Skip to main content you think the press would have a field day with your daily goings on?  After seeing the Brand/Perry thread I had a thought that if the press were hounding me on a daily basis they would probably be able to print all sorts of stories that were far fetched and untrue.  Like only living a few mins walk from my parents and them never visiting or me very rarely visiting them would be a 'huge family bust up' and 'relations strained'  although the reality is I chat to my mum on facebook every night and we often meet in town for lunch and I ring her on the phone to see how things are.  And I talk to my sister for about half an hour nearly every evening on the phone.

Also if they were camped outside my house they'd hear quite a few rows with the OH which would be a 'break up' and our relationship 'on the rocks' when really it's just us having a barney and making up a few minutes later.  He might even be having an affair with a friend of mine when he gives her a lift and I'd be 'distraught' and 'considering moving out' when really I've sent him kicking and screaming to go give my mate a lift.

Would you have any headlining daily activities the press could get soooo wrong?

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Initial instinct is "no" there is nothing for the press to get hold of.
This was quickly followed by the knowledge that the press are able to find a story where none exists.
An example of this was The Sun a few days ago trying to infer there was "something going on" between Matt Baker and his dance partner Aliona Vilana. All because they stayed up chatting in a bar until about 5 a.m.  They used italics to emphasise certain bits, phrases such as "father of 2" to make a chat with his dance partner sound sordid.
Despereately trying to create an innuendo-ridden drama, but it was totally unfounded.
Because my brother and sister-in-law very rarely come to my house, or me to theirs,  they might suggest we have a family feud going on. Not true. We get along perfectly well.
My best friend visits me once a week and stays overnight.
That could cause the press all sorts of flights of fancy.
There is a wide spectrum of newspapers, though, and some are quite reputable, while others are quite prepared to invent stories.

Homosexuality used to be a criminal offence. The press would have a field day with the tiniest smidgeon of information. Horrendous! 
But in spite of decriminalisation sexual orientation still remains an area of juicieness for some parts of the press.
Oooh yessum I'd be an alco aswell.  And if they saw me at the weekend I'd probably be in need of rehab.....drink problem probably brought on due to depression from my fluctuating weight and fued with an old friend.  Reality?  I like a drink, I'm a greedy sod who diets non-stop then says feck it and has a takeaway and I haven't seen my best mate since about October but there are hundreds of texts between us since then.
I found the original quote a bit baffling. 

Ella Bella[QUOTE[
if they were camped outside my house they'd hear quite a few rows with the OH which would be a 'break up' and our relationship 'on the rocks' when really it's just us having a barney and making up a few minutes later.[/QUOTE]

If someone has a good relationship with their other half, I'm at a loss to understand  why they'd be having numerous rows.     No relationship is pitch-perfect, but a good one doesn't contain continuous rowing.  So it may not mean that a couple is on the verge of splitting up, if they are heard or seen rowing on a regular basis, but it indicates to me that the relationship isn't quite right, and probably isn't an exceptionally happy one.  So if I heard someone constantly rowing, then I would gather that they are having problems in their marriage.  Most of the time, couples I have known or lived next to, who argue a lot, have eventually split up.  Sometimes maybe not for 20 years, but they admit most of their marriage was not happy.


Ella Bella:
  Like only living a few mins walk from my parents and them never visiting or me very rarely visiting them would be a 'huge family bust up' and 'relations strained'  although the reality is I chat to my mum on facebook every night and we often meet in town for lunch and I ring her on the phone to see how things are.  And I talk to my sister for about half an hour nearly every evening on the phone 

Why do you spend all the time talking on facebook and on the phone when you live a few minutes walk away.?    Obviously, if I knew someone who lived a few minutes walk from their parents, and they never visited or appeared to even ever meet up, (as your post implies,) then of course it would imply to me that they don't communicate.

The press and whatever, see something and print what they see.  I say as I see too, and so does virtually everyone else.  So yes, if someone was rowing a lot, it would indicate that they are having problems, and if people appear not to see each other, then that would indicate that they don't have communication.  People can only form opinions and views on what they see.

