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No way is Stacey normally that bubbly and annoyingly happy all the time....NO WAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that is exactly how she is.

I think you might be right there, shes exactly the same as she was on x factor... but thats only on TV. Can't really say what any of them are like as I don't personally know them.
No one on here can possibly decide if they are thick or not unless they personally know them,

Pretty much everthing he says makes him sound thick. He couldn't use a walkie talkie (small children have mastered that), he said he couldn't guess what the food task was without Dom being there to help him, refusing to even attempt putting a cabinet together is an admission that 'thinking' just isn't his thing.

I'm probably being harsh because I just don't like the bloke. I can't find a single redeeming feature for him. I didn't like him from day one.
Pretty much everthing he says makes him sound thick. He couldn't use a walkie talkie (small children have mastered that), he said he couldn't guess what the food task was without Dom being there to help him, refusing to even attempt putting a cabinet together is an admission that 'thinking' just isn't his thing.

That doesnt make anyone thick... not sure why not knowing how to use a walkie talkie even matters?
Anyway it was Stacey who has said the thickest things in there, mainly about the gossips mags and books....she should have been kicked out of the jungle there and then.

Now you're just being ridiculous. That whole thing has been explained to you several times. Saying she should have been kicked out for that shows quite frankly staggering stupidity.
It has two buttons and that confused him. He kept saying 'over' before he finished talking. The bloke really is just embarrassingly stupid which I thought was the point of the debate.

Ok.... this just reminds me of certain d*ck heads I have come across before who assume those who had a less fortunate education, childhood or have never done a task before are thickos.
Prom, I dont care who "explained" to me their version of what they chose to take from Stacey's ill chosen comments,  but I disagree

But it's everyone's view.It was a subtley put together argument. Dom who does not suffer fools and is very intelligent saw her point and was impressed with her.

Perhaps it is you who has the problem understanding what seems to be abundantly clear to everyone else. Or perhaps her accent blinds you to her brain?

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