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I know alot of folks disagree with them and the Government knowing everything about you etc, but i'm actually seriously considering getting one.

They are £30 at the moment and last for 10 years and can be used as a passport to travel to lots of European countries, Spain, France and other places I visit.

My passport will expire in about 12 months and will cost me the best part of £100 to re-new. As long as i have  held a valid UK passport on or after 1st January 2009 and live or work in North West England , I can get one..alot cheaper than renewing my Passport.

I have mixed feeling about this as this government aren't even fit to wipe their own backsides, let alone keep details secret....but the cost of it is rather tempting.

If I got one now, i could test it this year when (if) I go away, and I'll still have my passport as backup. What do you think?

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No, I'm not having one. I'd rather go to jail. Seriously. The government already has everything it needs to know about me, from existing documentation. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for more of it.
I think we should resist this idea at all costs. The current lot may say they have no sinister plans, but once the mechanism is in place, who's to say what use any future governments would put it to?
I can envisage a future where you can't freely walk around without being asked to "show your papers" - and that's not what our granddads fought Hitler for, is it?
Also, with the current security issues with air travel, i have no doubt we will be forced to have them soon
This is a red herring though. The 9/11 bombers all carried valid ID - having it wouldn't stop anyone blowing up a plane.
When you put it like that Deman, I have reconsidered. you are of course right, and the 'cheap' offer is just a way of getting us to sign up i guess.

You have completely changed my mind, and i am more than willing to pay the extra to renew my Passport after reading your post, I'll start saving
The Devil In Diamante
As long as i have held a valid UK passport on or after 1st January 2009 and live or work in North West England , I can get one
Does it only apply to the North? I haven't heard of it here.
Wow.. I can't even normally get a hamster to listen to me!
;laugh: I hear you Deman, I hear you and you actually made sense for once (only kidding)....really, i was just thinking about the money side and not the overall picture
The Devil In Diamante
Pfft - I need to renew 4 adult and 1 child passport this year. I might have considered it just to save that amount of money
Tempting isn't it Rexi Blimey, you'll need to re-mortgage your house to pay for those
The Devil In Diamante
I've never travelled, so haven't got a passport  Would it cost me more than £30 when the time comes to actually get one I wonder  (I'm in the North East)
Triple that onetoo, bloody expensive it is
The Devil In Diamante
Would it cost me more than £30
It's 77.50 for a full uk passport.

Actually, I have always been against ID cards but we will eventually have to have them. If I lived in the NE I'd take advantage of this offer. As Deman says, they have the info anyway.

The one thing they won't ever get from me is my DNA
Oh hell Did's  I may be applying when I'm able to then
It's a rip off onetoo, but something we must have if we wish to travel abroad **sigh**...I wouldn't apply for one just to have one or if i'm you're not planning on travelling's a waste of money if you have no immediate travel plans
The Devil In Diamante
The one thing they won't ever get from me is my DNA
Yes, I can see your point there. Who knows, if it gets into the wrong hands these days someone will learn how to copy it
Actually, I have always been against ID cards but we will eventually have to have them
No, we won't. The only way they'll be imposed on us is if people just sleepwalk compliantly into it, without protesting. We don't want them, we don't need them and there are enough of us against them to stop it happening. Don't be fooled.
s a rip off onetoo, but something we must have if we wish to travel abroad **sigh**...I wouldn't apply for one just to have one or if i'm you're not planning on travelling's a waste of money if you have no immediate travel plans
I just was thinking, it's better than £77.50 or even triple £30.  The government get enough money out of us in taxes and stuff so I begrudge paying them any more than I have to
Don't be fooled
I'd like to believe that were true, but other than the poll tax I can't think of a time recently when the people rose against the machine. We let them take away our free dental treatment, our free eye tests - hell, I am now having to pay hundreds of pounds for my 15 year old daughter's orthodontic treatment as it isn't available on the national health.

I hope that we resist it enough so that it doesn't become the norm that they give the details to some office junior to lose on the London Underground ... but I feel certain that one day we will have to do it
The only way they'll be imposed on us is if people just sleepwalk compliantly into it, without protesting.
They're using the low price to get people to do just that Then they can say ooohh look, people want them, lets roll them out to all the proles
They're using the low price to get people to do just that Then they can say ooohh look, people want them, lets roll them out to all the proles
Ah, good point Saz. I hadn't looked at it like that before
I just was thinking, it's better than £77.50 or even triple £30.  The government get enough money out of us in taxes and stuff so I begrudge paying them any more than I have to
There can be hidden costs as well, say your GP or a professional body signs for you, they COULD charge about a tenner (mine didn't as was lovely), also, you can get it checked at the Post Office before it's sent off to make sure everything is filled in correctly and the photos are acceptable (about a fiver for pics) etc, they charge for that.....then, if i remember correctly, they assk you to send extra to pay for the Special Delivery charge to send it to you etc, it'll probably end up costin ALOT more than £77.50, more like £90 to £100 when alls done
The Devil In Diamante
, and one more thing. Should you be thinking of applying, leave a couple of months as they inevitably get 'bogged down' with applications, send your photos back as unacceptable because you have a hair out of place, the passport office are completely incompetant (sp), as are most Government Agencies
The Devil In Diamante
By the way, I wasn't just thinking of travel  I was just thinking in case of the government steamrollering us into having know how they ride roughshod over us all
One thing to remember if you are considering getting an ID card: your personal details will be on the National Register, and it is your responsibility to keep them up-to-date. This will be a life-long legal requirement (or at least until a future government scraps the database...) and if you fail to inform the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) of, say, a change of address, you will be liable for a fine of up to £1000.
[The IPS are currently saying that you will only be fined if you deliberately withhold changes in details, but we'll just have to wait and see how that pans-out in practice...]
Eugene's Lair
I just thought of another example of how we sleepwalked compliantly, without protesting into something. Rubbish collections - did anyone really want fortnightly rubbish collections? I've never met anyone, except local councillors, who think it is a good idea

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