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She also kindly let him repeatedly beat her up and didnt take him to the cleaners as most wives would have and let him back into her house when most sane women would have kicked him into the street.
And she kindly needlessly told the whole world about it too and sold the stories about it to line her own pockets.
I really hope that isnt a euphemism
  You ARE on form tonight, Capt.

I have this dread that Limpit turns out to be a resilient kinda fella.
I suppose being in the LibDems does that to you.

Did you ever see HIGNFY when they showed him backing each candidate for the leadership?  He jumped ship about 5 times and still backed the loser.
And she kindly needlessly told the whole world about it too and sold the stories about it to line her own pockets.
The press had already written their own versions of "exclusives" they will print what they want you might as well get paid for it.  I find it strange you defend an alcoholic wife beater who also has his fair share of sold stories.
married a so-called monster too. Couldn't get rid of his name or my association to him quick enough. Nice to read the daily papers and see her 'help' has proved beneficial

Yep,  he may have been awful to her but she didn't need to drag their issues publicly....she should have ditched his name by now if she really wanted to move on.

And her bloody daughter Bianca.
And she kindly needlessly told the whole world about it too and sold the stories about it to line her own pockets.
Why needlessly? no one had to read it. a lot of women get beat up by violent men and its  "good" it gets some publicity as it helps some at least know they are not alone.
Also of course,She needs money to live on like any one else, beats claiming benifts!
Why needlessly? no one had to read it. a lot of women get beat up by violent men and its "good" it gets some publicity as it helps some at least know they are not alone. Also of course,She needs money to live on like any one else, beats claiming benifts!
She didn't need the money, and if you think she did that to help other women in that situation you are seriously mistaken.
Im not defending him Capt, he was disgusting in his behaviour towards her...if the stories are totally true. BUT why make money out of it?  why keep his name??   I dont like kiss and tell type of so called celebs, her, Rebecca Loose and those like them...horrid women.

I don't blame her - the bloke beat the living crap out of her.

I am glad she took money from him
She was doing it for every battered woman who ever was and who ever will be.
BUT why make money out of it?  why keep his name??   I dont like kiss and tell type of so called celebs, her, Rebecca Loose and those like them...horrid women.
AS I said before people mostly in my experience keep the name for the children even when splitting from bastards.  This is my experience yours may vary of course.  Also as I pointed out before when a tabloid wants a story they will give you an opportunity to be paid and some control over content for a paid exclusive or they will just simply make it up with quotes from your ex.  I know what I would do.

And i cant believe you put her in with loose she married him , still loves him by all accounts and has children by him and isnt young enough to be his daughter.

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