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Originally posted by Lacey:
Originally posted by PuppyDooDoo:
Thankyou all for reminding me why I don't want children. Now if you will exscuse me I am going to go buy myself a chastity belt.

lmao! It's not that bad.... Glance Big Grin

twins are worse believe me! Baby L was a doddle compared to them! Crazy Big Grin

Get pregnant. Go into labour. And tell me that midway through a contraction.
the worst ting about labour is thinking you have to fight the pain.

use it, go with it, and it will be easier Nod pain is you're body's way of telling you what to do

sounds all hippy and mamby pamby but it's true it worked lol!

the antipation is worse than it actually happening (of course i'm only talking about natural, pretty normal childbirth)

course i screamed like a ****er both times Nod though less the second, and i had no pain killers and had tears and stuff then too.
the worst ting about labour is thinking you have to fight the pain.

I agree shed loads and shed loads, worst thing you can ever do (labour or accident or injury) is fight it...easier said than done..but yep...go with it...proper works.

The brain is amazing. And I say that as one of those cynical gits who believes in bugger all Nod
Please remember ladies QOTHT will be reading this, and absolutely cra***** herself wavey

I have had three, and never really had any problems, but I was really apprehensive with my first.

Lisa, I'm really pleased your labour has got underway......sounded really miserable for you at the're on the move now...Good luck Thumbs Up

Queen.......Labour is what you make it, and I really hope this hasn't got you feeling scared.

You'll both be stars, and it'll all be forgotten when the little bundle appears Hug
This sounds a bit mamby pamby too... a friend said to me when I was pregnant last that during the labour I should channel the urge to scream my head off into concentration on getting the baby out and using this feeling to push.

I did this, kinda and it helped no end.

I agree re the not fighting the pain thing too...we are complex creatures us humans! Crazy
Originally posted by Lacey:
This sounds a bit mamby pamby too... a friend said to me when I was pregnant last that during the labour I should channel the urge to scream my head off into concentration on getting the baby out and using this feeling to push.

I did this, kinda and it helped no end.

I agree re the not fighting the pain thing too...we are complex creatures us humans! Crazy

that's what i did. i screamed while contractions made me feel better than breathing after a point lol, but when able to push i just went silent and pushed....popped out in under 3 mins Thumbs Up
screaming can make your pushing weaker as it uses most of the energy you are using. sounds silly but it's true lol
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Karma_:

They're not optional. End of the day if you do the crime you do the time Nod

Why isnt c section optional???. I cant imagine going through the pain of giving birth the natural way

Because it's major surgery ............all major surgery carries a risk. If there isn't a problem giving birth naturally is just that .........perfectly natural.

Good luck LGNS! ..............hope it's not too long now.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by stoory:
Please remember ladies QOTHT will be reading this, and absolutely cra***** herself wavey

I have had three, and never really had any problems, but I was really apprehensive with my first.

Lisa, I'm really pleased your labour has got underway......sounded really miserable for you at the're on the move now...Good luck Thumbs Up

Queen.......Labour is what you make it, and I really hope this hasn't got you feeling scared.

You'll both be stars, and it'll all be forgotten when the little bundle appears Hug

Stoory Hug Valentine Hug Valentine

Hope all is going well Lisa. Hug
Queen of the High Teas

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