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I have noticed how pretty p has still not answered the question/questions asked of her many times 'are you single or married,' 'do you have children,' 'do you have your own home/rented/live with parents,' 'any dependents,' etc??  Funny how she keeps evading all these questions.  IMO, it seems obvious that she is single, ablebodied, and has plenty of disposable income, otherwise she would not keep coming on her making the kind of comments she does.  She also sounds rather a bitter person to me, as the comments often seem to be posted with an intent to cause disharmony, conflict and hurt.  I strongly believe that she is unhappy and lonely and likes to try to make people feel as low as she does.

In addition, her comments are ignorant, ill informed, inconsistant and childish, and smack of someone who has no CLUE of what they are talking about.  It's nigh on impossible to get into a debate with someone who doesn't have any clue about the subject which they have started talking about.  And pretty p has proven on this thread that she has little idea about the things she has been talking about.  She has commented a number of times about situations that she has never been in, as if she knows everything about everything. 

One can try and understand about things they have not experienced, but we don't make out we know more than the people who HAVE experienced it..  She talks as if she knows 'everything!' and everyone's individual circumstances.  She can say 'I am not wrong it's just a different opinion,' but how does she know if she is or isn't wrong, when she does not know anyone personally, or know about anyone's financial circumstances? She is refusing to accept or believe for one second, that she may just MAY be in the wrong here.  Her posts come across as very sanctimonious and condescending.

She often ties herself up in knots, and IMO makes no sense at times, and she gets extremely defensive and annoyed when she has people proving her wrong.  If she is presented with a challenging question or viewpoint, she cries off and claims she is being bullied, picked on and intimidated and refuses to answer, because everyone is 'ganging up on her.' 

If this IS what is happening Pretty p, maybe you should ask yourself why, because I don't see it happening to anyone else.  And as virtually everyone on this thread is against you and what you are saying, maybe you should ask yourself why that is too.  If your threads/posts ARE serious and are not set to purposely wind people up, then I really feel sorry for you as you must be quite a lonely and sad person, because you seem to get great satisfaction from posting threads that you know will cause conflict and end up hurting peoples' feelings. 
A very interesting post, Sparkles.  I have become convinced that threads like these are a wind up.  A similar thread was posted a few months ago with nearly the same sentiments.  Many of the same points were raised and ignored.

I actually feel quite sorry for pretty p as her life must lack any kind of joy or wonder, as well as empathy and compassion.
Well said Cologne ... and thank you Suzi.  I study psychology and am really finding pretty p an interesting case study.  She certainly seems to be someone who is not a happy person, and she lacks empathy and seems a bit of a bitter and angry person deep down.  And this crying off and claiming she is being bullied and everyone against her, when people challenge her suggests to me that she is very immature.  Not necessarily very young though, as some people of 21 can be kind and full of empathy and quite mature and some 40 y.o.s can be very immature.  She doesn't like to admit she is wrong either and gets very defensive when challenged.  She repeatedly refuses to answer certain questions too. 

So it's hard to pinpoint her age, but I highly doubt she has a family/children/dependents or many financial outgoings.commitments, because she wouldnt have made the kind of comments she has made on this thread.  She seems to display some sociopathic tendencies, but I would have to meet her or know her personally to make a full judgement.
Like I said pretty p, I don't know you personally, so therefore I wouldn't be able to make a full judgement, (try to read my posts properly before this is what I actually said)  However, I am making an opinion on what I have seen so far... You're quite fascinating I must say, that much is certain.  .I am not actually doing a real case study on you LOL.  I am just watching you as a forum contributor and commenting on what I see/have seen!  Can't believe you thought I was seriously using you in my work!  LOL!  I have spoken about people like you in my classes though.


My personal information is no business of yours or anyone else on this forum - should you like to discuss your details with someone that is your choice however I will never do so.  However in your essay you contradict yourself as you accuse me of giving no info away but then say which situations I hav/haven't been in - how would you know that if I don't give out much info??
I have very clearly on many occasions in this forum said that I by no means claim to have any idea about any single persons personal circumstances on this forum - unlike others I hasten to add.
I only ever refuse to answer a point when people feel the need to raise them with personal attacks - you do not reward bad behaviour as far as I am concerned.
Please don't feel sorry for me I have a very happy and full life hence I have no need to spend all day on here discussin people I know nothing about and using them as case studies.


