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Well not very hard.


But I have, honest.


It's just not working, he's a plank.I know the others pick on him and he is quite good at not being concerned about that, which is why I some times like him, but all in all he doesn't have a lot to recommend him, does he?, apart from being  the victim of people who are more unlikeable than he is?


That's about it, for his popularity, he's not as horrible as the rest?

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I like him more than Gina but I think he will end up ruining his own chances of wining, we must not be seeing a lot of what he's doing as nearly all the house call him sneaky yet we like him I think the problem is he's trying to hard to fit in and give his "advice" and the others think he's showing off, his other problem is he's showing his game plan to easily and the other's have sussed him, I don't think he's bad guy though 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

In the house I think he's massively misunderstood - hardly surprising as I really and truly can't work him out. Is he a bit of a sad, vulnerable lonely guy or is he a MASSIVE game player I really don't know.


I think he's the making of this years BB though

I can agree with that, although I think he is seen as making she the show because of how others react to him , rather than him being entertaining, which he may be but we don't get to see it.


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

In the house I think he's massively misunderstood - hardly surprising as I really and truly can't work him out. Is he a bit of a sad, vulnerable lonely guy or is he a MASSIVE game player I really don't know.


I think he's the making of this years BB though

I'd say both Soozy.....can't bear him


I just watched yesterdays episode, I'd already read the hoohaah over Charlie and Hazel bitching about him.


I can see why Charlie is like she is with him,I'd be wary too , she thinks he's trying to use her ,playing to her emotions for  his own reasons, I'm really pleased that she has more about her than to fall for it.


Dexter is trying to do to her what Hazel is , successfully doing to Daley ,and Daley is so thick and arrogant, he's falling for it,Hazel is altogether better equipped for it though...


Sneaky snake, haha.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Thing is JB that wasn't a very accurate edit of what we saw on LF ! What went before that was about 20 minutes of Charlie ranting on and dripping poison into Hazel and Daley's ears ! But what it did do was remind me how manipulative the HL show is

Yes I gathered that it wasn't a fair representation of what went before, but I can  see why she'd be like that,  being told with a sincere gaze that you are fancied and that any relationship should continue after the show, and you have now foresworn all others because your life before was meaningless...


I don't believe him either, nor do most of this forum, I'd be pissed off if some one set out to mess with me like that, all for the sake of a game.


I didn't say I believed him either JB . He's a player , and so far he's been a good one The point I was making was that for their own ends BB had edited out Charlie's part in it all ! Plus , if she feels like that about him then why was she happy enough to jump into bed with him ...double standards methinks ! Plus I get heartily sick of everything being portrayed as Dexter's fault . What he told Hazel and Daley about their how their * relationship * would be perceived was correct ...and both of them were happy enough to take that on board until Charlie started her tirade !




"I try to like Dexter" by Jacksonb.


Where do I start with this one? Well I will say I am not a Dexter fan, I have not liked him since day one and my opinion has not changed throughout the show. Dexter is a player, he is using gameplay to try to get what he wants and that is to win, despite what he says I believe he would love more than anything to win the show. I see through Dexter and he is no different to a number of housemates. I would include Callum and Daley in that list of male HM's who are playing games (not well enough for us not to see it).


I'm not sure why most of the forum members seem to be blinded by Dexter, he almost seems to be able to do no wrong. A recent scene where Dan and Dexter were discussing Callum, Dan was called the bitchy gossip, but not Dexter, whom contributed his two cents and elaborated on some of the points. Everyone seemed to conveniently miss that, but Dexter was and is a bitchy HM.


I also don't see why Gina keep referring to Dexter as hilarious. I have not seen him be funny once. Gina must experience this when they are one on one. Dexter is no comedian, something the house is lacking this year.


But one thing I think became clear to Dexter is that BB is a great leveller. He does not have his money to buy friends in here (or women), he has to do it the hard way and I don't think he has the personality and depth of character to develop friends this way.


I still think Dexter is sly, cold can be detached and he is a player, not a good one in my opinion because I see it and it should not be readily apparent if you are a good game player.


The best game player is Sophie - she is an evil cah and will slip under the radar !!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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