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I've said it before, JJ2 is the most unlikely looking professional boxer I've ever seen in my life. What weight does he fight at? Aldi's 49p bag of grapes weight? I know not being built like King Kong can be deceiving in terms of strength but my big toe's got more muscle definition than his arms. He certainly doesn't look like he trains much

All that aside though I do think he's a nice fella, a lot more grounded than JJ1. JJ2's the sort of fella you could take round your nans and she wouldn't look at him like this --->
All that aside though I do think he's a nice fella, a lot more grounded than JJ1
He seems decent enough though he's done himself no favours jumping straight into JJ's pockets. Those shots of him and JJ wearing the same clothes with tea cosies on their heads was just bizarre. He's probably alright, just a bit of a twat. Well okay more than just a bit 
I'm glad to see he hasn't taken advantage of the Corin situation and jumped into bed with her (which he could have done - but I'm not sure if she genuinely fanices him or if she just wants a bit of attention as yet) He's just a bit too nicey, well they all are inside the house with the exception of Sam.

Looks like the Glory who gets drunk on the Lord will soon be squitting at Satan Sam
I'm glad to see he hasn't taken advantage of the Corin situation and jumped into bed with her (which he could have done - but I'm not sure if she genuinely fanices him or if she just wants a bit of attention as yet
According to some stuff I read on here Sam told the house that JJ2's gay lol. I don't know if he is or not but it wouldn't surprise me. I don't think Corin's interested in him at all she probably just thinks yeah a bit of a romance that would be good on BB, bless 
Sam. Yep. Don't look at me like that. He's really shook them all up and by God did they need it, boring bunch of turdbags.
I think it would be really funny.  I would like to see some of their faces if Sam manages to hang on nomination after nomination.  It would be good, great entertainment, which we have had precious little of up to now.
From Digital Spy news -

The housemates discussed the three potential entrants who didn't enter the house today. Josie, Mario and David all told anecdotes about how Sam had offended people at the auditions, including telling a girl with one leg that he "didn't know why she bothered" to apply and dress up because of her disability. "I'm glad we didn't pick him then!" John James said.

Would you really want him to win?
Even judging him as a housemate, he has insulted and targetted Josie from the moment he entered. If he has done the same to Corin, there would be uproar!
Much like Ben was targeted and insulted on a daily basis for weeks on end,that was ok though after-all it was only Ben....I haven't at any stage condoned what he's said to Josie but do think they have issues with each other ,they both dislike each other,why? lord knows.
Reference: Lee
Much like Ben was targeted and insulted on a daily basis for weeks on end,that was ok though after-all it was only Ben....I haven't at any stage condoned what he's said to Josie but do think they have issues with each other ,they both dislike each other,why? lord knows.
Who targetted Ben, what was he targetted for and who said it was alright?
Reference: Lee
I thought you watched it all Blizzie,sorry my mistake.
I have!

I saw Shabby being a tit with him, and was on his side.

I saw Dave, Nathan and John James have problems accepting him giving his punishment to his friend Dave, and was on their side.

I saw Steve get annoyed with his views on the WW2, and was on Steve's side.

I saw Nathan having a politic discussion with him, and agreed with Nathan.

I saw Rachel being annoyed that he nicked her bed, and was on her side.

I saw Rachel being annoyed that she had thought he fancied her, but he dropped her like a hot potato, when Laura came in, and could see her point of view.

I saw Mario have various problems with him, and thought they were both as bad as eachother.

I saw all the blokes bantering with him, and Corin, on occasions, about his tendency to appropriate things for himself, and agreed with them.

None of that was quite the same as being called a tart, bitch, Miss Piggy and fake, and having goolies stuffed in your face, IMO.
None of that was quite the same as being called a tart, bitch, Miss Piggy and fake, and having goolies stuffed in your face, IMO.
Blizzie, I don't condone any of the above, including the Miss Piggy remark, but surely you could see that John James and Dave in particular, were Hell bent on giving Ben a hard time.
JJ was quite open about the fact that he targeted Ben, and even boasted he could goad Ben until he walked.
Who targetted Ben, what was he targetted for and who said it was alright?
Taking the side of Ben once, out of the 8 events you've listed, 
can also indicate your refusal to see Ben's side of each situation - despite there being more than one side to every story/argument/situation, because of your dislike for him. 
It also indicates that, you mostly agreed with their treatment of Ben and thought it "was alright".

This trend, can further suggest a bias on your part, by virtue of your pattern, Blizzie. 
I think most people would disagree with the derogatory name calling Sam is guilty of, 
however, because of your passionate support for Josie - Sam is now your new "Ben".
Reference: Yogi
Blizzie, I don't condone any of the above, including the Miss Piggy remark, but surely you could see that John James and Dave in particular, were Hell bent on giving Ben a hard time. JJ was quite open about the fact that he targeted Ben, and even boasted he could goad Ben until he walked.
I think Ben gave as good as he got, with John James.
His remarks about how unintelligent he was and about being (and looking) unemployed, were pretty nasty, and, tbf to John James, his arguments with Ben were about his attitude to team work, and not personal issues.

Dave and Ben were friends, and Dave, much as I dislike him, seemed to be pointing out the faults which could cause Ben problems with other people. I think Dave won the right to complain about Ben's behaviour, as soon as Ben chose him to do his punishment. I don't remember Ben ever seeing how wrong he had been there. Did he ever admit that he had been wrong?

I'm still not sure how any of this has anything to do with Sam deliberately targetting Josie, from the moment he entered, or even in lockdown, where it appears to have started.
Reference: Sky
Taking the side of Ben once, out of the 8 events you've listed, can also indicate your refusal to see Ben's side of each situation - despite there being more than one side to every story/argument/situation, because of your dislike for him. It also indicates that, you mostly agreed with their treatment of Ben and thought it "was alright". This trend, can further suggest a bias on your part, by virtue of your pattern, Blizzie. I think most people would disagree with the derogatory name calling Sam is guilty of, however, because of your passionate support for Josie - Sam is now your new "Ben".
It could also be seen as me looking at each incident and making my own mind up on each incident.
The reason I came to dislike Ben was to do with his actions and words in the house.
That can be called my 'pattern', if you like, as it is how I judge housemates and always have done.

I should have mentioned that I thought the 'keeping Ben awake' game, was the worst thing that happened to him, in there, and I never agreed with that.

Maybe, the bias lies elsewhere on this forum?
Taking the side of Ben once, out of the 8 events you've listed, can also indicate your refusal to see Ben's side of each situation - despite there being more than one side to every story/argument/situation, because of your dislike for him. It also indicates that, you mostly agreed with their treatment of Ben and thought it "was alright". This trend, can further suggest a bias on your part, by virtue of your pattern, Blizzie. I think most people would disagree with the derogatory name calling Sam is guilty of, however, because of your passionate support for Josie - Sam is now your new "Ben".
well actually you can turn that on its head too, for all those who supported ben failing the see the point any other hm was making, instead just putting it down to bullying
Reference: Yogi
Blizzie, I think what this comes down to is people watching the same thing but seeing it in completely different ways. The world would be a pretty dull place if we all liked the same things and the same people.

The problem is, it seems that because I disliked Ben, I am not allowed to complain about anything that happens to Josie!

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