Of course now, loads of people will post and say how them/their parents/their grandparents and so on had LOADS of rows EVERY DAY and were happy as pigs in shite and were married for 100 years.  
You'd think by now most people would be sensible enough to realise that the tabloids are a joke and that papped pictures don't tell the story at all.  Yet still I'm surprised by how much people are taken in, a source close to Gaga forums said today.

A spokesman for the internet said that there's summat worrying about people who love nowt better than a bit of schadenfreude.
Pah, who needs a source when there's mindless speculation to be had!

Thats the spirit Lecs! You'll be working for Sky News or the Scum in no time!  
I won't pull apart your post cupcake because, well tbh...I couldn't be arsed.  But in relationship is fine, not all hearts and flowers but just fine and I get on great with my family, we don't live in each other's pockets and I'd rather chat on the phone instead of face to face as my life is at my home, not that of my parents.

It's nice that some people have perfect relationships and super wonderful families that they love seeing but as the thread was a bit of a laugh then I'm sure those perfect relationships would also have something for the press to speculate about.
Originally Posted by EllaBella:
 we don't live in each other's pockets and I'd rather chat on the phone instead of face to face .

Ella - my sister is my very best friend.     She lives about five minutes away.... I see her once a week maybe - and she never visits me at all! (I live upstairs and she's not able to climb stairs)   We chat on the phone constantly, every night in life - when the likes of BB is on we chat during every advert break.   I know exactly where you're coming from.
I agree largely with you Ella Bella.  I mean - I see pics of say Leo Dicaprio with his bird and Anji and Brad Pitt and they're like this: 

and not looking at one another and smiling at each other... And the press assume they are obviously not getting on.  It's daft.  I mean, who goes around glued to their partner gazing into their eyes grinning from ear to ear at each other?  Actually when I see people all smoochy woochy and snogging in public, it does my head in and proves nothing IMO.  (Although I would say that if someone is always arguing that it's not a good sign, and often it's a sign that the relationship isn't brilliant... )  But there are some couples who thrive on it and it clears the air, and they still care about each other.  (Jack and Vera LOL!) 

To be honest - me and my other half rarely row - maybe twice a year -  (little spats maybe monthly, but big rows rarely..) but we did row a LOT more as youngsters.  We just have more tolerance and understanding now.  However, we don't walk around holding hands all day and kissing and smooching in public.  but it doesn't mean we are not in love and not getting on.  We are affectionate and loving in private but not in front of people as we don't need to 'prove anything.' 

Have to say though that I do see family and friends once a week or fortnight or so, who live closeby, and can't imagine living a few minutes walk away from close family who i get on with and not visiting...but each to their own.  Whatever works for people. 

Actually I have three very good friends who live only 4 to 6 miles away, who I yak to a lot on msn chat and text quite a bit, but only see once every six weeks or so.   And I know some people don't/can't get out much, and chit chatting on the internet is more comfortable and user-friendly for them.    Horses for courses and all that.  And I actually prefer to chat to people online sometimes than on the phone, because I can nip off now and again to look at emails, and go to the loo and say BRB, back in 5 mins and so on and don't have to stay sat in the same place for half hour or more.  Sometimes people who suffer depression find it easier to chat on msn or facebook than have to meet people and talk to them.  Nothing wrong with it; it's an individual choice, depending on peoples' circumstances and needs.
They'd absolutely have a field day with me! 

I hate the winter and try not to venture out too much if the weather is particularly I'd probably be some kind of recluse.
I live around 160 miles away from my family - so I guess we don't get on and have major family issues.
I sometimes take my dog for a walk in my fields wearing my PJ's and Uggs - eccentric - or maybe drunk?

Facts are, I don't like cold weather, live on a smallholding, have a very close relationship with my family, speak to my parents every evening, and PJ's and Uggs are more comfy than anything else!

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