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Originally Posted by Lori:

I hope he doesn't win first place when he wants to win 2nd place.

hahahaha...    I dunno what we'd do if we won first place... 


first prize is a 10 day tour of Scotland...    I have nothing against Scotland, but its a trip for 2, and we are a family of 4...    well 4 and a half (if you include the dog).. ...    we'd have to have a think...  I think its a tour of whiskey distillery's..     


second, third & fourth prizes are all stuff Mr D would quite like.


oh, & if we did win first prize..    we've decided we would give it my mum & dad, as a thank you for all the financial support they have given us whilst we have been getting back on our feet (after redundancy & whilst I wasn't working)..    holidays were one of the things they sacrificed to help us...   dad likes a bit of scotch, and they could take their little dog with them.


So now I am even excited about winning first prize too! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

oh, & if we did win first prize..    we've decided we would give it my mum & dad, as a thank you for all the financial support they have given us whilst we have been getting back on our feet (after redundancy & whilst I wasn't working)..    holidays were one of the things they sacrificed to help us...   dad likes a bit of scotch, and they could take their little dog with them.


So now I am even excited about winning first prize too! 

I think this is a wonderful use of first prize.

Originally Posted by James:

Voted Ditty, I don't think the site is fair. It's hard to go through the pictures.

Your links helped us but what about other people.

I agree James, loads of fabulous photos but a bit of a pita to scroll through them all...Anyways what's all this about fair, isn't it how many interwebby mates you can get to vote for you?...Oh and clearing your cookies and putting another random dob in allows you to re-vote...Not that I'd dream of doing that of course


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