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well a lot angry.... 3 weeks of the staged Jedward show does not a BB make..


the only time they show them when they are not performing is when they have gone to bed early and are asleep so their fans [they actually do have fans apparently ]  don't really get to see what they are really like when not performing.


why, if they must show them at all, don't they show them at times other than when  they are 'acting'. .?   or maybe it's because when they aren't 'acting' they aren't actually very 'interesting'


It's seriously pissing me off that C5 think everybody wants to see them eejits filling the show every bleeding night






oooh  I made a thread. .not done that for a very long time

Tags: Jedward twats

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It 's so true ,its the Jedward show .I have never seen them have a conversation with any of the HMS or with each other ,just performing their dumb act.Jedward are not like that in real life they dont speak in the American accent all the time,they speak with an Irish accent.I think they will struggle in the next week ,it must be draining keeping up the act 24/7.


I see I am not alone


I actually nearly cracked a smile last night. .I felt my lip moving... but only cos, in a cruel way, I thought the bonnets made them look even stoopider than usual and hoped they had a real packet of poo in those nappy's and it stunk to high heaven..


but all in all I found the 'grown up' baby thing a tad disturbing..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Moomin:

I can't believe they didn't have a single nomination.

yeah but those in there know it's a shoe in Win for Jedward and want to save their own places for as long as possible so are not going to upset Jedward 'fans'.. even tho they aren't aware [cos they weren't paying attention on Friday] that it's a vote to save so may well have a fan base of their own who will keep them in. .


but again that is an assumption cos they may well have twigged that but again we'll never know..


Oh and if tisn't all the Jedward show it's also a bit of the Kerry 'can't ever go a day without crying poor me' show too


Throw in a few seconds of looney toon Hollywood women and that's what BB has turned into

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Has anyone else noticed how one of them always looks are the other for confirmation, i'm finding them really strange to watch, i'd have smacked them one by now if i was in there, especially when they are wasting or throwing food around 

they are just checking they are in line with the script


Always seems food wasters in BB seem to appeal to the *less intelligent public [*my personal opinion]  who think that is funny and vote for them to win.. makes me mad when I scrimp every month on shopping to try and get a balanced diet on little money and  then I see people laughing at wastrels   ..


Actually reminding me of that has made me feel even more grumpy

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

well a lot angry.... 3 weeks of the staged Jedward show does not a BB make..


   or maybe it's because when they aren't 'acting' they aren't actually very 'interesting'



Think you hit the nail on the head Olly.  In a way it's a blessing there is no live feed...otherwise C5 would have found a cure for insomnia.

Smarting Buttocks
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Those two eejits are really annoying me. Its turning into The Jedward Show. They are NOT kids but nearly 20 year olds. I cant believe they didnt get nominated
Can BB show us what else is going on the house, or is that too much to ask ???

nah tis too much to ask. .C5 didn't think they'd pull much of a crowd if they had a 7 day a week, hour long Jedward programme showing for 3 weeks non stop so they decided to call it Big Brother and throw in a few hangers onners and try to fool the public..




Mount Olympus *Olly*

I quit watching on Friday, I said i would give it till the first eviction and I did.


Its really quite refreshing actually, even though I sometimes wonder if I am missing out on anything, the fact that you lot are still moaning about it makes me feel I'm not


I am no longer a BB viewer....ooh, that sent a shiver down me spine 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Bet you watch the main show when it comes on Rawky


I think I am daft but keep watching just in case BB comes back, as we know it. . Usually I'm a pessimist or maybe I just am not quite ready to let go of my addiction yet


I dunno, part of me thinks i might watch the launch show; but i cannot abide the new editing style. All that crappy music and sound effects has made it into a chav filled soap opera. 




No live fed and these two for most of the highlights, prancing around like 3 year olds on speed  Call this entertainment, I'd rather slit me wrists with rusty razors... Totally ruined it for hardcore BB fans, for most of the highlights last night I had the TV on mute. I really don't know how much longer I can hold out and if there is no live feed for the next BB I doubt I'll even switch on 


oh and while I am on my rant. .in the days of Live feed I'd turn my pooter on of a morning to find pages of threads to catch up with after overnight LF, never mind the pages moving more quickly in the day as things happened in the house. .it's not only killed BB it's killing BB forums too ..I had a look at DS cos I wondered what they would talk about on there as there wasn't any Feed. .that seems slower than usual too..


Ch5 shot themselves in the foot for sure


I need to stop ranting I think

Mount Olympus *Olly*

They do my head in........


every day is the same..


They prance about doing 'dance moves'

they waste food and think it's funny

they do some 'scene' where they act for the camera..obviously thinking they'll get film roles from it


then it's the touching each other

and then the same boring monologue


'yeah but edward

yeah john yeah like we just don't care do we john'

'yeah edward we don't care cos like we're like just so cool aren't we edward'

'yeah john we're so cool' .........all said in a ridiculous fake american twang


then they do some ridiculous arm finger pointy stance thing


i just want darren to gnaw their faces off..........

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

They do my head in........


every day is the same..


They prance about doing 'dance moves'

they waste food and think it's funny

they do some 'scene' where they act for the camera..obviously thinking they'll get film roles from it


then it's the touching each other

and then the same boring monologue


'yeah but edward

yeah john yeah like we just don't care do we john'

'yeah edward we don't care cos like we're like just so cool aren't we edward'

'yeah john we're so cool' .........all said in a ridiculous fake american twang


then they do some ridiculous arm finger pointy stance thing


i just want darren to gnaw their faces off..........

what spongebob said........totally agree, was sat watching it last night & i actually said aloud, `ok, the jokes over now`.. get them off my screen, for the love of god GET THEM OFF MY TELE


Seems they make quite  lot of us feel stabby. .


I honestly thought that maybe I would actually get to like them a bit if they were in BB and being normal doing everyday normal stuff but,  all it has done is confirm to me that they are a useless waste of space and have incited me to murderous feelings..


I'm with spongey. .get Darren to gnaw their faces off and when he's finished he can start on himself..

Mount Olympus *Olly*



The only good thing that can be said about them is that they kind of hold up a mirror up to the other HMs - it's interesting to see how the others repsond to them, Jedward bring out the good and bad in the others.


Depressing that Ch5 and the media in general think this type of thing passes as entertainment. Angry along with others in this thread that because of the Jedward cretins we are not seeing much of the other HMs... although we will never know if that is a bessing or not.


Personally, I'm for the drowning them option.

Baby Bunny



I love them!


Tbh I am finding the whole of BB and all the HM particularly I'm happy to take what little enjoyment I can find....and at the moment, sad as it may seem, Jedward are the only ones who are providing me with any amusement.


I wouldn't want to live with them and I'm sure if it was a full length BB then I would be bored of them waaay before the end (unless they managed to capture more sides to them). But for now, I'm finding it fascinating to watch how weird they are, endearing to watch how close they are, and hysterical to watch how brave (stupid? ) they are! (how many people would have dared give Paddy a wedgie, and throw water at Darryn?   )



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