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After reading all the posts in this thread, I am still struggling to figure out if Pretty P is actually doing this to wind people up, because I really seriously can't believe that anyone would post the kind of things that she has and actually mean them.  I don't know one single person in real life with such a lack of empathy and understanding and whose attitude is so arrogant and stubborn.  And lets face it, her posts are always like this; orchestrated for controversy and to cause disharmony.

People have explained the different ways that folk get into trouble financially and that they aren't always spending carelessly, and it is a FACT that there is a recession and millions of people have been affected by it, and yet pretty P keeps banging on with the same old line: 'if you have overspent, then deal with it,' like every single person suffering financial hardship has brought it on themselves and deserves to suffer!   She isn't even meeting people halfway and saying 'I understand it may be different for various people' or anything.  She has severe tunnel vision, a closed mind and NO empathy at all.  It's just unbelievable. 

And the line 'if you can't afford your mortgage sell your home,' is one of the most ridiculous and laughable statements I have ever heard.'  Get in the real world Pretty P!  I know a number of people who have had their home on the market for 2 years and it has STILL NOT SOLD despite dropping the price a number of times.  Do you REALLY think its that simple?! 

And as many have suggested, people STILL need to live somewhere!  And if you think that they government will cover peoples' mortgages til they get another job: THINK AGAIN; they DON'T!  They pay housing benefit to people when they rent, but they don't pay peoples' mortgages!  And even if you take unemployment insurance along with your mortgage, they pull everything out of their backside that they can to NOT PAY, and even if they DO pay, it's only for  a short spell. 

And I know people who've been out of work for a long time too, who simply cannot get a job!  Many have been forced into bankruptcy and many have NOT brought it on themselves.  And it's NOT that easy to save and plan for stuff like you suggest.  It must be so nice to be you with your nice lifestyle, no debt, no mortgage, no commitments etc, but not everyone is that lucky.

I have been on many message forums over the last few years, and I have yet to find anyone who offends and insults the forum members so fiercly.  You can say that you're just giving opinions and views Pretty P, but you are not, you're insulting everyone on here, with your pious, holier-than-thou comments.  Just because YOU have never been in the position that many people have found themselves in, does not give you the right to judge people so harshly and assume that everyone in financial trouble has 'asked for it' and must have overspent....your smugness and uncaring attitude stinks.

Like I said before, almost everyone on this thread disagrees with you and finds you offensive, and yet you still haven't stepped back for one second and said 'maybe I am in the wrong here' or 'maybe I should think about listening to someone elses viewpoints.'  That is why I question whether you're genuine or whether it's all a wind up.    If you are genuine, and do believe everything you say, then I thank the Lord that I don't know you in real life.  I also question if you would ever air these views to people in real life.  I am guessing not, because you would be verbally slaughtered, as MOST people have suffered financially, and you would be put in your place pretty swiftly.  Like many here have said, you need a dose of life in the real world Pretty P, because you sure as hell have never spent a second in it.

Also to make one other point, whilst I am financially extremely secure I have the ability to empathize with people in a less fortunate financial position than myself.
Hi Freespirit...welcome to the forum

Not read all this thread but the VAT increase certainly affects me. I am on a low wage and struggle as it is, I get no help and have to pay for private Dental Care, prescriptions, yes, the 2.5% increase means quite a few hundred pounds extra i have to pay out.

I drive, but I drive an old banger....I walk to work and back most of the time to save on petrol and really don't make un-necessary journeys...driving IS my luxury.

How can anyone say that folks won't be affected! I am having to cut back as much as i can (though I don't know how)...I need new glasses (have done for a long time) but have no idea where I'm going to find the money for them, especially yes...2.5% is a massive chunk of the nothing that i already have.....
The Devil In Diamante
i think you are all being very mean to the op who makes a valid point,  people should live within their means and if things are going to get difficult compromises can be made, if you are cold don't put the heating on just another cardigan, food shopping can be supplemented with berries from the countryside etc, also dole scroungers should recieve vouchers for lidl/aldi/netto shopping and for fuel etc, a bus pass so they can be monitored for visits to the job centre and library (too much time spent watching tv and on the internet) if they have spare rooms in their home they should take in the elderly and this would pay for their dole. if everyone had an id card then scroungers could be barred from entering certain "leisure" establishments,    all it needs is a little planning
the idea of just selling your home and shoving the kids into a new school by your new house just isn't feasible.......for a this economy houses don't usually go up for sale on a monday..and then are magically sold the next was pointed out....some are on the market for months,even years....the mortgage still has to be paid during that time.......then if you were to sell..well then there's the deposit to be paid on the new rented property before you move in.....yes you could use money from the house sale....but only if you have money left over...what if you have negative equity?...rented accomodation can be just as expensive if not more than a mortgage...the house next to ours is rented at 900 quid a month...more than we pay on a mortgage

the idea that you should save is easy when you're not in the situation of juggling the time the mortgage is paid,council tax,gas,electric,water rates,house insurance,car insurance,phone bill,tv licence etc etc then on top of that food bills,petrol etc then there's not much too save....not in our house anyway.

