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Former Member

No not dancing a la Nolans.


For talking about it. There are some lovely, wise people here.


I've been under a lot of stress recently [I've suffered daily disturbances from a schizophrenic neighbour shouting and banging daily for over three years on and off. She was sectioned in Oct 2009 but came back again]. Police and CMHT [mental health services] know about it but they won't take her in. I live in an apartment building where its mostly tenants - they get fed up and move out so theres no-one to complain but me, a rare owner-occupier.


I'm not the type to disclose my problems. I'm independent, a legally trained, formerly hardworking, respectable person, but I suffer from trauma-related agoraphobia. Sometimes I drink - but rarely and in bouts. Sometimes it erupts in temper when I have been rude to FMs, for which I apologise


I can't seem to get help with this problem. I pay a hefty service charge for the management of my apartment building. The managing agents of my building have been ok, but the Right To Manage Company [ if over 50% of owners in an apartment building want to take over the running they can legally do so and form a Company] won't even even speak to me despite about 5 email written requests from me and seem almost disinterested


I'm considering taking legal action or writing to my MP. Has anyone here any advice or experience with antisocial neighbours?


I could do worse than ask here!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I do sympathise x
I am in Scotland and things are slightly different here. But over all mental health issues are the same. The Police wont do much really unless there are circumstances whereby the person has been violent or a danger to themselves or others.
i would certainly write to, or visit my MP and contact your local Social Work Dept. If she is a tenant try and contact the housing authority/landlord,with whom she rents, plus does she have any family you can discuss things with?



I don't have any experience with anti-social neighbours Rosie (my kids don't count, I suppose ). You seem to be stuck in the middle of this, I know it's hardly fair to blame your neighbour for something she probably can't help or manage independently, but it's not productive to your mental well-being either.


I'm sorry I can't be of much practical use, but my sympathies do go out to you 


Thank you Skylark

 The landlord knows but as she doesn't physically damage his flat he doesn't care, as long as he gets his rent. I don't know about her family, she's 48 and sometimes shouts about her family/mother but because of data protection etc I can't trace/contact them.


Probably my MP is my last resort I have nothing to lose I suppose.


Thank you Suzy and  Sweet xx


Its not her problem as she's ill of course. I just ya know...   I had enough now and I so appreciate your  's

She's suffering too, She believes Tony Blair sexually abused her as a child etc and I've heard her shouting several times she'll take an overdose if he's not brought to justice. I've recorded it on my mobile since last October and even when I called the police they once witnessed her ranting. She's written me five garbled latters making veiled threats since I complained.


Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thank you Skylark

 The landlord knows but as she doesn't physically damage his flat he doesn't care, as long as he gets his rent. I don't know about her family, she's 48 and sometimes shouts about her family/mother but because of data protection etc I can't trace/contact them.


Probably my MP is my last resort I have nothing to lose I suppose.

Do you know who her GP is? Although they will not discuss her issues with you, i would drop them a letter. It may well be she is not taking her medication regularly, and it may trigger a home visit to assess her situation. Landlords too have a duty of care to their tenants as well as others around. I presume her rent is paid through Housing Benefit, if he thought this was going to stop he may think again..........

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thank you Skylark

 The landlord knows but as she doesn't physically damage his flat he doesn't care, as long as he gets his rent. I don't know about her family, she's 48 and sometimes shouts about her family/mother but because of data protection etc I can't trace/contact them.


Probably my MP is my last resort I have nothing to lose I suppose.

Do you know who her GP is? Although they will not discuss her issues with you, i would drop them a letter. It may well be she is not taking her medication regularly, and it may trigger a home visit to assess her situation. Landlords too have a duty of care to their tenants as well as others around. I presume her rent is paid through Housing Benefit, if he thought this was going to stop he may think again..........

The CMHT did two assessments and left her there as even though she's ill she "presents as normal". I know her psychiatrist, He's a young guy who goes by the book ie no police complaints = no evidence. I recorded several months worth of her disturbances and apparently its still not enough to section her.


Skylark, you're right about her landlord having a duty of care... I guess Its time I stopped fighting this myself and passed it over.

