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must be a thrill for coleen nolan and husband ray - oh and her boys - not forgetting her brother in law - and her sister's fiance as p.a. -

yeah must be a thrill to be on the stage with three great talents like those household names bernie,linda and maureen

what fantastic voices they have and have you seen them dance - pause - badly

lulu anastasia chaka chan must be quivering in their heels
Well said Edwardian Lil, you speak the truth!

I can't stomach Coleen Nolan and her constant wittering about 'My Ray' & Shane Junior and her size (drumroll) '12' figure.  

I can never fathom why she is on tv . Shes a complete and utter irritant and her treatment of Anne is truly appalling. If I got a ticket for free to see the Nolans I wouldn't go.
In the 80s, I used to think the Nolans were a fairly affable bunch, with some half decent pop songs; although to be fair, they had only one big hit that I can remember.  I have seen them perform live and they were pretty OK.  In Blackpool it was, quite a number of years ago; maybe 1990...  However, they ain't no Abba.  They are an end-of-the-pier act IMO. 

SO, I phoned up to see how much the concert tickets were for this year, in Wolverhampton, as I thought 'why not, should be a and hubby can go...'  NEARLY FORTY QUID EACH!  I don't think so Sonny Jim!  I only paid ÂĢ20 for Fallout Boy and I am only paying ÂĢ22 for Paramore in December (sorry if you aren't familiar with them, but they are quite successful American rock bands who fill concert arenas in five minutes flat, and they charge HALF of what the Nolans charge!)

I used to like Colleen, but like a lot of people, am fast going off her.  I feel she has got too big for her boots, and that sarcastic, 'trying to funny and cheeky' kind of attitude that she has has gone sour and cold.  On family fortunes the other night, she won a prize for her answer, a weekend somewhere in the UK I think, and she said coldly 'thanks a lot,' and rolled her eyes.  Apparently, she thinks it's funny to always be rude and sarcy.  That kind of cheeky, rude attitude was only funny the first 4 or 5 times.  Seeing it every time she is on telly is downright tedious now.

As for Anne being ousted out; I understand from an interview with Anne earlier in the year that it was indeed something to do with Ray (Colleen's hubby,) and a row she had with him, but I wonder also, if it is something to do with her allegations about the Nolans' father; Anne said he sexually abused her, after he - and the mother - had died, and the rest of them were outraged and shut her out, claiming that none of them had been abused, and they weren't wholly sure she was telling the truth.

Still not sure why Anne felt the need to tell this after her father had died, and 40 odd years after it happened, but nevertheless, she has been treated appallingly by the rest of her family. 

What goes around comes around though; I am sure things will turn around for Anne, but I would disown them as a family, and refuse to ever acknowledge them again.  Blood is not ALWAYS thicker than water, and friends can be more reliable than family at times... 

But yes, I agree Colleen is quite annoying now
Coleen seems to aim at being the friendly mother on the Iceland ads and the chatty comedian on Loose Women.  I don`t believe either of them any more, she admitted just last week on Loose Women to having made a sex tape and her son was in the audience .  I think she was very manipulative on DOI the way she canvassed for votes on LW and in her numerous newspaper columns she admitted that she and Anne did not speak.  None of this relates in any way to the personna she wants to portray to the public.
That was another thing she came out with on Loose Women pixie, it was the first Shane Ritchie had heard of it and, needless to say, he wasn`t happy.  He did say that he was sick of being blamed for every single thing that had gone wrong in her life, despite the fact that she admitted in her autobiography to having had an affair herself when she was married to him.
yes it's terribly sad - there is no 'class' there at all no matter how hard they try to reinvent themselves

i urge you all to read anne nolan's statement and denise nolan's statement on their respective sites

coleen nolan has brought in 'the kitchen sink' ie her husband her sons her brother in law

why couldn't they have found 'something' for the founder member - perhaps joing them for a song or even as a p.a. - oh sorry - that job has been given to maureen nolan's fiance!

they are in it to fleece the public - no more

to say anne wasn't in the nolans for long is daft - there is such a thing as the internet and you tube

they were never nice people - common

suddenly linda nolan is in with the woodwork - she left 25 years ago to do 'nudie photos' - yes personal tradgedy - but with this in mind surely she would say - we must help our sister as she too has been through hell and back - but no - as soon as she got her foot in the door it was every man for himself - my gok - life's lessons are hard enough but not to actually learn from them

tours end -

wot then?

coleen nolan's career has been built on shane richie's popularity

she went on loose women as a guest to reveal details about his cheating at the height of his career

she forgot to mention that she cheated on him BEFORE he strayed

he didn't go on telly to make a fast buck about that fact - nor did he sell his story to the papers about her being unfaithful during their marriage


because no one would have been interested

read anne nolan's statement - coleen nolan has enough money to make these stories go away and has threatened to sue her remaining two sisters for telling the truth

who would do this when your sister doesn't have any money - how big time - how cruel

through her agent - coward!

poor girl has enough on her plate

coleen has said that anne nolan is trying to ruin their tour - em i think you done that yourself luvvie with that hellish rendition of 'bonnie tylers i need a hero' on good morning
SHOCK! One thing wasn't adding up - so investigations were needed! How can Coleen Nolan's husband (a pub player) play on a LIVE NATION tour? How can Bernie Nolan's husband (a car salesman) play drums on a LIVE NATION tour? SIMPLES:: The bloody Nolans are going to MIME TO TAPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have just made an album - I bet they are gonna lip sync! lol Ironically, Coleen Nolan wasn't on the original recording of I'M IN THE MOOD - thus them recording their hits recently!!!! I thought something was weird? LIVE NATION wouldn't risk a car salesman and a pub entertainer on a uk tour! This story just gets better and better! lol No doubt each hubby will play a pathetic flurry to prove that it is LIVE - then back to THE TAPES! lol These men aren't professional musicians - not like Jane McDonald's fella! lol
Thanks Lil for all your posts.  I agree with much of what you say....  And yes, they probably will be doing some lip syncing and no, I WOULDN'T pay ÂĢ40 a ticket.  Like I said, I only paid ÂĢ20 for Fallout Boy and they are MUCH more entertaining than the Nolans; trust me!  LOL.  

Also, I was wondering actually at what point did Colleen become the most successful Nolan sister?  And why exactly? 
i think it was slagging alfie moon off dear pixie - then she became famous i wonder how real musicians feel about their husbands pretending to play to tapes and stuff and getting a musician's wage for it? how do you think the original member anne feels knowing she has been excluded but coleen nolan's troublemaking husband is doing the reunion! i wonder if he is essentially a nolan fan and indeed wants to be a nolan lol i wouldn't be surprised such a shame

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