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She has a really weird top lip. Probably got one of those jobs done it than women think makes them more attractive but actually makes them really ugly. Jenny's no beauty queen but she's not a monster either. Kayla's personality. lol. You're having a laugh aren't you mate? What personality?
Thats my point, we haven't seen much of her to see her personality...but from what i've seen is a woman who is sweet natured and supportive to others, and she never bitches or nasty to or about anyone.
Seems to be. Rather bland and uninteresting (from what we've seen anyway). Unlike Stacey who has an opinion and isn't afraid to voice it. She is coming across as rather vacuous.

Vacuous is saying that gossip mags are just as important than books....that was from Stacey.

Stacey gets more airtime as shes a british celeb who the public here can connect with more, they shouldn't have put Kayla in there if they wont give her fair air time.
but from what i've seen is a woman who is sweet natured and supportive to others, and she never bitches or nasty to or about anyone.
Yes just like Stacey who you have labelled as stupid after deliberately mis- understanding what she said about books V mags.
And like Sheryl who you insist is not a celebrity - ho yes cos getting your jugs out for money is sooooo worthy of celeb status, Sheryl came public about an abusive marriage and I hope that all the abused women out there read that book and got some sort of strength from it.

Don't get me wrong - she is a pretty girl and I am certainly not going to condemn her for doing it.
But there is no difference between her and Stacey and Sheryl - yet you are very disparaging about them,
Yes just like Stacey who you have labelled as stupid after deliberately mis- understanding what she said about books V mags. And like Sheryl who you insist is not a celebrity - ho yes cos getting your jugs out for money is sooooo worthy of celeb status, Sheryl came public about an abusive marriage and I hope that all the abused women out there read that book and got some sort of strength from it. Don't get me wrong - she is a pretty girl and I am certainly not going to condemn her for doing it. But there is no difference between her and Stacey and Sheryl - yet you are very disparaging about them,
Kayla doesn't have to marry a famous man and live off of his name long after divorcing him to be a "celebrity"  which of course Sheryl clearly isn't.

And I stand by my comments about Stacey.
Errrrrrrrrrrm - I don't think she actually said that. If you listened properly you might hear. at least she has an opinion on things - unlike the Prom queen.

Well we'll never know if Kayla has opinions because we never get to bloody hear from her in the edits.....but she did disagree with Linford in his remarks about her career but she did it by remaining calm and staying a lady.
we haven't seen much of her to see her personality...but from what i've seen is a woman who is sweet natured and supportive to others,
We've seen tons and tons of her. She's always one of the ones they switch to for private comments and always does that hugely annoying omg gee wow awesome drivel that's all there is to her. That's all there is to her. It's obvious her personality is the last thing about her you're interested in.

She seems like a nice girl, harmless really but incredibly thick and that face would be really pretty if she hadn't disfigured it herself no doubt at great cost.
Kayla doesn't have to marry a famous man and live off of his name long after divorcing him to be a "celebrity"  which of course Sheryl clearly isn't.
No she just had to get her bazookas out instead and if Sheryl isnt then Kayla clearly isnt.  I had never heard of her.

Its a shame that she hasnt had much airtime but thats down to Gillian and her manipulation of the show.  You should be saving your ire for her because its her thats doing more damage to your love Kayla and keeping her off air.  With displays of her skimpy bikini personality.
Kayla doesn't have to marry a famous man and live off of his name long after divorcing him to be a "celebrity"  which of course Sheryl clearly isn't.

'Sheryl became the most famous footballer's wife in Britain when lurid stories of physical abuse by her husband Paul Gascoigne became front-page news. However, as the most idolised footballer of his generation, Gazza was untouchable, and the fact that he'd been controlling Sheryl for years was quickly glossed over. Sheryl divorced Paul two years later, but their story wasn't over. She spent years trying to help him, supporting him when he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act and visiting him regularly at the Priory. Last summer, distressed by Paul's disturbing OCD and bulimia, she decided to make one last attempt to save her former husband from alcoholic oblivion.'

