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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'll be honest did feel very awkward posting during this BB. I'm more often than not defending the under dog so should be used to being a minority poster. Somehow though it did appear quite nasty at times and I did take some of it a bit personally but I suppose that's being over sensitive. 


Maybe it was something to do with defending a woman of a similar age - it was kind of like people were automatically comparing me with Denise and saying (in not so many words) - you must be just like her then.


I don't know - I did feel TBH that it might be hard to move on - time heals though.

Sooz tbh I may not always agree with your views but do admire the fact you say it as it is.Like you I am a similar age to her and felt a lot of what I said was being twisted and taken personal,I at no stage condemned anyone for having a drink etc or that age determined when we could or couldn't have fun but numerous times that's how the words were twisted.It does get confusing though that age shouldn't determine how we act in RL but how we act here,

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'll be honest did feel very awkward posting during this BB. I'm more often than not defending the under dog so should be used to being a minority poster. Somehow though it did appear quite nasty at times and I did take some of it a bit personally but I suppose that's being over sensitive. 


Maybe it was something to do with defending a woman of a similar age - it was kind of like people were automatically comparing me with Denise and saying (in not so many words) - you must be just like her then.


I don't know - I did feel TBH that it might be hard to move on - time heals though.

Sooz tbh I may not always agree with your views but do admire the fact you say it as it is.Like you I am a similar age to her and felt a lot of what I said was being twisted and taken personal,I at no stage condemned anyone for having a drink etc or that age determined when we could or couldn't have fun but numerous times that's how the words were twisted.It does get confusing though that age shouldn't determine how we act in RL but how we act here,

At the risk of re-running past debates......   From my standpoint,  I don't think  words were being twisted or taken personally It was more a case of trying to get across the point that some of the remarks being made could just as easily have been levelled at a lot of people.......




I have to say I was very uncomfortable on the forum the last week of BB, in fact I didn't log on the last  two nights because of it. I was a Darnell and Rex supporter in the past and took loads of flack, it's never bothered me before, this was the first time I have actually had to step away and not be here for the final. 

I don't know if it's because the forum is so small that I noticed more, but I remember one post that was extremely rude to another forum member and after I read that I decided to step away until it was over. 

I'm not even sure I'll watch the next BB, it's maybe not worth the fallouts 


Seems to me people have taken a lot of things personally that weren't meant that way.   I know some comments got a bit near the knuckle (even for someone like me who doesn't like Denise).. I just stopped posting in that case.


I go in and support OPINIONS I agree with, not people.    I don't think people who share an opinion necessarily make it a clique.   I know some Boobettes better than others and I think the world of them.. that doesn't change because I have a difference of opinon with them on one or two subjects.


I don't think Gaga's cliquey at all... but maybe pm'ing people to discuss other's opinion might be.  Better to PM the person concerned, no?


Ok So maybe i didn't word my OP in the best way... (vodka does that to you lol) No ones upset me directly (for those who asked)


Others seem to have posted how i feel better than i did! Blizzie pretty much hit the nail on the head, It got baaaaaad during CBB, i thought it would have calmed by now but it hasn't. I cant remember actual posts (vodka does that too ) Only the atmosphere, which wasn't too nice.


Sparkles also said it well, sometimes it's not what is posted but who it's posted by that determines the tone of the replies.


I dunno maybe i'm reading too much into things, maybe it's the first time I've gotten into this forum when BB has been on. Either way some the crap posted on here came across as mean and as someone else said those HM's aren't really worth it all are they?


I HATE peple who roll up to a counter (bank,shop,bar etc) who are on their phone and keep talking to whomever it is that's on the line. Here's an idea call them back, you rude indvidual.

I HATE people who don't use their idicators. The hint is in the name.

I HATE people who are in the long queue and still have no idea what it is they want when they get to the counter, here's an idea read the menu or drinks list or whatever while you're standing in the mile long queue.

Don't overtake me on the footpath only to get in my way and slow me down.

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

I HATE peple who roll up to a counter (bank,shop,bar etc) who are on their phone and keep talking to whomever it is that's on the line. Here's an idea call them back, you rude indvidual.

I HATE people who don't use their idicators. The hint is in the name.

I HATE people who are in the long queue and still have no idea what it is they want when they get to the counter, here's an idea read the menu or drinks list or whatever while you're standing in the mile long queue.

Don't overtake me on the footpath only to get in my way and slow me down.

Your Avi made me laugh while i was reading this post!

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Seems to me people have taken a lot of things personally that weren't meant that way.   I know some comments got a bit near the knuckle (even for someone like me who doesn't like Denise).. I just stopped posting in that case.


I go in and support OPINIONS I agree with, not people.    I don't think people who share an opinion necessarily make it a clique.   I know some Boobettes better than others and I think the world of them.. that doesn't change because I have a difference of opinon with them on one or two subjects.


