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I can't stop baking....

Cookies... muffins...

It's so addictive.

Made peanut butter and choc chip cookies the other day...  today I am making carrot muffins...

Gawd knows what they will turn out like. I roughly followed a recipe and then started chuking all kinds of things in.... um.. penut butter.. vanilla yoghurt...  oh, also trying out an egg substitute cos I'm trying to be vegan.

Can't wait to see how they come out...

Beetroot and choc muffins or cookies next... need to go out and get more supplies... 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

baking is totally addictive. I am obsessed with making cupcakes! Once you start there is no stopping beware the power of the be-ro
Cupcakes... I have brought all the stuff for icing too..... lol@ power of be-ro

Brilliant I love home made baking my husband was very good at baking cakes etc, I am not so good it is hit and miss with me I dont even try anymore
 Some people just have the knack don't they Marge?

can you bake me something tasty and send it round as i still have a pot on.. canr get to greggs
Hmmm... not sure if my stuff is actually edible c-cat. but practice makes perfect..
We have had homemade cupcakes til they are coming out out ears. Started on the savouries now. Homemade broth and Dumplings.. shepherds pie and dumplings...
Oooo dumplings!! yum!!.. no need ofr egg substitute either.. hmmmm..

I love all types of cooking but I hate baking. Don't get me wrong - I can do it, I just hate the mess and also the feel of flour on my hands.. But I do bake cakes now and then and make my own pastry etc.
It is messy Isadora.. I thought it was just me...

I like a woman who can bake
I'm a woman who can't bake... evidently... *slides flat peanut butter/carrot muffins in bin*

But I don't give up!
why do you want to become vegan greenandpink if you don't mind me asking? I am veggie already Isadora, and it seems the natural next step to become vegan. Dairy farming is as cruel as meat production. That's it really.
How about getting your own chickens cos then that would solve all problems and you can have nice cakes.
Mrs H, thinking about the pasty mixer, I googled Victorian kitchen gadgets.. and came across these...

Bread Mixer.....

A butter spreader form the 50's....How does that work?... ..why?

Turn of the Century teasmade..


1920's All in one iron electric iron and kettle...

Cherry ipper and Peach peeler... look gruesome... cant see the fruit remaining whole after coming into contact with with all this gear....

Victorian food processor

Rasin cleaner... and sausage maker..

Blimey!! I was complaining about the electric whisk taking up too much space...

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