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Zazz...I like Loki. It sounds naughty. 


Now then have they FULL names? We have:


Miss Roxie Schnickle Bean aka Princess Bean aka Beany aka Roxie...

Mr Giacomo Tubbs aka Momo aka Doofus

Miss Jessica Bean aka DeeDee aka Deeds.


Most commonly Mo, Beany and Deeds. As you can see it's a lot more complicated than it looks and that's even without having to decide what bath gel they prefer....

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

My niece and her partner have a beautiful Bengal kitten called Hugo,he's getting bigger now,nearly four months old.They are "talkative" and very active.



He's bigger now, that photo is a month old.

Awww gawjuss, We were watching some you tube vids on Bengals talking and in funny!!!

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I think i may have mug tattooed across my forehead


but they is loverley ikkle fings and im quite excited They are going to be the most pampered and spoiled kittens in the world, there is already plans for a custom built cat cottage complete with a climbing tree

There's nothing wrong with a bit of pampering, Gyps.

My dog has more toys than the local playgroup.

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I think i may have mug tattooed across my forehead


but they is loverley ikkle fings and im quite excited They are going to be the most pampered and spoiled kittens in the world, there is already plans for a custom built cat cottage complete with a climbing tree

They'll still prefer sleeping on your nice new clean washing though 


We lost our cat Pilchard last year, he got hit on our road would love another but wont risk it until we move perhaps to a quieter road, he was profoundly deaf i might add ( from birth) we didnt realise at first but when he sat watching the fireworks on the patio table without flinching, just gazing it became fairly obvious! He had a meow like a roar because he couldnt hear himself, awww i miss him again now, he was very famous in our road, we did attempt to keep him in when he was confirmed deaf by the vet but he freaked out even breaking a window in his attempts to get out so we just took the risk, he had 7 lovely years where he ruled the roost even the dog had a very healthy respect for him but it was kind of inevitable he would have been miserable couped up in doors


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