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How about you reply to the rest of my post and prove me wrong, instead of playing the woe is me card.

Unfortunately due to your inability to just discuss the topic at hand in that post I am not going to reply to it - and that isn't because I am admitting any sort of defeat rather I have always been taught that nastiness should not be rewarded.  If you would like to resort to childish name calling go ahead however if you do so I will ingore any points in that post that may actually have been relevant t the discussion in hand.

FGS please stop with all the "internet is all I have stories"

Awwwwwwwwwwww PP may you always be young, have friends and family and be able bodied. Not everyone's lives are the same you know.

In the past people have remarked on how insensitive you are and I didn't always get it. I do now.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a minute and stop being so pig headed and quite frankly silly!
Soozy Woo
Unfortunately due to your inability to just discuss the topic at hand in that post I am not going to reply to it - and that isn't because I am admitting any sort of defeat rather I have always been taught that nastiness should not be rewarded.  If you would like to resort to childish name calling go ahead however if you do so I will ingore any points in that post that may actually have been relevant t the discussion in hand.

So basically you have no reply to my comment and you are in fact proving that your head is well and truly lodged up your ass.
I think that example of PPs overwhelming compassion was aimed at me Soozy. Obviously I didn't tune my violin to the correct pitch!

It wasn't aimed at any one in particular I was merely making the point that people were taking my use of the internet as an example completely the wrong way and totally out of the context within which it was used.
Well it's quiet on here these days so a response to an obvious wind up can be amusing for a while...

Yep ....................nothing wrong with a bit of controversy IMO's what keeps a forum alive and kicking.

On this occaSION i REALLY CAN'T AGREE with PP in any way but ...................there's nothing better than steaming in with an alternative opinion........................surely I'm not the only one to feel this way?

Forum life . This is what it's all about isn't it? There's only so much Corrie, EE and Snow that can be discussed. Give me a bit of controversy any day 
Soozy Woo
Lord I'd forgotten about the news forummers Katty!! I made one foray there and got called a soap dodging tree hugger - or maybe it was a tree hugging soap dodger, I forget pmsl. The loons on GF were bad enough.
I do miss the C4 forums - but not the mods! I still get subjected to the Tempero mods on the Arsenal forum. It's quite funny really watching the fms there kicking off about all the same stuff we used to kick off about

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