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Originally Posted by Ells:


Have a  aswell coz if you're feeling as rough as I am today, you'll bloody need it  

Lol Yup! was up at 7am too!


I don't feel like i don't fit in Ells, i just see the sometimes nasty little digs here and there more than i used to is all. I'm not the only one, I've had pm's from people today regarding this thread who knew exactly what i meant


Ouch, 7am is the middle of the night  God it's great that my kids are old enough to sleep late at the weekend, not great that they are old enough to fight for 3 solid hours upon wakening though


I must be oblivious to most of what happens round here Jen coz I haven't seen too much in the way of digs.  Or maybe I'm too stupid to pick them up  



In keeping with the thread....... I HATE stinking taxi drivers   Just had to get a taxi to leave the kids off at their grannys and the taxi I was in was putrid.  My hangover didn't help coz I sat in the back trying not to heave whilst nearly falling out the window trying to get air.  It was disgusting!  The driver was hot though.....which is irrelevant but still


I am not aware of any 'clique..'  And I have no idea who people are referring to (on this thread and in 'PMs') .    I feel relatively OK on the whole here, as most people are pretty friendly... but it's taken a long time, and I have had it rough on here at times, as there are a few people who don't like me.  (That is fine actually, because there are several people who I don't like  either, and those people are the ones I don't respond to, and I post 'around..')  


Maybe I say things I shouldn't now and again, or that may offend some, but no more than some others on here...   I have noticed also, that sometimes *I* say a certain thing, and I am jumped on, but when someone else says the same kind of thing; people make a joke out of it when they say it.  There has been a very strong and obvious example of that this past week: I said something (about a week ago,) which several people jumped on me for, and then a few days later, another poster did EXACTLY the same thing, and nobody said anything to her.  I expect they will say that they never noticed it.  (conveniently.)  

This happens to me quite often in here.  I have learned to ignore it, but the double standards piss me off.  It seems to be the same few posters that jump on me as well, and make snide remarks, and I have noticed that these few posters always agree with each other.  


Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:


Have a  aswell coz if you're feeling as rough as I am today, you'll bloody need it  

Lol Yup! was up at 7am too!


I don't feel like i don't fit in Ells, i just see the sometimes nasty little digs here and there more than i used to is all. I'm not the only one, I've had pm's from people today regarding this thread who knew exactly what i meant

I think you fit in just fine . There is room for everyone and diverse opinions make it all the more fun - we don't have to 'like' everyone - but it happens I do like you 

Soozy Woo

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

Well I am not aware of any clique at all Kaffy, and just because you aren't aware of one, doesn't mean you're one of them.....'     (or even that there IS one...)  I must admit, I can't think of one single time when you've offended me:  so if you have, it can't have bothered me that much, because I can't remember it.  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

I'm more curious about wether some digs have been aimed at me in the past and I've been totally oblivious to it all  

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

I really hate people that do not indicate at roundabouts.

I also hate drivers that over take you on a residential road when the speed limit is 30mph.

The ones you pull up behind at traffic lights a few moments later - their dangerous overtaking having got them approximately nowhere.

I always wave at them when that happens.. 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

I'm more curious about wether some digs have been aimed at me in the past and I've been totally oblivious to it all  

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

I'm more curious about wether some digs have been aimed at me in the past and I've been totally oblivious to it all  

hhaha... didn't think of that Ells.... hey ho... water off a duck's back in forumland if so.   Btw, when I said 'i dont' think i am'  I mean, I know i'm not part of coven or clique.. but I meant was I part of the perceived one.    I might be if Velvet's right. 


Sparkles.. I'll try harder in future!  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

I'm more curious about wether some digs have been aimed at me in the past and I've been totally oblivious to it all  

Budge up the oblivious bench Ells!

Haven't a clue what triggered this Jen -  got to say though I can't think of a " coven" or " clique" on Gaga .  If folk are pm-ing you to agree, then maybe there is an issue I've just not witnessed or that's gone totally over my head ( that's not unusual)  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It's no secret the clique's the Scottish massiv.


And we'll take on all comers.


Deal with it  





I'm Scottish, not massive (well, a bit porky maybe) but I ain't in no clique.

It was a different story at the initiation ceremony.


Or are you conveniently forgetting that now Yogi?


You are Sergeant at Arms if I seem to recall.


Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

We all have different opinions Kaffy especially when BB is on ..there is nothing wrong with that ..Jen if you felt FMS were having PERSONAL digs at you that is not a nice feeling I thought there was a lot of friendly banter when BB was on .. peeps going in and out of different appreciation threads and having a laugh at the expense of the HMS,I have not seen any bullying ..obviously others felt it too if you had PMS,you have been a member for a long time going way back to CH4 days.. sorry you feel as you do    I hope I have not offended you or anyone on here if I have it was not intentional ..

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It's no secret the clique's the Scottish massiv.


And we'll take on all comers.


Deal with it  





I'm Scottish, not massive (well, a bit porky maybe) but I ain't in no clique.

It was a different story at the initiation ceremony.


Or are you conveniently forgetting that now Yogi?


You are Sergeant at Arms if I seem to recall.


Does that mean I get to boss you around?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It's no secret the clique's the Scottish massiv.


And we'll take on all comers.


Deal with it  





I'm Scottish, not massive (well, a bit porky maybe) but I ain't in no clique.

It was a different story at the initiation ceremony.


Or are you conveniently forgetting that now Yogi?


You are Sergeant at Arms if I seem to recall.


Does that mean I get to boss you around?'s a niche market Yogi but I'm free next Wednesday if that's okay at your end.


Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Oh you know what feck it... we all know there's a coven group on here who think they ****ing own the place... they know who they are and so does everyone else... Throwing their weight around like they are own the place in their little gang group. Well i just wanna say give people a break! So not everyone thinks like you lot do, why does it make you so mean? seriously you are grown women no? act like it! cos all the play ground bully crap is just that... crap 


So shoot me i said it like it is... we all know it needed saying so i did

Sorry you feel this way, Jen.

I can't say I have seen anyone throwing their weight around, nor felt there was a clique on the forum.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't know who the 'coven' are either, which worried me and makes me think i'm one of them.    I don't think I am though.    I've had differences of opinions with lots of people on here that I really like (damn you Denise ) and I've been vocal about my opinions to a point -  but I'd hate to think people fell out with me because of it.

I'm more curious about wether some digs have been aimed at me in the past and I've been totally oblivious to it all  

hhaha... didn't think of that Ells.... hey ho... water off a duck's back in forumland if so.   Btw, when I said 'i dont' think i am'  I mean, I know i'm not part of coven or clique.. but I meant was I part of the perceived one.    I might be if Velvet's right. 


Sparkles.. I'll try harder in future!  

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It's no secret the clique's the Scottish massiv.


And we'll take on all comers.


Deal with it  





I'm Scottish, not massive (well, a bit porky maybe) but I ain't in no clique.

It was a different story at the initiation ceremony.


Or are you conveniently forgetting that now Yogi?


You are Sergeant at Arms if I seem to recall.


Does that mean I get to boss you around?'s a niche market Yogi but I'm free next Wednesday if that's okay at your end.


Wednesday is always a quiet day for me, so you've got a date.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Oh you know what feck it... we all know there's a coven group on here who think they ****ing own the place... they know who they are and so does everyone else... Throwing their weight around like they are own the place in their little gang group. Well i just wanna say give people a break! So not everyone thinks like you lot do, why does it make you so mean? seriously you are grown women no? act like it! cos all the play ground bully crap is just that... crap 


So shoot me i said it like it is... we all know it needed saying so i did

Sorry you feel this way, Jen.

I can't say I have seen anyone throwing their weight around, nor felt there was a clique on the forum.

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique; just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique;just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Well that in itself is a clique so I guess Jen has a point......

 I've been trapped in your box and I dunno how to get out!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique;just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Well that in itself is a clique so I guess Jen has a point......

 I've been trapped in your box and I dunno how to get out!


Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique;just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Well that in itself is a clique so I guess Jen has a point......

 I've been trapped in your box and I dunno how to get out!

Escape ladder for Ells.


Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique;just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Well that in itself is a clique so I guess Jen has a point......

 I've been trapped in your box and I dunno how to get out!


Sparkles and her magic box!

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I honestly don't see a 'clique,' either, but I do think that some rub certain other people up the wrong way, and sometimes, someone will have a go at someone for something; and then their BFFs on here join in (which happens sometimes,) and when this occurs, it is easy to feel 'got at.'  But I am not aware of any ongoing clique;just several small bunches of people who do post together and back each other up.  Some may disagree with me on this actually, and say they haven't seen this happen.  Clearly, some see things that others don't.

Well that in itself is a clique so I guess Jen has a point......

 I've been trapped in your box and I dunno how to get out!


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