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cherylstolemylollipop offline 839 Forum Posts Today at 5:42 PM What would you do to pass the time indoors when you're not out of the house? I either go on my playstation, text people or go online..... How many channels on TV were there in 1970 do you think? How did people cope without the internet?
I would be sitting cross-legged indoors with my incense burning, playing Deep Purple
Kids were much more content with what they had. I hate hearing kids moan these days "I'm boooooooooooored". Give me a carrier bag and a bit of string in the 70s and I would play for hours with my kite
I agree, Tartan. I don't think I've ever been bored in my whole life.  Whilst the technology we all take for granted now is wonderful, you would have read about things like netbooks and iPods in SF books in the 1960s and 70s.   I'm sure the countless TV channels and reliance on technology have contributed to the dumbing down of our society.  We might not have had nearly as much in terms of material possessions a few decades ago, but at least we respected what we had and were able to make our own entertainment.
Actually right about now I would probably be trying to tape stuff off the top 40 with a tape recorder without picking up all the background noise around the house (and failing miserably)
Me too.... I still can't hear Hot Chocolate singing 'So you win again' without hearing my sister tell to shut up!  (She walked into our bedroom as I was recording it and I was frantically signalling her to be quiet!)
My brother got one white mouse and we woke up one morning to find a few hundred babies in there.
My brother got a buy one get two free guinea pig once.  Brothers had all the luck.   I got my white mouse in a plywood box with a glass slidey lid from the pet shop.  Next day I had an empty box with a mouse sized hole chewed in it.
Oh god in the summer I'd snatch some breakfast then disappear outdoors until I got hungry or it got dark and my folks never worried about it since all us kids were the same. 

And Sunday evenings as a teenager in the late 70's - a cassette deck and the Top 40 in Radio 1. Trying to hit the stop button before Tony Blackburn spoke over the song.
I don't remember that far back - but certainly as a kid by the end of the 1970's i do recall a Saturday routine: Swimming at Southgate pool in the morning - lunch at the Wimpy bar - then either off to Highbury to watch Arsenal or Green Park, Southgate, to watch Saracens if Arsenal were playing away. Happy days - and usually meeting up with mates in the evening; never home and never standing still!
Cold Sweat

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