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That was either really badly edited or people were ganging up on Ben for no apparent reason.

John James seemed to be taking the moral highground against Ben for not getting on a bed with an injured person and 6 other people already on there.  Surely Keeley needed space, not a see how many people can fit on a bed competition.

What confused me further is John James' new found friendship with Keeley, considering just hours earlier he was shouting and swearing at her at 3 in the morning, and then went out into the garden and called her a effing bitch.

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What confused me further is John James' new found friendship with Keeley, considering just hours earlier he was shouting and swearing at her at 3 in the morning, and then went out into the garden and called her a effing bitch.
That is it in a nutshell Spidey...Ben acurrately observed and commented to JJ the hypocrasy of his actions...Hence the ganging up on Ben.
Senora Reyes
Old Crab Eyes gets the favourable edit again.  I saw the whole thing on Live Feed and it totally missed out the bit where Ben had been sat in the bedroom with Keeley, just the two of them chatting waiting for the medical team to arrive.  It also missed out the bit where Ben explains that he had previously already been keeping Keeley company before everyone else piled onto her bed.
Ben has never done anything wrong - and never once bitched over the past 6 weeks. Totally unfair to suggest otherwise imo...

Uh Ben's fans fully admit that Ben, along with every other housemate in there, has bitched.  I can't see where in this thread it is mentioned that he doesn't bitch.

You can be anti-Ben Coldly, but it would be helpful if your comments were relevant to the topic in hand.  What did Ben do wrong?
I'm sure he did everything right and made all the right noises ......after all - he loves her to bits. I just think laying down with cucumber over your eyes  whilst everyone else was clucking round and making a fuss was deemed insensitive. TBH .......although I can't stand the guy I don't really see what he did as wrong ..........on the other hand - I can see how it may have looked insensitive.
Soozy Woo
Uh Ben's fans fully admit that Ben, along with every other housemate in there, has bitched.  I can't see where in this thread it is mentioned that he doesn't bitch. You can be anti-Ben Coldly, but it would be helpful if your comments were relevant to the topic in hand.  What did Ben do wrong?
Erm... have i not already answered this?
Cold Sweat
The reviled comment was sooooooo unecessary ....i think Ben is very clever and calculating in everything he says. He may think he scored points with the public (which is his biggest concern) but it was incredibly insensitive to say that when someone is in earshot (and in obvious pain). He has a nasty streak in him which he strives to conceal...........................sorry .......really don't like him at all.
Soozy Woo
How come Dave gets away with it..he started it all and Josie piped in, JJ was joking until Ben's reviled comment which was'nt fair on Keeley....
Telling Ben right in front of Keeley that he doesn't give a shit about her wasn't particularly fair though but none of the other housemates seemed to pick up on that.  It made John James look kinda fake to be honest, considering the way he'd called her an effing bitch and all that went with that.
Old Crab Eyes gets the favourable edit again. I saw the whole thing on Live Feed and it totally missed out the bit where Ben had been sat in the bedroom with Keeley, just the two of them chatting waiting for the medical team to arrive. It also missed out the bit where Ben explains that he had previously already been keeping Keeley company before everyone else piled onto her bed.
But they managed to show him eating cake while the others were all playing nurse. I luvs Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
The reviled comment was sooooooo unecessary
It's completely accurate though.  John James has been slagging Keeley off for days now during his little chats with Caoimhe.  And then of course there was the unpleasantness of the night before where he was shouting and swearing at her at 3am in the bedroom.  Like I say, for him to start judging other people's friendship with Keeley seems incredibly fake and hypocritical.
He just left a conversation,  with Dave and Andrew  and went to bed  (shock horror) because Dave (for once) stuck up for Ben!   He's now giving out about Ben again to Josie!    He's a poisonous little weed.

I switched it off Tiddly, it's the same old from him all the time. He's Mr Perfect and everyone else is sh*t, gawd another 6 weeks of him and I'll be lining up the pills, I've not felt like this since the Eurovision song contest 
It's completely accurate though. John James has been slagging Keeley off for days now during his little chats with Caoimhe. And then of course there was the unpleasantness of the night before where he was shouting and swearing at her at 3am in the bedroom. Like I say, for him to start judging other people's friendship with Keeley seems incredibly fake and hypocritical.
Spot on Spidey totally agree...One of the reasons I love Ben so much is that his observations on HM's are very accurate.
Senora Reyes

One thing I will say is that after weeks of Ben letting John James walk all over him in these verbal exchanges, I am pleased to see Ben has started to stand up for himself and argue back.  I think that now the likes of Caoimhe and Shabby have gone, it's going to be just Ben versus John James every time, featuring JJ's yes man Dave on the sidelines nodding in approval at everything he says.

Spot on Spidey totally agree...One of the reasons I love Ben so much is that his observations on HM's are very accurate.

Quite frankly Senora, I think it would be insulting Keeley's intelligence to suggest to her that John James does anything other than revile her.  His actions since she's entered the house speak louder than anything Ben just said.

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