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Vids, I know you like a bit of controversial chatter - all women are divas, for instance - and that's fine by me if you want to make blanket statements.  I put it down to you not having met many women of different personalities.  
I don't take you seriously, I hope I'm not meant to take you seriously
People do at least reply to you;  if this was DS I think the 'ignore' button would be in overdrive and hardly anyone would be speaking to anyone.
issy, are you seriously saying that i cant say anything negitive towards Sheryl just because she has had a tough private life in the past??   i never mocked her or belittled her tough life, I comment soley on her not being a celeb on this show.
The thing is Vids - you said that she financially took advantage of him by writing a book about her experiences with him. He deserved that - she did her best to help him so many times and yet he still abused her.
So I guess I felt protective towards her for that,
I see her as sticking a finger up for every abused woman if you see what I mean.
issy, are you seriously saying that i cant say anything negitive towards Sheryl just because she has had a tough private life in the past??   i never mocked her or belittled her tough life, I comment soley on her not being a celeb on this show.
You accused Sheryl of cashing in on his name and selling her story to the papers for personal greed and I personally dont think a centerfold is a celebrity either.   And that isnt me attacking Kayla that is me pointing out double standards.
Prom you were exactly the same to me when I supported JJ in BB. Forget about - it's not what you say and how you say it blah - blah blah. Accept that not everyone agrees with you ........................and you have the gall to tell me to grow up! If you don't like what someone says and caN't avoid being confrontationaL ........................just ignore it FGDS!
And here you are doing exactly what you've done 1000 times before, sticking your oar in when nobody was talking to you just so you can get in on the action. You argue with everyone about everything all day long because that's just what you do. I couldn't care less who agrees with me or not but people arguing just to get a rise out of people really winds me up it's pathetic and yes childish and yes it describes you exactly from head to toe.

I'll give you your cue for your next post as I have seen you doing this so often I know exactly what's going to happen next. 'claim victim status'. Go for it.
Capt, Kayla is a celeb because she doesn't need to have been married to someone famous to be in the public eye, without Gazza and his foul treatment of Sheryl she would have been watching the Im A Celb show and not in the show.

She could have helped women like her by doing charity work or working in womens refuges, not writing books about him for money and cashing in.....thats not me slating her bad life with Gazza but how she delt with things afterwards.

No double standards there.

Just because you have never heard of Kayla or dont like her career doesn't mean shes not a celeb.
Capt, Kayla is a celeb because she doesn't need to have been married to someone famous to be in the public eye, without Gazza and his foul treatment of Sheryl she would have been watching the Im A Celb show and not in the show.
Well I agree with that but she was still justified in her book and I am sure she has done charity work as well.  Lets all try and get along

And marrying someone famous and being a centrefold is about the same fame level for me maybe it isnt for you but heyho.
She could have helped women like her by doing charity work or working in womens refuges, not writing books about him for money and cashing in.....thats not me slating her bad life with Gazza but how she delt with things afterwards.
Now that is perfectly reasonable and yes that is a good point, On the other hand perhaps if women who are in an abusive relationship read her book, it might help them get the nerve to leave..

Just because you have never heard of Kayla or dont like her career doesn't mean shes not a celeb.

No one had heard of her - including you
Issy I do honestly take your point and maybe your right,  your last post made alot of sense, I still have to stick to my guns on this one. No offence is meant to you and certainly not to any woman who has been abused by a so called man.

Well get us cos I can see where you are coming from to an extent.

*offers hand to shake* but OMG please wash yours first 

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