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Roger from Tiverton (on the phone) says she should be thrown out for being medically unfit.   Although Jungle Bob has given her the all clear (which in my book means she's obviously milking it and there's your proof!).

I'm awaiting her eviction interview with excitement.  They must be going to pull her up on it - they have to, don't they?
Roger from Tiverton (on the phone) says she should be thrown out for being medically unfit.   Although Jungle Bob has given her the all clear (which in my book means she's obviously milking it and there's your proof!).
Exactly I cant imagine that they would have let her back in without her signing a medical disclaimer or admitting that it was acting.  I cant remember who but they have pulled out people in the past that have been not fit to continue.
they have pulled out people in the past that have been not fit to continue.
I'm sure they have too.  And besides, the insurance just wouldn't cover them in such circumstances.  It's a small crumb of comfort that they're admitting she's pulling a fast one.  I couldn't bear it if the production tried to pull that one over on me as well.
Not for the first year the voting public have a perverse idea of what is entertainment, this year it's Gillian they're targeting.

What a lame excuse Nigel gave about the possibility of him being in jail - that his wife wouldn't speak to him if he wore the uniform, oh please! she's more likely to be annoyed at him ogling the model in the bikini. Gillian's got more resilience than him despite all her phobias

Dom's quite sarcastic, and he pretended tonight he didn't know what Gillian had that's contraband, he stood next to her last night and saw her add the herbs to the food and said nothing. Can't take to Shaun and hardly know anything about what most of the rest of them are like as we don't get a chance to.
Yellow Rose
Gillian IMO is doing everything possible to get as much exposure as she can and milking it. Wouldnt surprise me if the producers have told her to put on the acts as it makes for good TV. but for me it is spoiling us watching some of the others doing tasks and also leaving the camp with insufficient food or no food at all. The woman is beyond belief.
Gillian IMO is doing everything possible to get as much exposure as she can and milking it. Wouldnt surprise me if the producers have told her to put on the acts as it makes for good TV. but for me it is spoiling us watching some of the others doing tasks and also leaving the camp with insufficient food or no food at all. The woman is beyond belief.
Who knows whether she's doing it for exposure or not, personally the way she's being perceived by the public isn't positive so can't see how it would help her if she wants her own progs to continue in the future.

The only reason she's getting so much exposure is because of the stupid voting public, without them she'd be in the background like others in there.
Yellow Rose
I cant believe Janet wants Gillian to stay till the end.
Only so that she'll suffer;  it's not for any other reason.

so can't see how it would help her if she wants her own progs to continue in the future
But Ratchet thinks we're falling for it.  You heard her say that her camp mates would be worried about her (they weren't).  She has no self awareness and thinks we're all fools and gullible.  Don't forget, she got away with her fake 'Dr' claim until she was exposed and had no way to get out other than admit it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. 
Seriously, she stretches it even when the game is up.

I'm now off to bed to have nightmares about the old bat. 
I hate McFake,is she hoping that her latest "health product" ( that she has sneeked in) will be a best seller when she comes out?
She is in for a surprise,no one in their right mind will buy her products,she looks 20 years older than she actually is ,and she has shown herself to be a fake ,devious ,bare faced liar.
I can only hope that ITV are setting her up for a fall.
The stupid public keep voting for the daft bint  giving her the oxygen of publicity,time they brought in if a cleb does a trial one day they cannpt be voted to again the next.That at least would half the airtime.
I do miss the live feed on this show.I know it's been gone the last few years,but it used to be good to watch of a late night in yer pit.
An open letter from a DS member
An open letter from a panic attack sufferer, thanks for nothing Gillian McKeith

Dear Gillian,

I know you have problems, I know you suffer. I know you have phobias. I actually admired you for going into the jungle and facing your phobias. I actually talked aboutit and defended you to others.

But even I can now see, that you are acting alot. I do not doubt you have your problems, and wish you well in them. But thanks for nothing from the rest of us.

I have suffered with mental health problems alot of my life. Have lost alot of pals because of it, tended not to tell anyone due to this. Then this year I developed panic attacks due to family strife. I have tried my hardest to get over them, and was doing okay, all on my own steam, even though many people did not understand, but those who did supported me and helped me and by telling everyone it helped me also.

The last few weeks I have had setbacks and now am struggling again to leave the house but am making myself try and do so everyday.

Alot of people do not understand mental illness, it takes guts to talk out about it, and well done for doing so yourself.

But now, by your 'fainting' yet then recovering quickly, your 'I can't do it' followed by getting angry at your treatment, etc etc...the whole country is laughing at you or angry with you.

None more so than me. As now, if I have a panic attack or if any other sufferers do, people who do not understand (and believe me, I never would have done before myself if I had them) are just going to think...'Is she faking?' 'Is she doing a Gillian?'

Mental health is one of the hardest things to make people understand. If you have a broken arm, everyone says they are sorry. If you have a broken head, only fellow sufferers truely understand and true pals sympathise.

