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Fun police is back.

Will you guys all knock it off, please?  Issy, it really DOESN'T look like you have it sorted. Nobody should be calling anyone stupid, or dickhead, or any other names.  Please repeat after me:


Sometimes you guys should look at the way you deliver your own opinion--no wonder people take offense.
Right - here is my considered opinion of the two finalists.

I am glad they are both there and I have to say that they are both deservedly winners.
I have been thinking about Stacey and I think she is a very nervy person - hence the giggling and making jokes at her own expense. I do not think she has a high opinion of herself and is just so delighted to be there.
Shaun is an anti - hero. I think he does have a heart of gold but again hides his insecurities by being defensive - the bed side cabinet being an example.

So who do I want to win? I would love Stacey to get it, but Vids made a point when he said that the trendy music lovers would vote Shaun. So I think Shaun will clinch it.
I do think that Stacey will be delighted to come second.
Yes Lori but I just thought i'd add that so that some can truly get the message.

Best not point out the splinter in someone else's eye....

The polite thing to do would be to take my message to heart and assume that others will as well, without feeling the need to stick your tongue out at them and say, "nyah" (or whatever it is one says in these instances...)

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