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do hope the idiot Stacey killed her chance of winning tonight as her stupid argument about Magazines being important, if she wins it's a sign of dumbed down Britain.
for heavens sake, thats a lot to "dump" on her! she seems very intelligent to me and alo did not say don't read books for heavens sake. give the girl a break! a sign of "dumped down Britain" to me, is having thatchers children systamically demolishing it, now that is worrying to the point of depression ..
for heavens sake, thats a lot to "dump" on her! she seems very intelligent to me and alo did not say don't read books for heavens sake. give the girl a break! a sign of "dumped down Britain" to me, is having thatchers children systamically demolishing it, now that is worrying to the point of depression ..
I have no idea why you are talking about "Thatchers children"  as we are taliing about the dumbing down of britain by silly air headed (mainly women) who think gossip mags are just as important as books.

It frightens me that so many people hold Stacey up as some kind of hero for openly being a dummy...I admit she is a lady when holding an argument and she gets her point across quite well...BUT that doesn't mean she is right or indeed any sort of role model.
Every year this show is ruined by the Great British public voting for the same person to do the tasks every night. We miss out on the chance to see some really funny TV because of it. I bet Linford and a few others would scream like girls if they did the tasks but we will never know until this stupid bint of a woman is evicted.
Reference: Vids
It frightens me that so many people hold Stacey up as some kind of hero for openly being a dummy...I admit she is a lady when holding an argument and she gets her point across quite well...BUT that doesn't mean she is right or indeed any sort of role model.
She clearly said that she was not holding up reading magazines as more intelectually worthy than reading books. She admitted that it was just a bit of fun and could be a contrived situation, but she saw no harm in 'Slebs' opening up their lives to the public and readers experiencing a vicarious pleasure in their lives. Her point about some fictional stories also having the same aims, was spot on.

I'm not sure what your grounds are for judging her as a 'dummy'.
Could it be that you are ignoring the fact that she has got 'her point across well' in two debates that we've seen, and are merely judging her on outward appearances and maybe her accent?
I have no idea why you are talking about "Thatchers children" as we are taliing about the dumbing down of britain by silly air headed (mainly women) who think gossip mags are just as important as books. It frightens me that so many people hold Stacey up as some kind of hero for openly being a dummy...I admit she is a lady when holding an argument and she gets her point across quite well...BUT that doesn't mean she is right or indeed any sort of role model.
well frankly my dear, if you don't know what "Thatchers Children"refers to it may well be that you are the dummy.. you could catch up and try googleing the phase. OMG! you have made me so bitchy, I cannot believe it but i do so find your remarks about Stacey so un called for and frankly snobbish. You have taken what you think she said completely out of context.
personally I hope she wins as she is one of the nicest in there and puts Gillian, ith her wiley ways, to shame.
I must say i was guilty of prejudging Stacey, but she is wonderful and can put her opinions across very well, and not feel intimidated by Linford, which by the way, i am sure he is trying to belittle the girls in there. But it doesnt seem to be working. I hope Stacey wins, she deserves it! I only hope now she can put Gillian in her place................preferably on the next plane out of there
I cannot believe it but i do so find your remarks about Stacey so un called for and frankly snobbish. You have taken what you think she said completely out of context. personally I hope she wins as she is one of the nicest in there and puts Gillian, ith her wiley ways, to shame.
OMG well well well said!

I loved Stacey on the X Factor - I love her on this.
She is a genuinely lovely natural person.
And anyone who thinks she is fake, stupid or anything else, clearly has no idea about human nature. 

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