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I might have to check him out, he has come up with some funny lines
He mostly does documentary type foreign travels now talking to people and getting to see more of a country than you normally would.  Same caustic humour though, he made an oligarch wait for him after being made to wait 2 hours and finally saying he was ready.
Some of you know about this 'cos I've said it before..when I was doing my bachelors, ( circa 1700 LOL,) i did a dissertation about gender and critiqued a range of children's comics bought on a given day......the only image of a woman in Dandy, (or was it Beano, I can't recall,) was of someone going EEK because there was a mouse...that is what that silly cow reminds me of....(says someone who has a phobia of rodents LOL!)
its a shame we have seen so little of most of them with the stupid Gillian saga going on and on. I think she i extremely intelligent, very willey but also got some thing strange going on with her child like behavior.
I wonder also if she has been out of work, so to speak, for some while and very very desperate to get in the lime light and get the money!

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