I don't think Gaga's cliquey at all... but maybe pm'ing people to discuss other's opinion might be.  Better to PM the person concerned, no?

Well this is what I thought    I don't 'get' why people would be PM'ing to say like 'yeah I know what you mean and I know who you mean etc etc'  Why not discuss it openly on here???  As you say, this is how cliques form, when people are 'whispering' behind each others back.

It's like when something has gone missing at work, and someone says 'I have a suspicion who it is, and so does the boss, but I'm not saying...'  And everyone starts wondering then, and suspecting people...and even worse, wondering if it's them who is under suspicion.  So i think discussing openly and not PMing is better form ... IMO

As i said, I don't think there are any cliques here; just different little bunches of people who sometimes stick together on an opinion, and it 'looks' a bit like a clique at that particular time.  


Sorry Bliz and anyone else in one of the threads in which i said i was  sick of the denise apologists, i forget now what she did or said that made   me react that way.


But maybe people did go over the top in their reaction to her, but that's the only time i can recall i reacted that way. 


But   remember also that other  fm's  were pretty nasty about other hm's and if we had taken that personally as some of the denise supporters seem to have taken remarks on here, then we would have all been banged up or sent to the priory.


So all in all it's swings and roundabouts when BB is on, i also suppoerted Josie so I know how it feels, and Noirin and Bea......


Once again sorry if i've irritated / upset any one , that wasn't the intention.

Originally Posted by sparkles:
Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

Oh hold I have to read what's been posted. Just the last couple of pages or do I have to start from the begining?

Probably from about halfway down page 2..

cheers, went back to 3 and it didn't make sense as it was fine on page one. so now I'm like majorly excited to read No2 cos that's where it's at.


The thing I am pleased about in reading this thread, is that it's not just me that feel picked on or ganged up on occasionally...    It seems to happen to quite a lot of folk.   (It is only 'occasionally' too, because most of the time, I am fine on here and the vast majority of the people here are cool and fine and quite pleasant to me.)   There's just a small handful of people who I know don't like me, and I don't think there's anything I can do to change that, and I feel that no matter what I say, there will be be some negative comments about it, whereas if it was one of their forum buddies, they would say nothing.  

As Denise said 'I know there are people who don't like me, but there are people I don't like too, so I can't expect everyone to like me.'  So I accept that not everyone is cool with me, and if someone says anything to something I post, and I am convinced they're just having a go for the sake of it - or they're baiting - I ignore them.  There is also several posters I routinely ignore for several reasons...


My take on Denise is that she is (deep down,) a nice person, but I don't like the way she behaves: like a ladette, flashing her boobies, and being all loud and overbearing.  But she isn't a bad person and didn't deserve all the vitriol she got from some (not aimed at anyone on here: honest ) I mean on other forums and in the press and especially on twitter! 

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Munches crisps...

I am on a diet....

Taunt me why don't you!!!

I've just ordered Indian takeaway



I've had a Chinese,singapore chow ,hot hot!

I had a simple, yet filling beef stew.


And wine



Got to love Slimming World - I could never go near a diet plan that would not allow the grape

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Ok So maybe i didn't word my OP in the best way... (vodka does that to you lol) No ones upset me directly (for those who asked)


Others seem to have posted how i feel better than i did! Blizzie pretty much hit the nail on the head, It got baaaaaad during CBB, i thought it would have calmed by now but it hasn't. I cant remember actual posts (vodka does that too ) Only the atmosphere, which wasn't too nice.


Sparkles also said it well, sometimes it's not what is posted but who it's posted by that determines the tone of the replies.


I dunno maybe i'm reading too much into things, maybe it's the first time I've gotten into this forum when BB has been on. Either way some the crap posted on here came across as mean and as someone else said those HM's aren't really worth it all are they?

You took a whole hour and one and a half pages before the true intention of this thread was finally made clear and yet I'm none the wiser as to who the coven culprits are (if it's me can I get a special badge, ta!).

In effect you loaded the gun and left everyone else to pull the trigger for you.

Another fine mess, Stanley


I was a Madsen Maniac and my man lost.

The Denise fans are the victors so I can't quite grasp why they'd be licking any wounds.
I can't grasp why people are apologising after the event either.  We supported who we supported at the time and now it's over. Sure, some people are strident when giving their opinion but I don't take them too seriously - they're just passionate or in a certain mood at the time of posting.  It's quite easy to give them a nudge and remind them that it's us, their FM pals, and not some impersonal message board that they're playing keyboard warrior on.


Why anyone would harbour a grudge over something on the tv that is here today, gone tomorrow surprises me.  And apparently some do  and are baulking about it privately. 

But obviously not privately enough because it's now been announced as fact in this thread, yes?  So we're all at sixes and sevens wondering who, what and why!

Never felt uncomfortable or overly paranoid on here before.  I do now.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cosi - you are the wisest person on this forum. Fact.


And you deliver it all beautifully.