Thanks for your advice / support Skylark... I know I'm right... I just need a push! 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Awwww Rosie I remember you having trouble with the neighbour quite a while ago I've only had one bad experience with neighbours , and I'm afraid we took the easy way out and moved . But I'm sure someone on here will be able to give you some advice... although contacting your MP might be a starting point .

Thanks Bazzer 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thank you Suzy and  Sweet xx


Its not her problem as she's ill of course. I just ya know...   I had enough now and I so appreciate your  's

She's suffering too, She believes Tony Blair sexually abused her as a child etc and I've heard her shouting several times she'll take an overdose if he's not brought to justice. I've recorded it on my mobile since last October and even when I called the police they once witnessed her ranting. She's written me five garbled latters making veiled threats since I complained.


Tony Blair? Urghh! The poor cow. That must be insufferable having him in her brain!


You're doing the right thing making a log of incidents and of your own personal grievances. I think the MP route is always worth a try. I know lots of people who have got things done in a hurry or got things moving all because they've had a letter with the Portcullis Parliamentary letterhead on their side. Best thing is to try and make it along to a Surgery meeting if you can, so that your MP can see the person behind the problem and relate to you on a human level.


Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thank you Skylark

 The landlord knows but as she doesn't physically damage his flat he doesn't care, as long as he gets his rent. I don't know about her family, she's 48 and sometimes shouts about her family/mother but because of data protection etc I can't trace/contact them.


Probably my MP is my last resort I have nothing to lose I suppose.

Do you know who her GP is? Although they will not discuss her issues with you, i would drop them a letter. It may well be she is not taking her medication regularly, and it may trigger a home visit to assess her situation. Landlords too have a duty of care to their tenants as well as others around. I presume her rent is paid through Housing Benefit, if he thought this was going to stop he may think again..........

The CMHT did two assessments and left her there as even though she's ill she "presents as normal". I know her psychiatrist, He's a young guy who goes by the book ie no police complaints = no evidence. I recorded several months worth of her disturbances and apparently its still not enough to section her.


Skylark, you're right about her landlord having a duty of care... I guess Its time I stopped fighting this myself and passed it over.

Thanks for your advice / support Skylark... I know I'm right... I just need a push! 

I understand its hard, especially when you have your own things to deal with. But, when others are making your life difficult, albeit with mental health problems, you have to make your own situation clear. Dont feel bad about challenging people. You have rights too!! x


As Soozy says, get some advice from the CAB.

And as Skylark advises, drop her GP a line (you can always say you are concerned she may harm herself as she has voiced suicidal intent.) - if you know who the GP is.

In addition go to your own GP and tell them that this person's antics are seriously deteriorating your own Mental Health State.


If this person has an official diagnosis of Schizophrenia then they should be on medication and have a CPN. The behaviour you describe suggests that either they are not complying with their medication, or that their medication is no longer correct/strong enough.


I know that all the emphasis is put on 'Care in the community' but if a person with known Mental Health issues is left to run amok then that care is not being delivered - neither to the person, nor to the community,

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thank you Suzy and  Sweet xx


Its not her problem as she's ill of course. I just ya know...   I had enough now and I so appreciate your  's

She's suffering too, She believes Tony Blair sexually abused her as a child etc and I've heard her shouting several times she'll take an overdose if he's not brought to justice. I've recorded it on my mobile since last October and even when I called the police they once witnessed her ranting. She's written me five garbled latters making veiled threats since I complained.


Tony Blair? Urghh! The poor cow. That must be insufferable having him in her brain!


You're doing the right thing making a log of incidents and of your own personal grievances. I think the MP route is always worth a try. I know lots of people who have got things done in a hurry or got things moving all because they've had a letter with the Portcullis Parliamentary letterhead on their side. Best thing is to try and make it along to a Surgery meeting if you can, so that your MP can see the person behind the problem and relate to you on a human level.


Suzy if it wasn't so awful it would be funny no? Tony Blair of all people... Urggh I  agree   

Her mind skips all over the place. One minute she's accusing him of abusing her as a child [ though she's only slightly younger than him ]. The next thing she's threateing Cherie Blair as apparently he hasn't the guts to leave her..