I just was in tears for a while after the show tonight..daft I know and I daresay if you ever read this letter you would say..'But I truely was ill/panicky/etc...' and I do not doubt you were. But you are also quite selfish.

The way you convey it on national TV for effect, to the way I have seen myself and fellow pals deal with it in day to day life is so different and may have set alot of peoples minds back again. Mental health is one of the taboos.

People who have attacks now around people who do not understand may just be 'doing a Gillian.'

On the night one of my favourite cricketers won an award for his bravery in bringing mental health to the forefront of peoples minds in a good way, you have set it back again.

I wish you well, but when I am truely bad, and having an anxiety attack, whilst I know we all react differently, I could not sit on a wooden top aided by a man to do a puzzle, I could not moan about where to do my pilates or people smoking,

I would be trying too hard just to not lose it or run away.


Coody Mow
Following his departure from the Aussie jungle, the actor gave his judgements on the remaining contestants from the safety of the six-star Versace Hotel on The Gold Coast.

Havers defended the self-professed health food guru's behaviour during the show, which has seen her faint numerous times and bring home a scarce amount of meals for the camp.

He said: "I really liked Gillian, the moment I met her in that villa she was needy, clingy and worried and she said to me, 'Thank God you are here, you are going to help me, aren't you?' and that's the way it went on.

"The first day test we had, she immediately told the audience that she was terrified of everything in the jungle so you wonder why she was there in the first place. She could be flat-out unconscious one moment then cooking beans in the camp the next. It was a very up-and-down scenario."

He added: "There are two sides to her - one controlling and touchy and the other side is playing a game to get maximum publicity out of it. I tucked her into her camp bed, in a caring way, and she'd scream about a bit of bark thinking it was an insect so I think she is genuinely scared."

The star spoke positively of most of his former campmates, saying that Sheryl Gascoigne is "elegant, sophisticated, very self-contained and absolutely charming", while Dom Joly "can't do anything but succeed".

Of Linford Christie, Havers said: "He's tall, muscular, a big beautiful-looking man who, in that jungle outfit, looks warrior-like and I'd want him on my side."

Meanwhile, Havers said that Playboy model Kayla Collins "did not really feature very much in my life in the camp", and backed Stacey Solomon for the title, commenting she is  the real Eliza Dolittle
why havent the producers taken her spices from her yet??? this is most unfair... she is so sly and calculating. also she is a terrible advert for veganism, i mean this is a healthy lifestyle choice but she looks like a rotten pile of poo after a heavy night on the lash in the gutter. rant over
I think they should say either hand over the spices or the camp lose their dinner. Then watch the group implode.
I actually used to like Nigel Havers, but in the jungle he has come across as rather a moaning, stuck up, spineless little man.

As for Gillian..... well words fail me. She is sly, manipulative, and a liar.She knows exactly what she is doing in respect of the trials and as for saying she had no idea what going in would entail. Balderdash!
Blizz'ard offline 16,631 Forum Posts Today at 5:38 PM Last Edited: erinp, love it! LL Couldn't agree more.

I was like a loon watching last night's episode on Catch-Up.  What a consummate actress she is and good on Shaun for getting her told, a shame he apologised afterwards.

I love the way, before she went back into the camp, she was waffling on about how concerned her camp mates must be about her.  What a surprise she would get if she had heard what they were saying - if only they would say it to her face.
I posted a piece from the Daily Mail the other day in here where author Dr. Ben Goldacre really pulled Ratchet's 'qualifications' apart.

Well, sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's today, I read the letters section and they've published a letter from the same Dr. Ben Goldacre.  Can't give you a link (took a pic of the letter with my phone - how sad am I..?!!! ) and have had to type it out.  It can't be too far off of the mark - they wouldn't fancy a big lawsuit unless they fancied their chances would they?  Or maybe they would and are baiting her and her 'Legal eagle' hubby out from their hidey hole.

Wonder if McKeith will ever answer his accusations? 

With her appearance on IAC....everyone has been able to see Gillian McKeith reveal her true character.

In my book Bad Science, I wrote a chapter about her scientific claims, which I believe to be nonsense, and she has described this as "lies".This is an entirely false allegation by someone who has a history of dubious claims.

Nothing in the book is 'lies' (she's lucky I didn't sue):  I doubt there's even an accidental inaccuracy as the chapter on McKeith was checked extensively by lawyers.

McKeith has been invited repeatedly to point out a single inaccuracy, but has failed to do so.

As the research scientist she claims to be, she should be able to respond to reasoned criticism.  But this is the Gillian McKeith who is a certified member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and honour I had conferred on my dead cat, through their website, in exchange for a fee of $60. ()

This is the 'Dr. Gillian McKeith PhD' who told us we should eat chlorophyll because it will 'really oxygenate your blood' when any GCSE science student would be able to tell you chlorophyll makes oxygen only in sunlight - and it's very dark in your bowels.

What amazes me is that Channel 4 gave her a platform.

Dr. Ben Goldacre

London NW5 

I think I could love Dr. Ben....     


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