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 If she is presented with a challenging question or viewpoint, she cries off and claims she is being bullied, picked on and intimidated and refuses to answer, because everyone is 'ganging up on her.'  

to be fair, she usually just ignores them... myself an others have made points/asked questions which have gone 'unnoticed'
It doesn't really matter if the bankers were the only cause or the majority of the cause, they are the ones getting away with it, still receiving their bonuses, whereas the wee folk take the burden. Nothing has changed from the Middle Ages, bar the Newspapers, but not enough notice is taken of them to head of a Government that will lead this country to certain distruction.
cologne 1
I will contact Lori and ask her to have a word with you about incitement.

I'm not 'running'. I'm telling her that I've had enough of her posts and that I hope somebody has a word

That's not actually what you said though.

And really if you dislike the threads that much...stay out of them...its easy enough.

Personally I find it more fun to go in and argue the toss a bit.
to be fair, she usually just ignores them... myself an others have made points/asked questions which have gone 'unnoticed'

I have not intentionally ignored anything you have posted - so if I have I apologise.  There are some forum members I do ignore and that is due to their past behaviour towards me - they know I have no intention of replying to anything they have to say yet they are continuing to post - that is their choice but like I said they will not be receive any response from me.
quote: *waves*  I am a public sector worker and will not be having a pay increase for at least 3 years. It is what it is ....

snap Issy, and me monthly travel card has just gone up 6% for no improvement in service
Yeah, I work for a private training company that runs alongside the jobcentre.......I ain't getting a rise either 
SazBomb, we're on a list. Think yourself lucky. 

oh I never make a list!  
I am a public sector worker and will not be having a pay increase for at least 3 years. It is what it is ....

snap Issy, and me monthly travel card has just gone up 6% for no improvement in service

The petrol is going to cripple me. My car is not a luxury - I need it to get to work and I travel round the county.
But like the bankers the public sector workers are seen as the spawn of the devil.
I think it's funny how you get a very clear mental picture of some FMs.  I'm inclined to think that Hevva is really a 57 year old builder called Gavin, with a huge pot belly, a wispy ginger comb-over, pebble glasses, and 9 nicotine-stained teeth.  I suspect that s/he posts sitting hunched over a keyboard, with his/her tongue poking out of the corner of his/her mouth, along with a little bit of dribble, wears a slightly stained off white vest over an unbuttoned blue checked shirt, and breathes quite heavily over some of the responses his/her threads attract.  
Nope just making a point- I have an opinion and I am absolutely crucified ofr it another FM makes some rather disturbing and sickening comments and they are glorified for it. Persoally couldn't care less what he/she or anyone on here thinks of me but if a point needs making I will make it!!
Of course you will.
you know through past experience the effect it will have, it never fails.

I vaguely remember our last Rendez-vous, quite entertaining.
Ev (Peachy)
Nice post Suzi  Believe me, she'd freak if she knew my views on some things. However I like to think I can reign myself in and have a proper debate and see other people's points of view 

That is what it boils down to though, seeing it from another's point of view.  In a debate, you acknowledge the points that your opponent has made and then give your reasons as to why their points are invalid.

In a proper debate, someone mentions that the bankers responsible for the economic downturn and gives the fact that the government bailed out the banks to the tune of ÂĢ5 billion.  Now, where does the government get tht money?  From the taxpayers.

Now, the opposite side could debate that the only way to recover from such a downturn would be for the people to spend more money and work harder so the government could recoup their losses and use the money for roads and transport once the banks have gotten back on their feet.

Oh, but that's not what is happening!  The banks are now turning a profit but are not repying their loans, but are instead giving out massive bonuses again!
woah don't for one second think that I am in the least bit bothered about what people on here think of me - I don't care however I will make the point that yes I am strong willed and opinionated but at least I do not have to make nasty, viscious personal attacks in order to get that point across.  Of course I have opinions on all of you based on your behaviour on here but at least I have the maturity and decency not to post nasty remarks about people.  So sit there judging me - like I said I don't care - but at the end of the day it is yourselves you are humiliating - not me!!
PP you have failed to talk about the repercussions of the single parent, of the elderly of the nuclear family whose main breadwinner has been just made redundant. You show a complete and utter lack of empathy. 

Tell me this, a man who has a young family had been earning a healthy wage of say ÂĢ40k in the construction industry, and had been taking tax and national insurance contributions for the guts of ten years. Suddenly the proverbial hits the fan and the construction industry comes to a standstill. When he was earning well he got a mortgage out, and he was able to pay off the mortgage with his earnings, something that the bank had encouraged him to do. When he is made redundant how is he supposed to pay back the ÂĢ400 or whatever amount a week on a mere ÂĢ60 dole?

Before you talk about borrowing beyond your means, he wasn't as at the time he was comfortable and the banks encouraged him to get a mortgage. Also, if people didn't get mortgages then houses wouldn't be bought, if houses weren't being bought then there would be no need to build them so as a result the mortgage lenders, the estate agents and the construction industry wouldn't ever be required. Who can pay ÂĢ150,00 in one lump sum for a house.

I'd appreciate if you could answer my question many thanks.
Jingle 0 he switches his mortgage to an interest only mortgage and then applies for help paying for this from the Government.  He could also look towards selling the house - though obv this could take time.  Though I would always ask the question as to why in the boom years this man did not save any money - having savings behind you is the best option!

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