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I've just seen this on the BBC website:


Data of Sun website users stolen


Thousands of people who entered competitions on The Sun website have been warned that their personal information may have been stolen.

The paper's publisher, News Group, said the data was taken when the site was hacked on 19 July.

Some of the details, including applications for the Miss Scotland contest, have been posted online.

The company said it had reported the matter to the police and and the Information Commissioner.

News International, News Group's parent company issued a statement that said: "We take customer data extremely seriously and are working with the relevant authorities to resolve this matter.

"We are directly contacting any customer affected by this."

The stolen information is believed to include names, addresses, dates of birth, email addresses and phone numbers.

No financial or password data was compromised, the company said

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More on this from the Telegraph:


The email to Sun readers was sent out last night by Chris Duncan, director of customer management at Mr Murdoch's UK newspapers group News International.

It read: ''As you may be aware, on July 19 the Sun website was subject to an organised criminal attack.

''Details vary, but could include name, address, date of birth, email and phone numbers. No financial or password information was compromised.

''We are contacting you because we believe that information that you submitted to us could have been accessed, and may be published online by the group responsible.''

Mr Duncan said the company ''regretted'' not being able to prevent the incident and was working closely with police and the Information Commissioner's Office to try to retrieve the stolen files.

He advised recipients of the email to take extra care if they are contacted by third parties they do not know.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:




Have you moved yet? Do they have your old address, or the new one? 

Blizzie the completion date is 8th of august next monday I will move on the 7th August this sunday, my daughter lives in Cheltenham about 5 miles from were I live now  I do like Cheltenham it has nice shops etc and more to do ..if I ever muster up enough energy  it will be a new chapter in my life and I am really happy and excited,thankyou


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