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bloomin heck - the saga gets worse!

the lovely nolan reunion tour is turning into an episode of 'elderado'

transpires coleen nolan was never on their 'one hit' - furthermore her husband is playing in the band on the tour,her two boys are the support act and her sister's man is on drums

but still she goes on 'we had nothing to do with the tour arrangements - it was the record company'

bliddy hilarious

apparently there were auditions for the support act but her boys were already chosen lol

you may recall that they chucked out the founding member anne - because she wasn't good looking enough or high profile enough lol

this is a farse and someone should call brian rix!

coleen nolan is CLEARLY running the show - and won't include her needy older sister because..... she had a fight with her husband

it's a domestic of the highest degree

the others - are all desperate to tour because they need the dosh and are willing to crawl to miss loose to get the gig whilst spitting in the eye of their sister that has been through hell and back

didn't old lilly tell you - nasty bunch

don't waste your money

if they can't even show a bit of kindness to their sister - what chance do the audience have

oh and anne nolan received a message through miss loose's management to say that if she speaks out coleen will sue her (all because she put coleen's husband in his place!)

bloody charming

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how on earth can you say they are great - chipmunks on speed and this family feud story is repulsive do you know that coleen nolan's husband is the cause of it all? apparently, he wrote to anne nolan to say he enjoyed winding her up - and hounded her while she was suicidal? wot kind of people are they? the others are skint and crawling to coleen nolan and hubby - no doubt to pay the leccy they are common save your money for anastasia and chaka chan - now that's a real girl's night out! (thumbs up!)
thank heavens dame ann - phew! i just think that they are wicked to treat the founder member this way the poor girl has endured illness,her marriage breaking down and finacial humiliation - they could have thrown her a lifeline something to get up for in the morning just because she told coleen nolans husband a few home truths about being a ligger apparently, one of the 'bonded' sisters said coleen's hubbie was a sleaze lol - bet she's terrified that it might come out which sister said it lol then it would be like 10 green bottles - lil sings - and if one sad nolan should accidentally slag off coleen nolan's husband- you know the one on loose women (pause)(deep breathe sings) then there will be three sad nolans staying on the tour lol
and if one sad nolan should accidentally slag off coleen nolan's husband- you know the one on loose women (pause)(deep breathe sings) then there will be three sad nolans staying on the tour lol

I can't stand Colleen, I don't think we're going to hear the last of their family troubles somehow Lil...  They were crap then and I really think they will fade into obscurity quickly...well hopefully we'll only have to put up with their strife and not their voices 
this forum is taking a bit of getting used too anyway back to the plot - apparently the nolans are going about 'lying through their teeth' in interviews - this lovely cuddly sister bond they were always scrapping - and the one that was on the bill said she hated being a nolan and thought that 'i am in the mood for dancing' was the worst song ever lol she cannot deny this either - as she said it on a tv show when she was embarking on a solo career that petercat -ed out - giggle sorry to go on - but i am so fed up of people 'getting away with it' how could they back stab their sister in this way - especially as she needed a lift apparently,linda nolan hasn't been in the nolans for 25 years lol she left to follow a tacky solo career path down the old pier life is so cruel - you would think that at least one of them would say 'we have all had our sorrows,let's stick together and include our sister nah - money was more important greedy bints said affectionately,.... well i have said me bit - sigh - now who is up for an edwardian girls night out down the old strand - wink - lol
hi profile - waves yes i am afraid it is true dear chum - go to anne nolan's site and denise nolan's site and read their statements threatening to sue someone that doesn't have any money - miss big bloody time i remember anne nolan being in the nolans - that lot are saying she was in it for a short time i think it's because she spilled the beans about the father - nasty this ray creature sounds 'caddish' what grown man would say he enjoyed winding someone up with serious depression - he can't have much to do in the day if he's got time to think of ways to distress the vunerable why doesn't he go the full way and phone up the samaritins and play 'i'm in the mood for dancing' down the receiver i am so terribly fed up with cruel people being celebrated in this way so before you put money in the nolans pocket - think to yourself would it be a fun night out giving my hard earned cash to this mob - and the endearing ray (rolls eyes) on guitar? would i feel good about singing along with three desperate spineless gits and a loose woman? i couldn't do it - could you?
yes they were dire first time around - trouble is it was so long ago few can remember them so they are 'pretending' to the young media types that they were 'take that' and of stadium level rather than cabaret

if i hear them say they sold more records than 'the beatles' in japan - i shall scream

elton john once said:

if you (excuse lingo) if you fort in japan you get a standing ovation

i suggest you visit anne nolan's website and read her heartbreaking statement -


you are putting your hard earned cash into these henious people's pockets


i bet they are laughing all the way to the bank


don't forget coleen nolan's comment about hating the scots and anything scottish

she has made her money by saying a load of rubbish in the hope that the papers and rags will pick up on it to make her more money

her husband is playing guitar?
and that one from the bill's man is on drums?
her boys are SUPPORT?

wake up and smell the laudinum dear -
your being had

she is clearly playing 'little miss bigtime' by thwarting her needy sister for 'daring' to voice the opinion of the entire family about her wonderful bliddy ray

THAT'S the reason why that girl is not on the tour!

Nothing to do with the record company!

Shame on the others!

They must be skint!

Who could be so heartless

They could have included her in some way -
just to help her along a bit!

Coleen Nolan's way of helping her disraught sister was paying her the minimum wage to be her cleaner - THAT'S what your dealing with!

Furthermore, when she was trying to do a deal for her wedding with a magazine she informed her sister anne that to attend she would need 10.000!

The original idea was a cruise with third rate celebrities attending

How cruel when her sister was struggling

Sorry, look beyond the act that you are being conned with!

she went after 'alfie moon' with avengence but did anyone stop to think about the truth?


she got her job by going on loose women as a guest to slag him off for having an affair


oh dear she forgot to say that she had had an affair BEFORE him and that's why he drifted

she has enough money to pay people to make these stories 'disappear' but they are out there and you know what they say 'truth will out'

believe me - a professional would have advised the nolans to include anne nolan in some way to avoid this problem THAT'S why you know it's a personal vendetta


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