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IBS can stand for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Moomin...... basically your bowels don't work like they should, in that you can feel bloated, constipated,  or may need to run to the loo in a hurry. I think there are different degrees of it, from being a mild inconvenience, to being quite debilitating.... but there is lots on the net about it, and I believe , support forums
IBS is an 'umbrella' term.  That's what our consultant told my husband.
It's hard to pinpoint as some foodstuffs aren't often the usual suspects.

Brasil nuts, raw veg - especially cauliflower and brocolli eaten in small amounts during the day, worked extremely well for my hubby.  And bizarrely, the powdered satchets of Fibregel.  These all help to settle the gut.

If you experience stomach upsets for a long period of time, you can ask for a colonoscopy.  Very often, the irritation can lead to 'grazing' internally and/or polyps can form, causing MORE becomes a vicious circle.

It's also worth checking that it's not coeliac disease, as the symptoms can be similar in some cases.
Have you got it Moomin
I'm not sure - I was talking to someone recently who did, and their symptoms sounded similar. I can't pinpoint anything I eat though, and it is not severe, just occasional bouts. I can't really call it diahorrea (sp?) as I only go the once, but I am having loose stools more often than I used to, and I usually get a cramp just before as a sign. I should go to the doctor really, but I don't like the sound of the tests

 I have had that many tests in my lifetime, all of them horrid that I can't face any more. I also had my gall bladder removed about 14 years ago, and some of the symptoms are quite similar to that.
i suffer with it quite badly, like queenie i monitor it myself now, the pain and bloating can be so bad at times, you feel like curling up in a ball  mine is caused mainly by certain foods which i try to avoid, but they tend to be the things i like  worrying about things is also a cause and having to know where a toilet is when you go anywhere can be a pain
my OH suffers with it really badly. He has had it for 4-5 years now & he takes medication for it daily. It is not set off by foods or stress or anything really. Sometimes I find him moaning, laying face down on the floor in pain. If we go anywhere we have to make sure we know where all the toilet stops are. Takes a lot of work but not much else he can do.

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