as for the schools.....well you're lucky if you can just roll up to a local school and get your child in....many have waiting lists......the secondary schools for our two are in town....about 7 miles costs 20 quid a week in bus fares to get them simply isn't the case that everyone has overspent and is now moaning.......many people just exist...getting by on their wages with nothing left for luxuries.......p.p argues a car is a luxury......maybe so......but then when your job isn't accesible by a bus route or train and is miles do you get there? can't just jack your job in and get a job nearer..there are no jobs

it isn't as simple as..'well you should save' for emergencies..not many people have the spare cash to do,petrol and gas and electric is rocketing...council tax is rising...yet peoples wages are staying the same.or their hours are cut.or they're put on a 3 day week.or worse are just told they're redundant........

i think it's incredibly naive to sit and say...'you should save then you'd be ok' or 'sell your house and move then' isn't that simple.......
ROFL Machel, that made me smile.   

I think that people who aren't working should be put on chain gangs too, and be put on the streets litter picking, sweeping, and cleaning the cars of the people who had the common sense to put money away and save, and who weren't stupid enough to get themselves into financial trouble. 

Also, for those moaning away that they 'can't afford the mortgage,' people can easily purchase wendy houses - there's plenty of room in here for a family of 4.

Also, picking out of the rubbish bins outside the Indian and Chinese restaurants would provide them with food, and also warmth from the hot curry sauces.  And as for owning a car, these bone idle layabouts can just walk everywhere come rain come shine: much healthier and better for their health trudging through snow and rain and high winds than popping everywhere in a car.  So what if they have 15 bags of shopping to carry: they shouldn't be be buying so much anyway.  Greedy piggies: just how dare they spend money on food for their children and heating and clothes?!  Shame on them. 
Grrrrrrrrrrrr  all the cost cutting suggestions involve stuff away from the house. .like dumpster diving etc. .what happens if you have teh agoraphobia and going out in a short car journey [cos any other way is too freaky outy]  to anywhere other than the Docs , corner shop or chemist is not an option.. ..   .

and if I cut me internet how do I get me shopping?  ooooooooh....  maybe on bin day I can dive in the neighbours bins for leftovers..

shoves on extra cardy... pah to the 2.5% VAT rise, and increase in prices of food but decreases in the weights of cans packages etc.. ie less for more and all the other hidden extras.. .  I'm sorted

btw I think PP is nowt but a wind up merchant and if you're studying psychology she is what they call a forum flamer and nowt else. . in fact she may be an alter ID. .am only guessing there... but stranger things have happened in the past.. .. [remembers peoplewatcher. another wind up alter id on the old C4 ] 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
LOL mount olympus.  And I think PP has to be a wind up merchant too.  Nobody can seriously be like this in real life, surely?!  And Machel, I remember the years of the 'iron lady' too and how the snooty upper class gits in government told us to get on our bikes and move to another TOWN to get a job, uprooting out family/children/roots etc, instead of bringing work to the towns that had no work!  Idiots!  And its getting like that again now!  Trouble is, the country is run by smug middle class and upper class twats who have no CLUE what life is like for real people with real responsibilities and real financial hardship.  Sometimes I feel so angry that I just want to crush a grape.  HEY!  Maybe I could if I went out and picked my own food. 
i think you are all being very mean to the op who makes a valid point,  people should live within their means and if things are going to get difficult compromises can be made, if you are cold don't put the heating on just another cardigan, food shopping can be supplemented with berries from the countryside etc, also dole scroungers should recieve vouchers for lidl/aldi/netto shopping and for fuel etc, a bus pass so they can be monitored for visits to the job centre and library (too much time spent watching tv and on the internet) if they have spare rooms in their home they should take in the elderly and this would pay for their dole. if everyone had an id card then scroungers could be barred from entering certain "leisure" establishments,    all it needs is a little planning
I went  then  then then 
PP does come across as a WUM to me.  Claims to love a debate but you rarely see them in any other thread but one of their own making.

I suspect they sit cackling at the replies. 

And having read this thread PP comes across as a hypocrite as they claim to live within their means but took out a loan to fund a degree.  A degree isn't always required to get a job.
Smarting Buttocks
It never ceases to amaze me how much you all love to spend your days discussing me - I am so touched!!
Anyway I actually can't be bothered to respond anymore some of you post far too much.  Sparkles I'm sure your posts are very interesting however after skimming it and seeing all the incorrect points I can't even begin to respond - there just isn't the time.  

It does amaze me how in one breath most of you say I never give any personal information away and i the next you are saying I am XYZ - how do you know if I refuse to give any info??

