR.

Bea says it like it is, I've seen a bit more on BBLB where she called Noirin a few choice names and to be fair to her, its nothing most of us on here haven't said about her is it?! Razzer

There is a part of me that wishes i was a bit more like Bea, i have a tendency to be a tad two-faced (i try not to but its hard!!!) and do wish i was a bit more forthright and just come out and say whats on my mind like she does..

So there you have it.. i am not gonna join a fanclub about it but just thought I'd let you all know.. I suppose the question now is... who is still my friend? Thumbs Up

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Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I like Bea... Yes i can see that she's a bit of a busybody and sticks her nose in places where maybe she shouldn't BUT she has the cahoonies to stand up and speak her mind where many others choose to sulk, ignore, or bitch about it in the DR.

Bea says it like it is, I've seen a bit more on BBLB where she called Noirin a few choice names and to be fair to her, its nothing most of us on here haven't said about her is it?! Razzer

There is a part of me that wishes i was a bit more like Bea, i have a tendency to be a tad two-faced (i try not to but its hard!!!) and do wish i was a bit more forthright and just come out and say whats on my mind like she does..

So there you have it.. i am not gonna join a fanclub about it but just thought I'd let you all know.. I suppose the question now is... who is still my friend? Thumbs Up

You're not alone. I didn't like her when she was a pretend hippy...Now she's dropped the act, I really like her. I think she's a mixer, a bitch a good friend a bad enemy, a minx, and all round watchable HM.

still loved it when she put Siavash's boxers in Noirin's bed the night Issac arrived....
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
I would much rather have a friend like Bea, true, honest and upfront, than someone who would tell me to my face I look good, but, behind my back I look bad. Angel

Plus she would probably have enough respect not to try and steal your boyfriend, unlike someone else in that house IMO!!

I like her, and the fact she couldn't let things go unsaid with Noirin.
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Originally posted by cup:
I cannot stand her

she will bring fred down and all who sail in her

she has been best newbie ever in terms of show though

She is up her own ass big time and superior stance i cannot stand,nothing to do with the bitchy liar she is

big bea in cell block H she should apply

When did she tell a lie??? Confused

Last night she went to diary room and said noirin was a fake over siavash and couldnt give a toss about him

later on she told noirin i thought you really liked siavash him i seen a chemistry there,when confronted by issac this was her reason for butting in on the situation
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I like Bea... Yes i can see that she's a bit of a busybody and sticks her nose in places where maybe she shouldn't BUT she has the cahoonies to stand up and speak her mind where many others choose to sulk, ignore, or bitch about it in the DR.

Bea says it like it is, I've seen a bit more on BBLB where she called Noirin a few choice names and to be fair to her, its nothing most of us on here haven't said about her is it?! Razzer

There is a part of me that wishes i was a bit more like Bea, i have a tendency to be a tad two-faced (i try not to but its hard!!!) and do wish i was a bit more forthright and just come out and say whats on my mind like she does..

So there you have it.. i am not gonna join a fanclub about it but just thought I'd let you all know.. I suppose the questi

on now is... who is still my friend? Thumbs Up

I agree with you totally but I sense the anti Bea tide growing and am feeling a bit scared to admit it as they will take you to task on it BIG TIME. Ninja so *whispers* I'm with ya!

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