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Josie will act as if she's just heard one of her nearest and dearest have just died...

JJ2 will be cacking himself...

Monk Dave will "Come out! and declare his undying love for JJ1, before telling Josie,"This town ain't big enough for the both of us.... BITCH"

Corin will smoke five cigarettes all at the same time, whilst painting her nails and with smoke coming out of every orafice..

Andrew's glasses will steam up at thought of finally getting some alone time with Josie..

Mario will declare that he himself is an Extra Terrestrial..

Steve will walk to the bedroom..

Jo will whisper to herself gleefully, "Yeah Jog on Skippy"..

Rachel will confide to Monk Dave, that JJ1 was a player, and all the time he was fronting like he was with Josie, JJ1 and Rachel used to get it on in the nest in the garden..

Sam Pepper will be sitting some way away from the HM's observing ruefully...Whilst his hands form the pyramid of evil contemplation...whispering...Good, good,over and over...  to himself.

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OK: call me naive, but I really don't get why Rachel has remained favourite to go all week.
Yes, I agree she's loud and annoying, and yes, I appreciate that there's a tendency for the girl to go in BB evictions, but seriously: do the majority of the voting public (never mind the majority of viewers in general) really dislike her more that Dave? The mind boggles...
Eugene's Lair
OK: call me naive, but I really don't get why Rachel has remained favourite to go all week. Yes, I agree she's loud and annoying, and yes, I appreciate that there's a tendency for the girl to go in BB evictions, but seriously: do the majority of the voting public (never mind the majority of viewers in general) really dislike her more that Dave? The mind boggles..
Yeah, what you said.
Apart from being a "Human Megaphone", there is nothing bad about her
Okay it really must just be me. I don't get all this 'loud' stuff in reference to Rachel. I defer to the more informed opinions of the HM's who have to live with her but it seems to me viewers and HM's are just taking their word that she's annoyingly loud. Even if she is, is that any worse than Steve's snoring that keeps everyone awake?

Let's look at who she's up against. Is Rachel being loud worse than JJ's horrible sneering and nastiness towards anyone he thinks he can get away with it or Dave's despicable false religious persona that hides a very nasty individual beneath all the 'glory' drivel?

I think not. I'll be gutted if she goes to be honest and I don't particularly like her I don't have any real feelings towards her one way or the other.
Prom I suppose people find different things irritating...But I do agree with you regarding JJ1's behaviour, how anyone can find him acceptable over Rachel is beyond me, same applies to the mad Monk, in my view both Monk Dave and JJ1 should have been out on thier arses weeks ago, and in many ways both have spoilt my enjoyment of BB this year...I can't level the same accusation at Rachel.
Senora Reyes
Prom I suppose people find different things irritating
Yep, that's it Senora. The only time I got annoyed with her was when she did all that fake unrequited love stuff with Ben. I don't think she's a wrong 'un. Certainly no way in hell compared to the other two. Let's go back to our happy thoughts that JJ might be on his way out tomorrow 
I think the main reason for Rachel being nominated was she was too loud.
She prevented sleep at night.  (So does Dave as we know.)
But she doesn't learn.
I realise that she has not been told why she was nominated, but you might have thought she would have thought about it and worked it out.
But once again just now, she bellows across the bedroom, quite regardless of others.
Josie will act as if she's just heard one of her nearest and dearest have just died...JJ2 will be cacking himself...Monk Dave will "Come out! and declare his undying love for JJ1, before telling Josie,"This town ain't big enough for the both of us.... BITCH"Corin will smoke five cigarettes all at the same time, whilst painting her nails and with smoke coming out of every orafice..Andrew's glasses will steam up at thought of finally getting some alone time with Josie..Mario will declare that he himself is an Extra Terrestrial..Steve will walk to the bedroom..Jo will whisper to herself gleefully, "Yeah Jog on Skippy"..Rachel will confide to Monk Dave, that JJ1 was a player, and all the time he was fronting like he was with Josie, JJ1 and Rachel used to get it on in the nest in the garden..Sam Pepper will be sitting some way away from the HM's observing ruefully...Whilst his hands form the pyramid of evil contemplation...whispering...Good, good,over and over...  to himself.
Yes yes yes - good work Senora   It aint gonna happen but it would be good

As much as i detest Dave i think JJ going would really shake the house up, if he doesnt go tonight i fear he may win BB Although at the mo its looks like Rachel is going, that wont change the house much, although it will be quieter !!
Somehow I get the feeling that John James has thrown one too many strops in the DR.  I hear (although I haven't yet watched it) that they did him a quite cutting edit on the H/L's last night. I am just hoping, against hope let's face it, that even the production team are getting a bit tired of him.  Did you read that bit about Charlie from last year and his Nana performances in the DR nightly?  The production team had to sit through them and Charlie thought he was the star but they didn't show one of them as they all hated him.

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