And for the record I don't post replies in many of the other threads on here because they bore me - no offence intended to anyone but they really don't interest me in the slightest!!
It never ceases to amaze me how much you all love to spend your days discussing me - I am so touched!!
Seriously love don't take it as a compliment

Anyway I actually can't be bothered to respond anymore some of you post far too much. 
You don't want to or you can't because you have been proved wrong?

Sparkles I'm sure your posts are very interesting however after skimming it and seeing all the incorrect points I can't even begin to respond - there just isn't the time. 
Or there isn't the time for you to make up even more bullshit to argue Sparkles point?

  It does amaze me how in one breath most of you say I never give any personal information away and i the next you are saying I am XYZ - how do you know if I refuse to give any info??
Because we are all making opinions on you. if you really had any concept of the dire straights some people find themselves in financially you might be able to have some empathy but you don't you just come on here throwing grenades of insults and then cry wolf when someone picks you up on it.

And for the record I don't post replies in many of the other threads on here because they bore me - no offence intended to anyone but they really don't interest me in the slightest!!
Or that you are the most egocentric person I have ever came across in real life or in cyber space, and I think my lucky starts its the latter. I am similar to you in that I am a recent graduate who is earning, however I don't take my position for granted and I try to empathise with those less fortunate then me.  Don't forget Pretty_P the people you trample all over on the way up will be the same people you pass on the way back down-just you remember that.
If everyone here 'bores' you so much why do you come one every few weeks to ruffle a few feathers?

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out 
It never ceases to amaze me how much you all love to spend your days discussing me - I am so touched!! Anyway I actually can't be bothered to respond anymore some of you post far too much.  Sparkles I'm sure your posts are very interesting however after skimming it and seeing all the incorrect points I can't even begin to respond - there just isn't the time.   It does amaze me how in one breath most of you say I never give any personal information away and i the next you are saying I am XYZ - how do you know if I refuse to give any info?? And for the record I don't post replies in many of the other threads on here because they bore me - no offence intended to anyone but they really don't interest me in the slightest!!

Excuse me for being of a simple mind but I will ask you again,

If you find us all so tedious why on earth are you here?
And why do you equate being on the internet as having no life?
A very wise person said a long time ago that cyber interaction was actually like going down the pub - a group of people chatting. Only a lot cheaper.
I like chatting to all sorts of people on line - doesn't make me a billy no friends - makes me interested in other people.

You say that people are rude and personal yet you perpetually mock people on here.
And actually a lot of the threads are very interesting - your loss if you find them boring.
You say that people are rude and personal yet you perpetually mock people on here.
And actually a lot of the threads are very interesting - your loss if you find them boring.

No actually I don't and if you like most of the threads you go in them and post until your heart is content I however do not find them particularly interesting and for that reason I don't go in them.  I could be like some people on here and go in threads and start having a go at the OP because I disgaree with them or don't like the topic etc however I have far more important things to do - if I don't like a thread I ignore it - tis a much nicer way to behave.
No actually I don't and if you like most of the threads you go in them and post until your heart is content I however do not find them particularly interesting and for that reason I don't go in them.  I could be like some people on here and go in threads and start having a go at the OP because I disgaree with them or don't like the topic etc however I have far more important things to do - if I don't like a thread I ignore it - tis a much nicer way to behave.

Well can I just say to everyone - PP has said that if you don't like her threads don't go in them.

PP be careful what you wish for...
I don't know anything about PP but she does not come across as a WUM just comes across as not very intelligent.  The worst thing is she is not very intelligent with a degree in I have no clue on how to live in the real world! Go back to college and get a clue, shame on you.

You all sit there calling me all sorts yet I am one of the only ones who has not resorted to personal attacks in this thread - iz dat becos I iz fick?
I believe you have absolutely attacked people personally in this thread, for every person struggling right now financially they will have taken what you have said as personal, doesn't matter you have not mentioned anyone by name because you could be referring to half the population!

Yes PP I believe you are thick but will no doubt hide behind the fact that people are personally attacking you - what a shame, poor PP!  Again, shame on you

I'm sure PP is just a Buddhist at heart   and this is what she meant to say all along:

Suffering's causes and solution

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths were the first teaching of Gautama Buddha after attaining Nirvana. They are sometimes considered to contain the essence of the Buddha's teachings:
  1. Life as we know it ultimately is or leads to suffering/uneasiness (dukkha) in one way or another.
  2. Suffering is caused by craving. This is often expressed as a deluded clinging to a certain sense of existence, to selfhood, or to the things or phenomena that we consider the cause of happiness or unhappiness. Craving also has its negative aspect, i.e. one craves that a certain state of affairs not exist.
  3. Suffering ends when craving ends. This is achieved by eliminating delusion, thereby reaching a liberated state of Enlightenment (bodhi);
  4. Reaching this liberated state is achieved by following the path laid out by the Buddha.

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