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Isn't the ficko society called Densa? I'm sure I heard about it once!

Reference: jackson
when  the vat  was reduced   to 15% for a while , i heard loads of people moan  that it was pointless because it made  hardly any difference,.
Hi jackson. 

I think as a way to boost spending by consumers, it probably did make little difference, but, as is the case with an increase, I'm sure it would have affected the poorer in society, more than those higher up the income scale. The rich will spend, whatever the VAT rate, whilst those having to watch every penny, will notice it more.
I do not believe PP=Hevva does really believe all that she writes in her threads I think she really does do it for a wind up and it works she has 10 pages, I even thought at one stage if this was the real Hevva or had someone stolen her ID, because back in the CH4 days forum she could be controversial but harmless nothing like she portrays herself now, I have always liked Hevva and still do just wish she was a bit more like the Hevva she used to be who had a lot of support from FM back in the days of CH4 forum as Veggieburger has said somewhere in here,it takes guts to take everyone on in the forum in my opinion and it would not surprise me if she does sit behind her puter reading her/this thread having a good giggle, just wish her threads were not so heartless and lacking in empathy for others it may get her the attention she wants but she has gone down quite a few notches in my estimation this time around.
Marg xx
It's really funny that you say about wondering if someone had stolen Hevvas id as I said exactly the same thing a couple of weeks back in some thread or another as, like you, I have never known Hevva to be spiteful or lash out like she has recently. She always had a viewpoint and stuck to it resolutely, which takes courage when everyone is disagreeing with you.
Hi Veggieburger  with both of us coming to this conclusion we could be right I wonder if others have thought the same,her thread headings are the same but her posts have got a spiteful ring to them which does make you think is it really her..I always had a bit of a soft spot for Hevva back then, it would be nice if it was not her but to be honest I doubt we will ever know unless the real Hevva shows up
I am loving the funny pics, espcially the one with the bunny in the saucepan.   

Re Jackson b comments: I remember the VAT being reduced to 15% and everyone I knew being pleased as it DID make a lot of difference, not complaining because it didn't..  I guess it depends who you are, what income you're on, and if you have lots of financial outgoings/commitments/mortgage/kids etc.  If someone doesnt have this, then they don't care either way because they've no money worries.  There seems to be a selfish, narrow minded 'I'm all right Jack' attitude from some, especially when they've no clue what others are going through.

VAT going up or being reduced makes a HUGE difference to people who are struggling, and this is everyone I know at the moment.  Genuine hardworking folk who have paid their dues for many many years, can hardly afford to feed their families now and are losing their livelihoods and homes left right and centre, that is why comments like the ones pretty P has been posting on here, are out of order IMO, because she is posting about things that she has no knowledge or experience of.
Sparkles  I am living on my own morgage free comfortabily off and I dont say that in a boastful way but believe me I hate this attitude I am alright jack,I do have a social conscience and believe in fairness for all and hate to see what this government is doing to the poorest families because they will suffer more than anyone.. FACT.

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