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so my first week back at uni is done. its been very stressful : got an essay back ( got a B grade ) which im happy with. 

did a test- went fairly well although the lecturer told us someone has failed so im thinkig thats bound to be me

One of my best mates is feeling really down atm and i dunno what to do to make him happier and cheery like he used to be before the holidays

Im feeling so low myself rite now aswell. Im just wondering whether I can really do this and maybe its just to hard

Im just Blah atm

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Chicken it sounds like you're having a confidence crisis because, like you said, you are out of your normal comfort zone.  To get thru' it just change those negative thoughts to positive ones............a good way of doing this is by repeating affirmations such as "I AM GOOD ENOUGH".  Try it for a few days and see how you feel but you have to repeat it at least 50 times a day  
Sorry you're feeling down Chicken, try and stick with it. I hate January! I don't know why you think you've failed as you got B for your essay
totally agree with this CCM  we always feel we've done badly particularly with exams but you never know until the results come out.  Getting a B for your essay suggests your doing very good so snap out of it young man and put a smile on that ickle face just like this -----------> 
Chicken, my youngest son is in his second year at Uni and is doing exams ATM. He says he sometimes has spells where he feels like he's out of his depth and wonders why he is doing the course. But it will pass, and you'll start enjoying things again. He says don't be too hard on yourself, it sounds like you are doing well.
Sending you a big hug, hun.
Don't worry chicken its completely normal to feel like this at this time of year usually because everyone around you is stressed to the max with exams and its the big comedown from the holidays. It will get better sweetheart just you wait
This year I'm really struggling to keep myself together thanks to the added stress from my family, I'm fine in the day when I'm revising and I'm fine on the exam front but it gets me at night. Noone at uni knows this because of the big brave face I'm putting on.

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