Let me tell you something VS. Being in an abusive marriage is not funny.
Being married to someone who is perceived to be marvellous and kind and a perfect husband and father in  public  whilst being an emotional and pyschological bully is not funny. It takes a long long time to recover from it.

I do not blame her ONE bit for cashing in on it. If it helps ONE woman to get out of a bad situation it will be worth it.
On ITV2 there's been a row between Alison (little airtime) and Shaun (thankfully SOME airtime) over emptying the dunny.  Alison cannot empty it because it's too heavy for her apparently, and she thinks that the men should do it, including those in the jail.

Shaun pointed out it was her sh*t (and others) who had a free run of the camp.
I do not blame her ONE bit for cashing in on it. If it helps ONE woman to get out of a bad situation it will be worth it.
Trouble is Issy, she's had precious little airtime to address or highlight such issues for those who would benefit from hearing some supportive words.
What a terrible wasted opportunity bought about by another woman who needs attention at any cost.
Let me tell you something VS. Being in an abusive marriage is not funny. Being married to someone who is perceived to be marvellous and kind and a perfect husband and father in public whilst being an emotional and pyschological bully is not funny. It takes a long long time to recover from it. I do not blame her ONE bit for cashing in on it. If it helps ONE woman to get out of a bad situation it will be worth it
I never belittled what she went through or any woman in her situation,   im just saying that shes not a celeb even if she was a WAG several years ago,  she should have been on this show back then....she hasn't been in the media for years now.

I certainly never said Gazza abusing her was in any way funny or acceptable, he was disgusting in his treatment of her.
I never belittled what she went through or any woman in her situation,   im just saying that shes not a celeb even if she was a WAG several years ago,  she should have been on this show back then....she hasn't been in the media for years now. I certainly never said Gazza abusing her was in any way funny or acceptable, he was disgusting in his treatment of her.
The fact that you have accused her of cashing in on his name to be a celebrity says it all.
She wrote a successful book - ergo she is a celebrity.
No she just had to get her bazookas out instead and if Sheryl isnt then Kayla clearly isnt. I had never heard of her.
Well no because Kayla is earning money off of her own name, she is more famous around the world than most in that camp as Playboy is a worldwide mag...only Britt is more famous than her in there.

Sheryl just isn't a celebrity, I personaly dont count any of the WAGS as celebs, past or present,  unless they were well known in their own right before marrying their footballer husband.

Just because you dont approve of Kayla's career doesn't mean shes not a celebrity.
The fact that you have accused her of cashing in on his name to be a celebrity says it all. She wrote a successful book - ergo she is a celebrity.

She made money off of Gazza's problems, thats my issue with her, I dont like kiss and tell people.

Thats not to say shes well rid of him, all she needs to do now is ditch his last name to truly move on.
Look, for the sake of arguing the toss over who's a celeb, shall we just accept that all of these people have had some experience of being in the media spotlight..?
Sheryl, to be fair, had a fair old time in the spotlight when she was dating, married and divorcing Gazza.  Not my idea of the original meaning of 'celebrity' but there you go - our language gets hi-jacked on daily basis these days.

Jeeze, the majority of people that have been on this show over the years hardly vie with the likes of Muhammad Ali, Frank Sinatra or Cary Grant!
Look, for the sake of arguing the toss over who's a celeb, shall we just accept that all of these people have had some experience of being in the media spotlight..? Sheryl, to be fair, had a fair old time in the spotlight when she was dating, married and divorcing Gazza.  Not my idea of the original meaning of 'celebrity' but there you go - our language gets hi-jacked on daily basis these days.
Sorry Cosi - you are right.
I am backing away now anyway..
Kayla is earning money off of her own name, she is more famous around the world than most in that camp as Playboy is a worldwide mag

Go and interview 500 hundred people in the high street before Hooverlips appeared on I'm a celeb and every single one of them would say 'who'? Even the blokes who buy Playboy wouldn't have a clue who she is because like you the last thing they're interested in is who she is they just want to see what she's got 

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