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Ok.... this just reminds me of certain d*ck heads I have come across before who assume those who had a less fortunate education, childhood or have never done a task before are thickos.

So now you're calling me a dickhead because you disagree with me? You're just not worth wasting time on, go and take your insecurities out on someone else.
Issy, your showing your age there    im not a huge Happy Mondays fan myself, although they did have a couple of cracking tracks, but there music is real and original.
Nothing to do with age - all to do with liking music,
I actually u tubed them last night so I could make an informed decision. Step on was okay but lordy Vids...

And as for that moron Baz - what the heck was the point of him?
So now you're calling me a dickhead because you disagree with me? You're just not worth wasting time on, go and take your insecurities out on someone else.

And who was it who started the insults simply because I supported a certain HM in BB11? I can't make a cabinet either... I guess that makes me a thicko doesnt it? Don't like it? Don't dish it out. Simples

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