I'm proud to have been married to you for twenty five years 

Yes .........Cosi talks sense. It really should stop here. Feelings have been hurt - bridges have been crossed etc. but's not real - we all live to fight another day.


Really - a line should be drawn underneath it (I wit's over ............let's move sort of saying that in my thread above ^^^^^^) it appears to have been misinterpreted - CBB is over - it's good to dissect and analyse for a while but it's over now. Time to move on? 

Soozy Woo

 There was a time when a thread like this would be at 186 pages by now, feathers would be flying and we'd be seeing posts from FMs we haven't seen for a while  


 A reasonably measured discussion where folks can say what they think........ gosh I think we might have grown up!  


I hate having to drink water with meals 'cause I'm taking tablets 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cosi - you are the wisest person on this forum. Fact.


And you deliver it all beautifully.


I'm proud to have been married to you for twenty five years 

Yes .........Cosi talks sense. It really should stop here. Feelings have been hurt - bridges have been crossed etc. but's not real - we all live to fight another day.


Really - a line should be drawn underneath it (I wit's over ............let's move sort of saying that in my thread above ^^^^^^) it appears to have been misinterpreted - CBB is over - it's good to dissect and analyse for a while but it's over now. Time to move on? 

Cosi and Soozi.......good posts 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Well TBH, getting away from the BB thing in this thread. I thought it was a bit of fun at first and played along with the OP. I'm sad to see it's taken a bit of a turn  I'm not PMing anyone over it and hope it's not anything I've said in it that's upset peeps 

I have pm'd god and jeremy kyle and will be most put out if they do not answer

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

ach it's just pish. But then again I have the attention span of a .....oh look shiney things.


So who's round is it? I got that Jenstar and Ells are fond of the vodka. *does the universal sign for alkies*

 I hate the vodka, it is not my friend.  It just somehow always manages to end up in my glass.

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Well TBH, getting away from the BB thing in this thread. I thought it was a bit of fun at first and played along with the OP. I'm sad to see it's taken a bit of a turn  I'm not PMing anyone over it and hope it's not anything I've said in it that's upset peeps 

I have pm'd god and jeremy kyle and will be most put out if they do not answer

You uttered the K word 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Well TBH, getting away from the BB thing in this thread. I thought it was a bit of fun at first and played along with the OP. I'm sad to see it's taken a bit of a turn  I'm not PMing anyone over it and hope it's not anything I've said in it that's upset peeps 

I have pm'd god and jeremy kyle and will be most put out if they do not answer

You uttered the K word 

I have no shame

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:



 A reasonably measured discussion where folks can say what they think........ gosh I think we might have grown up!  



see...I kinda thought that's what we'd got to with this CBB so I'm a bit  by this thread (and yes, as mentioned by Cosi - a bit paranoid too now)  People held very strong opinions on both sides of the fence - and voiced them.. with a bit of pantomime bitching thrown in.   I've always found in Gaga, unlike C4, that people were very good at respecting each other's opinions and not letting it sour the atmosphere.    At the back of my mind was always the fact that I'm truly fond of most of the people who supported Denise and would no way for example, start being nasty to Baz in the DOI thread because she disagreed with me on general.   (even if I have had to bang her on the head now and again)      I actually thought most people were of the same mind, and now the show was over we'd gone back to how we were before but it seems not.    I almost want to go trawling threads to see where the 'digs' are, but I can't be arsed.



Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cosi - you are the wisest person on this forum. Fact.


And you deliver it all beautifully.


I'm proud to have been married to you for twenty five years 

We are the North and South that shall not be divided, Donks   And it's about time you bought me a new bit of bling to show your appreciation for 20 years of bliss.


Soozy We were on opposing sides for want of a better description, but I never felt THAT irate (to the point of anger or vitriol) over our differences on the HM's.  It was all good spirited and I always felt we were merely picking over the bones of the events of that day.

Same with everyone else.  Most of the time it was just one glorified p*$$ take as far as I was concerned.  The HM's being the target.


Yeah it's over.  We can always pick over the bones again in a rematch at any time.

For old time's sake.  I can't be bothered right now though!

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 There was a time when a thread like this would be at 186 pages by now, feathers would be flying and we'd be seeing posts from FMs we haven't seen for a while  


 A reasonably measured discussion where folks can say what they think........ gosh I think we might have grown up!  


I hate having to drink water with meals 'cause I'm taking tablets 

Totally agree on all counts, including tablets, Hooch!  


I kept out of this thread (apart from the compulsory brief rant about the govt) because I could see it going down certain paths. Recriminations and picking over perceived slights about some folk on TV that I already barely remember!  I was never aware of cliques this time around, having said which, I never really ever did! All I saw was a bunch of FMs with very entrenched positions who wanted to make their points, some more forcefully than others. I enjoy the fact that folk here can get that involved and passionate about the programme that some things are said in the inevitable heat of the moment! But it's soon easily forgotten, as you point out! We've got a bit sensible!!! 

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