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I love a good old moan.
Especially about television programmes.
When other people suggest I switch to another programme or turn off I feel indignant.
I don't think I am alone. I believe very many people watch a programme and then moan about it.
Moaning is very therapeutic.
I'm not a habitual moaner, although not a single series of Big Brother has gone by without me moaning about something or other.
Some people are struggling as it is PP if you purchase a piece of furniture or have to have some building work etc we are talking about a lot of VAT we could have done without it thank you very much

In the majority of cases undertaking such work or purchasing such items is merely a luxury - hardly the end of the world if such luxuries need tobe put on hold is it??  At the end of the day the major problem for a lot of people is that they live beyond their means!!!
n the majority of cases undertaking such work or purchasing such items is merely a luxury - hardly the end of the world if such luxuries need tobe put on hold is it??  At the end of the day the major problem for a lot of people is that they live beyond their means!!!
A lot of people maybe,, but what about those who have been barely getting by before this rise? 25 p on a tenner over a year's expenditure =a fair wee hike..  even if you calculate it only on food, clothing etc.
A lot of people maybe,, but what about those who have been barely getting by before this rise? 25 p on a tenner over a year's expenditure =a fair wee hike..  even if you calculate it only on food, clothing

There are very few people in that situation - there are many people who will claim to be in such a situation but if they took the luxuries away they would soon see they have more than enough for the basics.  The fact is that in this day and age too many people see luxuries as a necessity - people think they are on the breadline if they are unable to afford a holiday or the latest gadgets.  Things were too easily available in the boom years when people started to live beyond their means and now they are unable to stop doing so.  I can honestly say that other than the struggle to find a job this recession has had very little impact on me because I have only ever spent money I have and not run up huge credit card bills - there are plenty of things I would love to buy but simply cannot afford - but that is life.
Having to have building work done is hardly a luxury it is a neccesity the rise in VAT  could stop any recovery it is not good for the stores/shopkeepers? small buisness interest rates could go up higher morgages that 2.5% you say is nothing could cause an lot of damage..

No it isn't - obviously in some cases there will be a necessity to undertake such work but in the majority of cases that simply isn't the case.  Extensions etc are not necessities - they may make life easier but it is possible to live without them.  Interest rates are at a historic low, mortgage paymemnts are at a historic low so a small rise in them really should have very little impct unless people are living in houses they can't really afford or have taken out too much credit in the boom years.

You have it all sussed in YOUR head good for you but I live in the real world

That's nice - is that near London???

Anyway back to the topic - life is unfair, it's not all luxuries and fun sometimes we have to go without certain things in order to survive and the reality is that there are a few more people who need to realise this.  It would be great if we could all have everything we wanted but we can't - that's life. 

It's an accepted fact that a rise in VAT disproportionately affects the poor, compared with the rich, and, of course, small businesses, which are already struggling.

The ConDems seem to think that targetting the poor, the young (students), those in need of care  and small businesses is a good way to pay for millionaire bankers' mistakes. 
Anyway back to the topic - life is unfair, it's not all luxuries and fun sometimes we have to go without certain things in order to survive and the reality is that there are a few more people who need to realise this.  It would be great if we could all have everything we wanted but we can't - that's life.
either I have deja vu or you've done the content of this thread already  
*moves away from the thread*
Anyway back to the topic - life is unfair, it's not all luxuries and fun sometimes we have to go without certain things in order to survive and the reality is that there are a few more people who need to realise this.  It would be great if we could all have everything we wanted but we can't - that's life.

I have been going without things for years. I don't and have never had credit cards. I haven't had a holiday for many years. I never live above my means and trust me this increase will have an effect on me and many others in a similar situation.
Ref PP...
That's nice - is that near London

The real world is so far removed from were you are but the majority of us dont need directions how to get there ......

There we go again - we don't agree with certain poster so we need to resort to personal insults.

I do live in the real world - I understand that life isn't the bed of roses some people think it is - I understand that sometimes we have to go witout certain items in order to survive but the fact remains that a 2.5% increase is not going to stop people from being able to afford the items they need to survive.  they may not be able to afford as many luxury items but they will be able to survive - some people need to lear how to just deal with it!!
but the fact remains that a 2.5% increase is not going to stop people from being able to afford the items they need to survive. t

a 2.5% increase can be just that tiny little difference that is the last straw in someone's budget plans [e.g. in a cumulative way over the past year of cuts] that makes everything finally go tits up where once they were hanging on. .be it personal or a business with the later having a huge knock on effect on others too....

but I suspect you know that really  and are just bored..

EDIT: Damn I wasn't going to comment. .got sucked in. .  goes back to oooooooohing 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Well I need to buy new filming equipment, camera, tripods, microphones, tapes etc. I hate to think how much more its going to be.

The editing software that I need cost ÂĢ800 last year

Based on a figure of ÂĢ800 you will be paying roughly ÂĢ20 more than you did lat year then - in the grad scheme of things considering the amount you are spending it isn't exactly a great deal more is it!!

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