Skip to main content that house, would the TOT set the others a task to talk like them for 24 hours and wear a chav wig? I'm dyed in the wool working class myself and not even a fan of the bloke, but I think Ben is being unfairly singled out and mocked for no other reason than his accent and background.
Imagine a houseful of toffs, all mimicking (say) Josie's, Corin's or Rachel's accent for laughs.

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Many principles are lost in the house and people mostly do what they are asked.
It gets a bit like Lotd of the Flies.
I thought the mockery of Ben was a bit top heavy and 1-sided.
It would have better if every one of them became the target in turn.
Better still not even resort to mockery.
(There was enough mockery of Ben from Shabby, Caoime and especially Ife.)
I have to say I agree Demantoid.... if it was Corin they were mimicking... or JJ.... I think there would have been a bit of an outcry.
Why do you think that? I think it would have been kinda funny and I really and truly don't think they'd have been any kind of outcry. As it is's Ben that they had to impersonate ..........simply because if it's left to Ben doing a task to get his own suitcase back'd never happen.

He's quite happy to borrow/take other HM's clothes - perish the thought that he might have to achieve a task to get his own stuff back. He simply can't be arsed ..............he has friends providing all that he needs,
Soozy Woo
Reference: Toid
Kat was evicted in a bathrobe, as was whoever went out before her. They were all in bathrobes for some reason that night.
I think it was Mo, because they all had afros on.

Anyway, I agree with soozy. I think Ben deserved a bit of ribbing, as he couldn't be bothered, and I'm pretty sure they would have done it to a lazy scouser, as well.

Not saying Scousers are common, or nuffin!
To me though, it just seems like BB is using his poshness as a stick to beat him with. Why do that, when there are plenty of sturdier ones, like his laziness, inability to shower (because he doesn't sweat) and lack of team spirit?
To go back to my original post, I'm sure there would have been an outcry if it was a houseful of poshers ripping the piss out of the one working class person in their midst. Loads of hoorays all mocking a Welsh/Scouse/Manc accent for comic effect...
To me though, it just seems like BB is using his poshness as a stick to beat him with. Why do that, when there are plenty of sturdier ones, like his laziness, inability to shower (because he doesn't sweat) and lack of team spirit? To go back to my original post, I'm sure there would have been an outcry if it was a houseful of poshers ripping the piss out of the one working class person in their midst. Loads of hoorays all mocking a Welsh/Scouse/Manc accent for comic effect...
I agree Demantoid
Maybe I just have no sympathy left for him!

Especially when he says things like, when he was talking to Andrew about having a dinner party after the show, and Andrew said that he probably wouldn't have room, as he lives in a council house with his mum. Ben replied that it doesn't matter if you live in the Palace de Versailles, or a grotty council house...    

I was screaming at him that you don't always have to stick an adjective in!
Ben replied that it doesn't matter if you live in the Palace de Versailles, or a grotty council house...
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! ................haven't seen it but - I really don't like Ben and this confirms exactly why. Effin snob................and purleeeeeese no one make excuses for him. He's an effin arsehole.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Toid
Blizzie, he's a total twonk I agree! I just wish they'd beat him with his twonkdom instead of his poshness. Poshness isn't necessarily a negative, some of 'em are reasonable.
Agreed, I have nothing against the porsh!

The TOT tasks have all been pretty abusive, though, to everyone who's done one.
Equal opportunity abuse!

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