LOL I didn't say I speak about people on this forum, I said that I speak about people like you....  And I think this forum is far more important to you than you like to admit.      And I do feel sorry for you...  Don't be offended by it... By the way you post, you sound like someone who is lonely...  Just saying what I see.... you seem sad...

I've said too much.  I won't say anything else on here tonight.  I am obviously upsetting you and hitting a few raw nerves.  I don't mean to upset anyone: I am just trying to get to the bottom of why you are how you are...It's the psychologist in me...But I can see I am upsetting and angering you.  So i will say nothing else on this thread again tonight.
I don't study psychology, but I do find reading many posts on here interesting from a humanistic viewpoint.  Every single post I read, I make an opinion about the person who wrote it.  Sometimes my opinions about a person may be wrong, and sometimes they may be right.

When I read a post from someone who says "we are better off", I wonder what would possess a person to make a judgement call like that?  When I read a post that says a 2.5% VAT increase won't affect that many people, I wonder how could someone be that incompassionate and insensitive?

Perhaps it's because I grew up in a time, with my mother teaching me that I should be compassionate, where the majority of people were more interested in making the world a better place instead of gloating over how much better their life is than someone else's.

Or perhaps it's because my mantra has always been, " I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet".
you do not reward bad behaviour

You've understood the concept then. Why are the FMs rewarding you by giving you a six page thread, only to be completely frustrated by it? I will contact Lori and ask her to have a word with you about incitement. Why? Because you enter every now and again and try to start a riot. Not in the rules my dear.
cologne 1
I've said too much.  I won't say anything else on here tonight.  I am obviously upsetting you and hitting a few raw nerves.  I don't mean to upset anyone: I am just trying to get to the bottom of why you are how you are...It's the psychologist in me...But I can see I am upsetting and angering you.  So i will say nothing else on this thread again tonight

Sorry to burst your little bubble but you really couldn't upset me if you tried - this is a little forum that really doesn't feature very highly in my life.  To me you are a name on my screen nothing more believe me I have far more important things to worry about.  I actually can't believe that you just said any of that - gosh the things the psychologist in me could take from that however I don't care enough to think about it - sorry!!!
ïŧŋïŧŋïŧŋïŧŋïŧŋTo me its not about the money, its more a morale thing... while im paying for a mess I didn't make. The ones who are responsible (bankers) are walking out of their jobs with a nice pay cheque.

Bankers are not the only ones to blame for this recession - the media has made them a scapegoat and most people have fallen for it.  The Bankers did wrong in a big big way however greed is another major factor and for that everyone is responsible and that is why everyone is paying the price.
Please don't feel sorry for me I have a very happy and full life hence I have no need to spend all day on here discussin people I know nothing about and using them as case studies.
Thanks - can't return the favour though as this forum really does not feature that much in my life - sorry!

So why come on here at all then? And no I am not attacking you. From all of your posts on this thread not one person agrees with you. So what is the purpose of coming on here? If it is to air your views then that is fine but why not go to a news forum or something where you may find like minded people?
Oh and before you go thinking 'well people shouldn't have borrowed beyond their means', no they shouldn't. But banks and mortgage brokers were extremely seductive. I'm a single mum and I got offered a mortgage of 240k from the HSBC in 2006 without even enquiring about it. People who could not pass credit clearance for mortgages were encouraged (heavily may I add) to self-certificate.

The bankers purposely manipulated an opportunity to make a quick buck and duck out before the shit hit the fan. They used the media and clever marketing ploys to attract the naive, even though, in 2006, any Estate Agent, Banker or Mortgage Broker out there knew damn well what was coming in the next couple of years.
How was everyone "greedy"?

Too many people lived on credit - now ok you could argue that was because it was so easily available and that may very well be the case however it is high time people took resposibility for their own actions.  Yes Bankers played a huge part in causing this recession - they were most likely the biggest cause but is wrong to accuse them of being the only cause.
I enjoy debating current issues.

Yes but why do you enjoy debating in a forum where everyone completely disagrees with you and clearly your views upset a lot of people? This happens every time you start a thread and yet you do not seem to want to accept any responsibility for it. Good debates normally have all sorts of conflicting views yet not one person has agreed or even come close to agreeing with you.
You have had all sorts of people offer counter arguments and reasons yet its almost like you have your fingers in your ears and are saying "lala not listening".

And if you have such a full and happy life as you say, why not debate these issues with your real life friends?

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