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Found this on an allergy site:


Some of the few pineapple allergy symptoms that you may face if you are indeed sensitive to the fruit would be skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea or constipations. Although these are indeed familiar signs of allergies, you may be experiencing these symptoms soon after consuming or touching pineapple which would make it clear that you are allergic to the particular fruit.


Now that it's been on a while it's helping a bit.  They were just coming out so quickly, it seemed strange because I've ate/drank nothing strange today?


Although the OH has informed me that he washed the bedcovers in just fabric conditioner coz we'd run out of washing powder   have used that FC before but not as a main detergent.  


 Noooooo!   We can't be having him doing less around the house!  He over-uses smelly things though, he likes a nice lingering smell  I try to please him with farts.


Zazz I bliddy hope so!  It took my mum months to figure out that I was allergic to oranges as a kid (amongst a few other things) as they were one of those things that I'd grab as a snack and not actually think about it when re-telling her my meals for those days.


I've just had to ask the OH to examine my boobs   they've got what looks like piticia (SPELLING??)  petticia?  I happened coz of the itching, like tiny pin pricks of blood all over.  I'm sure he thought he was onto something when I shouted 'c'mere t'ye see me boobs!'


Poor fing Els!


Is the FC non-biological or biological? I found for no reason I became allergic to bio washing powder and had to change to non-bio. Maybe it's the same for you with the FC like Cos said. Have a shower and get OH in there too as he might carry the allergen now...  Make sure he checks your boobs there eh?  


Change your bedding now! And make sure he hasn't done any other washing recently! 


Yes, it is bio Xoc.....we only usually use non-bio products coz the wee one has bad eczema but we have the FC for our stuff aswell and I suppose I have got used to using everything non-bio or perfume-free.


Hmmm......You do realise I can't possibly tell the OH how much of a mistake he has made?  He'll use it as a reason not to do anything for the rest of his days!   Hive or OH who doesn't do any housework?  That is something to sleep on!

My son broke out in blotches all over his back last thurs/fri I actually had to go cooler him from school on Friday because of it. It was his new doctor who sheets that he begged me to put on before I'd washed them! Poor lad, his back was almost one big red blotch by the time I realised what it was! Have you bought something new clothes wise? Hope it clears up quickly and never returns!
Originally Posted by Ells:

Although the OH has informed me that he washed the bedcovers in just fabric conditioner coz we'd run out of washing powder   have used that FC before but not as a main detergent.  

WTF?? Sorry to laugh Ells, but that's just cracked me up Bit like the time my bf washed the bedding on the 'sports shoe' cycle on the machine

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Although the OH has informed me that he washed the bedcovers in just fabric conditioner coz we'd run out of washing powder   have used that FC before but not as a main detergent.  

WTF?? Sorry to laugh Ells, but that's just cracked me up Bit like the time my bf washed the bedding on the 'sports shoe' cycle on the machine

Saz he thinks he is being sensible by just doing the washing anyway without the washing powder. I just nodded my head and said aye that's grand, otherwise he'd use it as an axcuse never to do anything again.  


He's washed the floors with fairy liquid before aswell and was cursing coz there were so many bubbles around the place.  But I can't be telling him he's wrong!!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Poor Ells!  


I haven't got any advice, but I am allergic to washing too. 

 Maybe you're onto something there Blizz. I'll have the day off today and see how I go!

I think it's for the best. Have the hives gone down?


p.s. I've washed the floor with washing up liquid before.

 I think I may have a man living inside me. 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Although the OH has informed me that he washed the bedcovers in just fabric conditioner coz we'd run out of washing powder   have used that FC before but not as a main detergent.  

WTF?? Sorry to laugh Ells, but that's just cracked me up Bit like the time my bf washed the bedding on the 'sports shoe' cycle on the machine

Saz he thinks he is being sensible by just doing the washing anyway without the washing powder. I just nodded my head and said aye that's grand, otherwise he'd use it as an axcuse never to do anything again.  


He's washed the floors with fairy liquid before aswell and was cursing coz there were so many bubbles around the place.  But I can't be telling him he's wrong!!

Mine once used furniture polish on my lacquered oven door, made a right mess of the thing!

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Poor Ells!  


I haven't got any advice, but I am allergic to washing too. 

 Maybe you're onto something there Blizz. I'll have the day off today and see how I go!

I think it's for the best. Have the hives gone down?


p.s. I've washed the floor with washing up liquid before.

 I think I may have a man living inside me. 

Nah they're still here.  I have come to the conclusion that I MUST be allergic to the OH.  He'll have to go.


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