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~Not to mention horney so i did something really stupid! I txt an ex to ask if they fancied meeting up for a bit of sexy time. I dont even like this guy but i knew he would be well up for it. He certainly managed to piss on my bonfire! he txt back and i quote "Na tar, iv got a bird now" NOT EVEN A KISS AT THE END! Felt like such a dick. But on the up side i managed to accidently pull 4 lads although i turned them all down on there offers of dates but it did my ego  some good

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You need to get yourself a decent booty call sorted.

Criteria for booty call:

Not a boyfriend, or anyone elses boyfriend  (though helps if they'd like to be your boyfriend)
Have their own place (you have to be able to go to theirs... so you can leave, & so they don't try & get their feet under your table)
Good sex

Top Tip - Don't booty call em too often... &  Don't eventually decide to 'make a go of it' & then go out with the booty call.   It will only disappoint!
There are plenty of people i could call on if i decided i wanted it but i decided some years ago one night stands are not for me. I think i txt the ex coz its familiure but at the end of the day i just want to be someones girlfriend again, im good at that. I just need to find someone that i can see myself cuddling up with and falling in love with and fingers crossed they will want to cuddle up with and fall in love with me too. Sounds easy typing it. In practise its much more difficult
~Not to mention horney so i did something really stupid! I txt an ex to ask if they fancied meeting up for a bit of sexy time. I dont even like this guy but i knew he would be well up for it. He certainly managed to piss on my bonfire! he txt back and i quote "Na tar, iv got a bird now" NOT EVEN A KISS AT THE END! Felt like such a dick. But on the up side i managed to accidently pull 4 lads although i turned them all down on there offers of dates but it did my ego some good
Fab reply to what I seriously hope is a wind up thread....It is isn't it?
Even if it isn't a wind up thread whats the big deal? People are making out like Kelly is doing something wrong, bootycalls are very common and lets face it feeling horny is natural. Lots of people putting on holier than thou faces as far as I can see.

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