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Why did Jenny say under her breath that she doesn't respect what Kayla does
Maybe it's an age thing...Kayla seems a nice enough girl, each to their own and all of that and good on her.....but, I'm with Jenny, I still struggle with women who do stuff for men to....well , don't suppose I have to spell it out!
What's wrong with not liking what another person does by way of a career/lifestyle?
If we don't have differing opinions or our own preferences we'll end up a bunch of automatons.

I find some American accents hugely grating - Kayla's, I'm sorry to say is one such accent.
If that makes me wrong or whatever 'ist' you want to label it as, then so be it. 
I couldn't give a stuff and I doubt that Kayla could either.
Equal but different and we should celebrate our differences and accept it....feminists tend not to want that, they want to be thought of as the same as men.

Feminists want  the same rights as men Whether it is in work or politics or in society.
I have nothing against what Kayla does - FFS she is a beautiful girl and there is nothing wrong with what she does if she is happy doing it.
Maybe it's an age thing...Kayla seems a nice enough girl, each to their own and all of that and good on her.....but, I'm with Jenny, I still struggle with women who do stuff for men to....well , don't suppose I have to spell it out!
Why is a beuatiful girl who chooses to do something that gives pleasure to men a bad thing if thats what SHE wants to do?   it's nobodys business but hers.

You just said it there, pleasing men is thought of as a bad thing with feminists....charming.
Issyjinglebells offline 4,926 Forum Posts Today at 10:51 PM Last Edited: Reference: Have to say, got no time for feminism and I am female Well then you are lucky. Some of us have to fight for ourselves and support ourselves and therefore I will continue to fight for equal rights for women. If that means I am perceived as a man hating lesbian then so be it.
Blimey old riley, keep your knickers on.  I haven't said you are a man hating lesbian.  I said I have no time for feminism - that is my opinion.  You are entitled to your opinion and yeah I consider myself lucky thanks.  I fight for myself and I support myself.

Dear oh dear....
Blimey old riley, keep your knickers on.  I haven't said you are a man hating lesbian.  I said I have no time for feminism - that is my opinion.  You are entitled to your opinion and yeah I consider myself lucky thanks.  I fight for myself and I support myself.
Sorry LL - I was refering to an earlier poster  - not you!

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