I appreciate your advice..thank you. MP related complaints get attention. I'm gonna go for it.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As Soozy says, get some advice from the CAB.

And as Skylark advises, drop her GP a line (you can always say you are concerned she may harm herself as she has voiced suicidal intent.) - if you know who the GP is.

In addition go to your own GP and tell them that this person's antics are seriously deteriorating your own Mental Health State.


If this person has an official diagnosis of Schizophrenia then they should be on medication and have a CPN. The behaviour you describe suggests that either they are not complying with their medication, or that their medication is no longer correct/strong enough.


I know that all the emphasis is put on 'Care in the community' but if a person with known Mental Health issues is left to run amok then that care is not being delivered - neither to the person, nor to the community,

Exactly , Fluffy." Care in the Community" means that, and i feel slightly sad that the care hasnt been given,To either the person with an issue, or with the others around them

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As Soozy says, get some advice from the CAB.

And as Skylark advises, drop her GP a line (you can always say you are concerned she may harm herself as she has voiced suicidal intent.) - if you know who the GP is.

In addition go to your own GP and tell them that this person's antics are seriously deteriorating your own Mental Health State.


If this person has an official diagnosis of Schizophrenia then they should be on medication and have a CPN. The behaviour you describe suggests that either they are not complying with their medication, or that their medication is no longer correct/strong enough.


I know that all the emphasis is put on 'Care in the community' but if a person with known Mental Health issues is left to run amok then that care is not being delivered - neither to the person, nor to the community,

Exactly , Fluffy." Care in the Community" means that, and i feel slightly sad that the care hasnt been given,To either the person with an issue, or with the others around them


Rosie I'll pm you.


I've had two successive council tenants next door to me who were a nightmare for a period of 15 years and to be honest I found the mental health team, my MP, noise abatement team, the council and Police absolutely useless.


I feel what you're experiencing and spent those 15 years making logs and videoing bad and violent behaviour - all the above did everything they could to avoid taking action and I was left to suffer even though I was myself ill.


I'm sorry to say there is no easy solution for you but you have to fight because as ill as she is (and she has my sympathies) her illness is triggering a form of ill health in you - you're living on your nerves waiting for something to happen.


Mine stopped because the first tenant died and they managed to evict her drug addicted son.  The second family were also evicted only when the daughter attacked a Polish lady a few doors up and it was considered a race hate crime.


The good news is I have a lovely Polish family in now and I adore them 


My daughter has a neighbour with mental issues and the police are called on an almost nightly basis and yet nothing is done. She has 4 or 5 Jack Russels which she takes out in her car for walks at all times during the night. Last month she run one of them over and killed it, she never even noticed. My daughter called the RSPCA, but nothing was done. She has teenagers in her house every day because she lets them smoke and drink there. Nothing is ever done. She ought to be sectioned and I don't understand why nothing happens. All the neighbours in the street have complained, nothing concrete happens. It seems to come down to her being caught at something or other, but it's hard to get evidence.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

As Soozy says, get some advice from the CAB.

And as Skylark advises, drop her GP a line (you can always say you are concerned she may harm herself as she has voiced suicidal intent.) - if you know who the GP is.

In addition go to your own GP and tell them that this person's antics are seriously deteriorating your own Mental Health State.


If this person has an official diagnosis of Schizophrenia then they should be on medication and have a CPN. The behaviour you describe suggests that either they are not complying with their medication, or that their medication is no longer correct/strong enough.


I know that all the emphasis is put on 'Care in the community' but if a person with known Mental Health issues is left to run amok then that care is not being delivered - neither to the person, nor to the community,

Exactly , Fluffy." Care in the Community" means that, and i feel slightly sad that the care hasnt been given,To either the person with an issue, or with the others around them

Drop her GP a line? A normal caring person would assume thats enough. Trust me, they don't care. I took months worth of mobile recordings of her violent banging and shouting. After all that this May I discovered [ I even gave the CMHT my netbook as they apparenlty couldn't play the recordings]  that despite that she wasn't even on their books.


