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We've got just under two weeks before it all comes to and end.
Although it has been getting a bit stale of late I'm wondering what the heck I'm going to be doing next summer!  Ok, so I do have a life - I go away for a couple of weeks and miss it (taping the highlights shows and fast forwarding through them to the good bits when I get back of course) - but for the past TEN years I've looked forward to BB starting and next year ................................
How do you all feel?

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I must confess ............i'm feeling like that. Life as we know it will never ever be the same.

I suppose things go full circle ..........i've been on Ch4 forums - lurking BB4 and active since BB5 - it's a long, long time.I 've also hung around throughout the year and had a daily banter.

When this is over though .........think I'll take my leave. it is sad but - I guess we all have to move on.
Soozy Woo
I feel Like its come to its natural end. But its been good while it lasted  Big Brother has a lot to answer for

i realise it may move to 5 but for me, its kind of over. I wish it wouldn't move to 5 because you just KNOW it will be much shitter than it is now. Id prefer it did go out on a high. From now on in i think it will be a case of wringing out the dregs.
i'm with moomin...........i bloody love it and have done since the very first show of series one............the build up........whose going in?.......the initial 'i love fred' followed a week later by 'i hate fred worra knob' stuff.........the 'say goodbye to your summer' tag line..........evictions........discussions on night........just love it all.....

i do find it weird that in r/ mates who all 'hate' bb will sometimes mention it.........for instance......'i see that argumentative aussie bloke went then''how do you know?...thought you didn't watch it?'..........them.......'oh yeah.......well i just caught a bit y'know''s like they feel ashamed to have been watching!!............well i'm a bb nut and proud of it!!!
I personally will be quite happy for it to finish - from a HEALTH POV, what with LF only being available online and that.  I have sat here and smoked my head off and vegetated like no-one's business.  Its a shame its coming to an end on C4.  I'm looking forward to earlier nights and getting on with what has to be done, instead of jumping onto the PC in case I have missed anything overnight, even though I've recorded it - just to be sure 
However I DO hope some other channel takes it over, its a great concept in itself and rivetting viewing

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