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Oh yeah Karma, I used to get that, but one day this lad did the same thing, he was from Turkey and we ended up having a really interesting convo about Durham Cathedral and all kinds.   It did start off him probably wanting to pull an English bird but after a few minutes he realised that wasn't going anywhere but then he must have (for some odd reason) found the rest if the convo interesting. he was dead interested in old places of worship (whatever the religion, he just liked the buildings and I do too)  Hahaha

Oh Ditty the facial thing, it was sooo dull, some woman from the States was moaning that her husband was growing a beard and she hated it, it was THAT innocent. Really, just a transatlantic housewife natter
See now Temps mine can out smut anyone I've ever met without even trying....I think he doesn't even realise he's doing it half the took me a good couple of years to get used to it..

Mrs Toots?   My hubby showed me an FB page of his before and he had a mystery girl on it...he's still paying for that one   If I saw him getting smutty there'd be hell to pay

Ditty, he's a right smarty pants on it...'attack the post not the poster' type fm.  To make it worse they made him a moderator a few months ago...he keeps reporting me
I wouldn't mind, in theory, but I just know I would be spending my time making flow charts and colour coding them to try and explain who used to be who, who doesn't get along with who, who has been banned and what their former ID used to be, etc., etc., etc.  It gives me a headache just thinking about it

That's really made me laugh 
Soozy Woo
TBH, I really don't care, for the most part, on who is who or used to be who or who was banned and is now back with a new ID and expects to be incognito.  Big Brother is over, so for the most part, anyone who comes in is most likely to be someone who was banned or left, or is trying to make a fresh start.

If a "newbie" is decent, posts without trying to stir, has something thought provoking to say - what business is it of mine to "out" them?

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