Rosie - I feel for you, it sounds awful


I would agree with the MP route ... but go to the surgery, like suzy said, don't write.


A friend of mine had been having housing problems, had written to all and sundry, including her MP many, many times ... she made an appointment at his surgery and it was all sorted within a week. 


Hope it works out for you - it makes my next door neighbour's giant willow tree (which drives me mental) sound pretty trite


Rosie, my darling you have my sympathy, and I can give a little advice too..Up until March this year, my husband and I, and several other nieghbours notably women had to endure, an aggressive bully of a male nieghbour.


In my case it started one morning on my way to work, and said nieghbour, was not only pissed at 7.30am in the morning he was as high as a fecking kite!


He proceeded to make sexual lurid remards to me which I ignored, but felt very intimidated, he was well over 6ft and powerfully built..I told my husband who was furious, and who wanted to go and see him,(My husband's has a typical Latin temprament, so I didn't think it was a good idea, and dissuaded him)


Any way over a period of 4 years, he did similar to my female nieghbours. In May last year, things came to a head with the bully, when he threatened me with violence, I snapped, and I ranted at him, called him a pussy, and said he was only ever aggressive with women. I reported him to the police, and he was charged with aggressive behaviour..Good result?


You may think so, but by the time it went to court, he lied in court and accused me of being racist against Somalians, how he could say that when we were both black was and is ludicrous. he also claimed as a result of coming from war torn, Somalia, he found life difficult to adjust in the UK.

A female judge, believed his lies, and he walked free from court.


2 months later he was done for committing a sexual act in front of a minor(She was my nieghbour's 13 year old daughter, who he decided to have a wank in front off, on her way from school.)


We were all outraged the police was called, and again, he was charged, and now is serving time at Her Majesty's Service, there is also an injunction on him stopping him from coming to our area.


It pisses me off, because had the stupid judge in the first instance  listened when I said that this man was dangerous and sexually frustrated, we wouldn't now have a traumatised teenage girl, scared to go out, and live a normal life.

I contacted my MP, she was great,(She helped in terms of us getting a forced injunction in our area) so that is definately worth a try.


 The upshot is, don't give up, and keep fighting.

Senora Reyes

Thank you Rexi and Senora Reyes [especially] and I appreciate   so much your support. Oh God I've felt like I'm going mad  on this and without official support, but I'm not on my own it seems.


This insane bully of a woman rules the roost up here.

Well I'm gonna fight back now, I knew all along this was wrong. 


Originally Posted by suzybean:

Bloody hell Senora! Glad he's out of your life now.

TY Suzy..He was nightmare not only to me, but my other nieghbours also, but what was really sad is that some people were so frightened, that they didn't want to speak to the police through fear of reprisals, which I can understand, but as my late mum used to say, if you let fear rule your life, you become a slave to it..I really hope Rosie, gets through this, I feel it for her..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

Bloody hell Senora! Glad he's out of your life now.

TY Suzy..He was nightmare not only to me, but my other nieghbours also, but what was really sad is that some people were so frightened, that they didn't want to speak to the police through fear of reprisals, which I can understand, but as my late mum used to say, if you let fear rule your life, you become a slave to it..I really hope Rosie, gets through this, I feel it for her..

That poor young girl though as you say if that judge had seen him for what he was she would have been safe

Fair play to you all for standing up to him and his horrible ways! glad he's no longer a threat in your neighborhood 


Rosie, you are a strong person! You will get there just stick to your guns hun, some really good advice here... just don't go getting into confrontation with her will you? She needs help as she's affecting your life now... Really hope you get it sorted out, keep us up to date wont you?


Thank you Jenstar hun xx.

Re-reading the thread made me feel stronger this morning, thanks to all.


I've drafted an email to my MP and I may even write to Tony Blair [ he has a website ]. I know she was sectioned in 2009 for writing letters to him, and she's making threats about him still and apparently making allegations of abuse to the media.

I hear Tony Blair costs taxpayers thousands of pounds annually for his security, so they may take it seriously.



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