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The BB family does seem rather incestuous doesn't it?
Very.  Her and Nikki fell out over some bloke, Imogen and some other ex BB girl also fell out over a footballer.

To give Chantelle her due she did say some of the fellas had just been dates and/or kissing and not actually sleeping with them...but yeah, there's a lot of swapping going on.

Alex used to live with Mel, I read Nick had a few BB women...Justine was one and I think Mel may have been another.  Mind you Mel snogged 3 fellas just while she was in the house

That's aside from the well publicised ones like Tom and Claire, Sophie and Lee etc...
Soozy that's an outrageous thread to start. What makes you think she 'had' them? She was married to Preston, she said herself there was nothing between her and the other two. Very low blow.
That's 3 more BB fellas than most of us have kissed, to be fair   And I do like Chantelle...(I'm gerrin reet bored with these disclaimers)
Disclaimers are for people who know they're saying something wrong before they start, which doesn't include you at all
Ah, why thank you

I bet there is more juicy goss that none of us will ever know.  I recall reading a blind item on (I think) Popbitch that some ex gay BB HM had flirted so much in the DR (not shown) with one of the gay producers that they ended up getting jiggy at the wrap party.  Not sure if the blind was ever revealed.
I bet there is more juicy goss that none of us will ever know. I recall reading a blind item on (I think) Popbitch that some ex gay BB HM had flirted so much in the DR (not shown) with one of the gay producers that they ended up getting jiggy at the wrap party. Not sure if the blind was ever revealed.

Well that's most of them! Gie's  a clue.
It's early days yet and I'm still counting but it does seem that whenever a name is mentioned Chantelle say's ............oh yeah - I've been out with him
I'm going to assume, just as I assume when FM's slate HM's for their weight, their personality, their beliefs etc, that you yourself are a lily-white virgin with front cover model looks who lives her life by the very and absolute word of the bible?

Am I right? I'm very impressed Soozy, go tear them apart at will
They have spent the whole time name dropping and telling stories about other Housemates. Wonder if they have been told to talk about them so they will all be remembered.
Nah, it only dips if it's anything potentially libellous. Stuff about non-celebs are rarely heard being talked about, but cos some of the stuff they talk about re other celebs would already have been publicised somewhere and it's nothing that could have Endemol dragged to court that's why you hear certain snippets.
I'm going to assume, just as I assume when FM's slate HM's for their weight, their personality, their beliefs etc, that you yourself are a lily-white virgin with front cover model looks who lives her life by the very and absolute word of the bible?
Now why on earth would you assume that?

I've seen you be very forceful in expressing your views .................why should I not do the same.
I don't see this as particularly offensive ............what's your problem with me?
Soozy Woo
what's your problem with me?
I don't have a problem with you, but if you're going to attack Chantelle for dating a couple of guys after her husband left her high and dry maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're the paragon of virtue you consider yourself to be to take someone down in that way. She's the only genuinely nice person in the house. You could find much more deserving targets, in my humble opinion of course.
I don't have a problem with you, but if you're going to attack Chantelle for dating a couple of guys after her husband left her high and dry maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're the paragon of virtue
Was I attacking her? I simply asked how many BB men she'd had or been out with. I'm curious as it seems to be a very exclusive club where they all know each other.

You constantly attack me for going into threads and disagreeing ......................I can't even start a bloody thread without you having a pop!

I was not attacking at all ..............see it as you will.
Soozy Woo
For me, I just find it interesting how incestuous it all school or something.  I wonder if a shared experience is attractive, even with HMs from different years.  They are the only ones who will know what the entire experience is like...from the house to the whirlwind afterwards.

Or *pops cynical head on* are 2 BB HMs worth more than 1?

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