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I'm blasting my PC tomorrow and installing Windows 7 which, by the way, wasn't my idea (I bloody hate that advert). It should be straightforward but it never is with these things. I know I will forget to save the things I really need to keep before I say goodbye to Vista forever then ZAP it is in the lap of the gods whether or not I will emerge triumphant to haunt the internet once again.

If the worse should happen, I just want you all to know that I will nearly remember some of you. That is all

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You wouldn't have your dilemma if you embraced them.
I wouldn't use anything else for DTP but for home use? Nope, the kind of Mac I'd need to do the same things I do on PC would just be too expensive. I have nothing against Macs at all really I just think they're still not viable for home use just yet. The good ones are far too pricey.
You do know there are ways you can make your PC think it's a Mac for certain things don't you? A bit of messing about with programs and settings and stuff. And what's all this 96 gubbins? You shut your face
Er, there's nothing a Mac can do that my PC can't I don't need to fool it into anything. Macs are just better designed for DTP and are slowly and I mean slowly branching out into everything else.

Re: 96, shuddup, we all saw it, all that white hair and stuff. Change your handle to Granny Karms 
My son has a Mac..cost over a grand...but then he uses it for music is appropriate I guess!
For over a grand you could get a PC that would do literally anything. That's my big problem with Macs. You're paying way over the odds just because it is a Mac. Back when Windows was really crap (and PC's too for that matter)  it all made more sense, it doesn't now.

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